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fsxNet History

This page displays the contents of a file called history.txt in the fsxNet Infopack.

The page is updated whenever a fsxNet Infopack is hatched out to to all BBS nodes connected to the FSX_INFO file base. This occurs weekly (Friday morning New Zealand time) and whenever the Zone Coordinator (ZC) opts to send it.

            fsxNet - [F]un, [S]imple, e[X]perimental Network
                       ==== History of fsxNet ====
fsxNet is a fun, simple and experimental network established in late 2015
This document contains a full rolling log of changes made to fsxNet. 
It is saved as history.txt and ships as part of the weekly infopack hatched
out to all fsxNet nodes. If you spot anything amiss please contact Paul
Hayton at 21:1/101 or email him at avon@bbs.nz :)
== ChangeLog ================================================================
Updated Node 2/153 Cw Shack BBS (USA) domain name has been updated to 
                 bbs.kf4yey.com the nodelist and systems.txt has been 
Added Node 1/249 Air & Wave BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Daniel Traechin aka
                 calcmandan who is running Mystic BBS software. calcmandan is
                 based in Rancho Cordova, CA and you can reach his system by
                 pointing your Telnet software to bbs.airandwave.net:2323
                 Welcome aboard calcmandan nice to have you as a member of 
                 our community :)
Removed Node 4/185 Slinky's Place BBS (USA) Steven advises his system has
             closed down.
The following NET 4 nodes have been removed due to inactivity 45+ days:
Removed Node 4/112 Setec Astronomy   
Removed Node 4/114 Reisub BBS   
Removed Node 4/174 Exoplanet BBS 
Further tidy ups of NET 4 and others to follow.
NET 3 recent additions. Playing catch up with records here. Here's a list
of nodes added since 1 October 2024.
* 21:3/199.0 - Sarah Proctor (4d2 dot org) from Portland, Oregon, USA.
               Address registered: 2024-12-04
             - BBS is available TELNET [bbs.4d2.org:23]
             - Mail can be sent using:
               * BINKP [bbs.4d2.org:24554]
* 21:3/198.0 - Don Stratton (DelawareBBS) from Newark,DE.
               Address registered: 2024-12-04
             - BBS is available TELNET [delawarebbs.com:23]
             - Mail can be sent using:
               * BINKP [delawarebbs.com:24554]
               * EMSI [delawarebbs.com:60179]
* 21:3/197.0 - Andrew Pamment (Bloodlust) from Toowoomba QLD, AU.
               Address registered: 2024-12-02
             - BBS is available TELNET [bloodlust.envybbs.org:2023]
             - Mail can be sent using:
               * BINKP [bloodlust.envybbs.org:24556]
* 21:3/196.0 - Jerry Reed (Mystic A-Net Online) from Woodstock GA USA.
               Address registered: 2024-10-29
             - BBS is available TELNET [mystic.a-net-online.lol:23]
             - Mail can be sent using:
               * BINKP [mystic.a-net-online.lol:24554]
* 21:3/195.0 - Paul Jones (13 Leader) from Vineland Ont Canada.
               Address registered: 2024-10-29
             - BBS is available TELNET [13leader.net:8023]
             - No mailer information provided, so will be PRIVATE
* 21:3/194.0 - Mike Dreier (Maiks Place BBS) from Neunkirch, CHE.
               Address registered: 2024-10-28
             - BBS is available TELNET [bbs.maik.ch:2323]
             - No mailer information provided, so will be PRIVATE
* 21:3/193.0 - Erik Eriksen (NE BBS) from Long Island, USA.
               Address registered: 2024-10-27
             - BBS is available TELNET [nebbs.servehttp.com:9223]
             - Mail can be sent using:
               * BINKP [nebbs.servehttp.com:24554]
* 21:3/192.0 - David DeWell (PsyControl) from Watauga, TX.
               Address registered: 2024-10-25
             - BBS is available TELNET [psycontrolbbs.com:24500]
             - Mail can be sent using:
               * BINKP [psycontrolbbs.com:24554]
* 21:3/189.0 - Jerry Reed (A-Net Online BBSs) from Woodstock, USA.
               Address registered: 2024-10-16
             - BBS is available TELNET [a-net-online.lol:23]
             - Mail can be sent using:
               * BINKP [a-net-online.lol:24554]
               * EMSI [a-net-online.lol:60179]
* 21:3/188.0 - David Gonzalez (SkyNet BBS) from Medellin, Colombia.
               Address registered: 2024-10-16
             - BBS is available TELNET [bbs.skynetbbs.com:20023]
             - Mail can be sent using:
               * BINKP [bbs.skynetbbs.com:24554]
First up, my apologies for the break in usual service. The last few months
have been busy supporting family after my mother passed away during this
time. The BBSing hobby understandably took a back seat.
I'm now circling back to the hobby and starting to re-engage with it. To 
that end I now adding nodes to fsxNet that have been waiting to be added.
My thanks to Deon and Todd in NET's 3 and 2 respectively for their help and 
support to keep things rolling along, new nodes added etc. as I start to 
play catch-up on overdue tasks.  ~~ Avon.
Added Node 2/155 Dark Matter BBS (USA) based in Kurten, TX please welcome 
                 sysop Will Milberger aka Grease. Running a Synchronet BBS
                 you can find his system at darkmatt.synchro.net
Added Node 2/160 Old Time BBS (USA) hailing from Rochester, NY please say
                 hi to sysop Jeremy Brown aka Prof Brown. Running a Mystic
                 BBS the system can be found at oldtimebbs.com and on the
                 web at the same address.
Added Node 1/247 RayzerNET BBS (USA) say hi to sysop Jonathan Hohimer aka
                 Rayzer who is based in Russellville, Kentucky. Running a 
                 Mystic BBS you can reach the BBS via telnet at 
                 connect.rayzer.net:2112 or use port 3113 for SSH.
                 Nice to have you as a member of our online community Rayzer.
Added Node 1/248 lopht BBS (USA) Mitch aka Scuz is running a Mystic instance
                 and you can find it at lopht.hexedbbs.com:1337
I have made a change to the info in fsxnet.txt that preceds the application 
form. It's an overdue update to IP details for allowlist.txt
If you are running Mystic BBS please add the IP address and
2407:8b00:1169:900::100 to the allowlist.txt file in your Mystic BBS data 
directory. These are the known IP addresses for the fsxNet HUB in NET1 and
NET 4. You may want to add further addresses for other HUBs you connect to in
fsxNet (or othernets / bbs systems) also. You can access this feature via
a text editor from the Mystic configuration menus by typing 
MYSTIC -CFG > Servers > Edit IP Allowlist
Added Node 4/111 The Arena BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Randall Schad aka
                 Reverend Shaft who is based in Defiance, OH. Running a 
                 Mystic BBS you can reach his system at netasylum.com:2323
                 Welcome to fsxNet Randall :)
Added Node 4/112 Setec Astronomy BBS (USA) please say hi to sysop Steve Beach
                 aka Flynn who hails from Roseville. Running a Synchronet BBS
                 you'll reach his system at bbs.mottonecessary.com:2323 or if
                 you're after SSH use port 2922 - welcome Steve :) 
NET 4 housekeeping is underway and we're working to prune inactive nodes
that have not collected packets / files for 45+ days
102 Legends of Yesteryear   Dallas Vinson      furmenservices.net:23232
149 UAT_SOC BBS             Aaron Jones        uatsoc.fsxnet.nz:8889
156 The Rock BBS III        Michael Batts      therockbbs.net:10023
Updated Node 1/246 Cabana Bar BBS (USA) is now operating on port 11123
                 systems.txt has been updated
Added Node 1/244 HeXeD BBS (USA) welcome Mitch Greive aka Scuz :) Running
                 OBLiViON/2 you can reach the BBS at hexedbbs.com:23999 
                 Great to see you up and running with OBLiViON/2 Scuz
                 well done :)
Updated Node 1/180 The Lair of the Wolverine BBS (USA) has a new domain
                 name bbs.theshardforge.cc the BBS is now running WWIV.
Added Node 1/245 GeoSync BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Claude Mercy aka
                 SYS74738 who is based in Texarkana. Running Synchronet 
                 BBS you can reach his system by heading to either
                 geo.synchro.net:1023 for telnet or for SSH use port
                 1022 - welcome Claude :)
Added Node 1/246 Cabana Bar BBS (USA) please also welcome aboard sysop
                 Matt Webster aka Matty who is based in Glastonbury, CT
                 Running a Mystic BBS you can reach his system by 
                 heading to bbs.cabanabar.net great to have you as a 
                 member of fsxNet Matty :)
There has been a league wide reset of all inter-bbs games in fsxNet
This covers BRE, For Honour and Galactic Dynasty. Please check for
updated in FSX_GEN or FSX_NET and ensure your Game ID for GD and FH is
now 106 - thanks :)
Added Node 4/141 Constructive Chaos (USA) the BBS has restarted. Welcome 
                 back Craig :) Address remains conchaos.synchro.net
Added Node 1/239 Uncomfortable Business (USA) welcome to sysop Cashan Stine
                 aka schizo whos is based in Dallas, TX and is running a
                 Telegard BBS. Visit the BBS by heading to
Added Node 1/240 PrimeNet BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Craig Barnett aka 
                 NYTRO. Based in Kingman, AZ and running Synchronet BBS you
                 can reach his system by visiting primenet.sychro.net               
Added Node 1/241 Local Yocal BBS (USA) hi and welcome to Mark Meserve aka 
                 Weed Hopper who is sysop of a Synchronet powered BBS based 
                 in Clearwater, FL.You can reach the system at 
Added Node 1/242 Rick's BBS (USA) also a warm welcome to sysop Ricky Sutphin
                 aka rixter who hails from North Carolina. Running a 
                 Synchronet BBS you can check out his system at
Adde Node 1/243  Galaxy BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Thomas Mccaffery  who 
                 hails from Livingston, NJ. Running a Synchronet BBS you can
                 visit his BBS by heading to galaxybbs.net ... welcome to
                 fsxNet Thomas :)
Added Node 4/104 Sweden Gigabyte BBS (SWE) welcome to sysop Peter Nilsson 
                 aka fir3fox. Based in Mora the BBS can be reached at 
                 bbs.gigabite.se using the standard telnet and ssh ports.
                 Welcome to fsxNet fir3fox :)
Added Node 4/110 NetPoint (ITA) based in Rome please welcome sysop
                 Alessio Tempesta aka 2pring7rap who is setting up a 
                 Synchronet BBS. You can connect to the system by heading to
                 netpoint.webhop.me and use port 23 or 22 for telnet and ssh
                 Welcome 2pring7rap :)
Added Node 1/235 Va2rfc BBS (CAN) please welcome sysop Richard Murray aka
                 rmurray who is setting up a Mystic BBS under Raspbian 
                 You can visit his system at va2rfcbbs.photorm.net
                 Welcome to the BBS scene and fsxNet Richard :)
Added Node 4/101 Back to the Future BBS (USA) welcome back to Bill Simon 
                 aka Outatime who hails from Pennsylvania and is running a 
                 WWIV system under Linux. You can find Outatime's system at 
Updated Node 1/138 4WheelHam BBS (USA) W7JPJ advises a new domain name for
                 his BBS. You can head to bbs.4wheelham.com now using port
                 23 instead of 2323 .. systems.txt and nodelist have been 
Added Node 1/234 Rise n' Shine BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Rob Olsen aka
                 smooth0401 .. based in New Providence, NJ and running a
                 Synchronet BBS you can reach the BBS by heading to
                 bbs.risenshinebbs.com .. weclome Rob thanks for your
                 interest in fsxNet and I hope you have fun with the 
                 BBS hobby :)                 
Added Node 1/193 Dundarach BBS (GBR) please welcome returning sysop Chris
                 Jennings aka Dundarach. Running Mystic BBS on his Rpi 
                 Dundarach is back into the BBS scene after 30+ years
                 and Compunet before that. You can visit his system by 
                 heading to dundarach.tplinkdns.com .. Welcome back to 
                 the BBS community Chris it's great to have you as a 
                 member of the fsxNet community :)
Added Node 3/136 Mind's Eye BBS (AUS) welcome back to Tom Aberdeen aka
                 Randers. Running a Synchronet BBS you can see it by 
                 visiting mindseye.synchronetbbs.org 
Added Node 4/142 Off the Wall BBS (USA) welcome back to Robert Stinnett aka
                 dmxrob, based in St. Peters, Missouri dmxrob runs a WWIV
                 BBS under CentOS. You can reach the system at
Added Node 1/197 Mystic River BBS (USA) welcome back Ricky DeLuco aka Argos
                 with a new BBS you can visit at mysticriver.ddns.net:10023
                 Nice to see you active in the BBS scene again Argos :)
Updated Node 1/107 The ByteXchange BBS has been marked as 'Down' in the 
Added Node 4/136 Total Lost BBS (SWE) welcome back to Dennis Eklund who is 
                 based in Harnosand. Dennis aka Total is running a Mystic 
                 BBS on his Raspberry Pi. The system can be reached at 
Updated Node 4/158 Space Junk! BBS (USA) j0hnny a1pha advises his system
                 has changed names, the new telnet address to connect to is
Added Node 1/182 Too Lazy BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Errol Casey aka
                 Amessyroom. Hailing from Fayetteville you can reach 
                 the BBS via toolazy.ddns.net:2323 or using SSH on port
                 2222. Great to have you as a member of fsxNet Errol :)
Added Node 4/158 R3TR0/X BBS (USA) welcome back to sysop Robbie Whiting aka
                 j0hnny a1pha. His system can be found at retrox.us:1992
Added Node 1/133 DJDave BBS (GBR) hi and welcome to sysop Dave Jordan aka
                 djdave. Based in  Suffolk and running a Mystic BBS you can
                 reach Dave's system by heading to bbs.djdave.uk:8088
                 Welcome to fsxNet Dave - nice to have you as a member of
                 our online community :)
Added Node 1/128 The Other Realm BBS (USA) welcome back to sysop Lawrence
                 Stockman aka Parcho who is based in Rockport, TX. Restarting
                 his Mystic BBS you can find it at theotherrealmbbs.com
Removed Node 1/182 Smuggler's Cove (AUS) has closed down. The node has been
Added Node 1/124 Who Dares Wins Amiga BBS (GBR) welcome to sysop Andrew
                 Ward aka Klunk who is based in Creswell, UK. Running a 
                 Mystic BBS under Windows 11 you can reach the BBS by 
                 telnet to whodareswinsbbs.uk - welcome Klunk :)
NET 4 housekeeping is now underway and we're pruning inactive nodes that
have not collected packets / files for 45+ days since the cutover to the new
Out of interest I took all the inactive nodes that the HUB had set to HOLD
and set CRASH status for them and four (4) nodes were on receive and did
accept all their held traffic... so that's something I guess but they are
clearly on auto pilot which is not great. Those were:
118 Bit's Lair BBS          Yeray Dorta         -- Private Node --
177 Alcoholiday BBS         Andy Haworth       alco.bbs.io
181 PlaneT Afr0 BBS         Jason Reznor       planetafr0.org:8888
187 Operation Ivy BBS       David Sachs        opivy-bbs.com
So for now the following nodes have been delisted with more to follow as 
I get to them:
101 Back to the Future      Bill Simon         bttfbbs.com
120 Deep Space Gateway      Sam Penwright      deepspacegateway.net
136 Total Lost BBS          Dennis Eklund      bbs.deek.se
139 Mythical Kingdom Tech   Mark May           bbs.mythicalkingdom.com
158 The Alpha Complex       Robbie Whiting     alphacomplex.us:2323
163 Jensencloud BBS         Pat Jensen         jensencloud.net
164 Fusion BBS              Chris Schneider    fusion.zapto.org
171 Star Frontiers BBS      William Williams   starfron.synchronetbbs.org
179 BBSing Canada           Darren Crawford    bbsing.ca
182 RedFrog BBS             Ergo Paalaman      redfrog.duckdns.org:2323
186 Excelsior BBS           M Christoffersen   awesome.fredslev.net:6969
Added Node 1/186 Disconnected by Peer BBS (AUT) welcome back sysop Mario
                 Fetka aka geos_one who hails from Graz in Austria. Mario is
                 running a Mystic BBS under Linux and you can reach the 
                 system at bbs.disconnected-by-peer.at via port 23 or 2222.
Added Node 1/201 Halcyon BBS (CAN) welcome to sysop Marc Mathieu aka Janus
                 Janus is running a Mystic system under Linux which is a 
                 private node. Welcome aboard Marc!
Added Node 1/225 DarkAges BBS (USA) also re-joining the fsxNet community 
                 say hi and welcome to Randy Henderson aka Gargoyle who is
                 located in Wayne, Oklahoma.  Gargoyle is running a 
                 Mystic BBS and you can reach him at darkagesbbs.com             
Added Node 1/228 SDF-1 BBS (CAN) Hi and welcome to Ray Slakinski aka 
                 Dreamchipper who runs a Mystic system based in Oakville.
                 You can visit it by heading to bbs.sdf1.net:5023 (telnet)
                 or use port 5022 for SSH. There's also as custom
                 fsxNet domain set up - sdf1.fsxnet.nz - Welcome 
                 Dreamchipper :)
Added Node 1/230 NerdRage BBS (CAN) welcome sysop Jim Howarth aka TheNerd
                 based in St Thomas,TheNerd is running Mystic and can be
                 found at nerdragebbs.ddns.net - welcome Jim :)
NET 1 + 4 housekeeping. A warning that in the near future I plan to remove
inactive nodes in both NETs. There's a number in NET 4 that have been MIA
since the cutover to the NET NET 4 HUB instance now 42 days ago at the time
of writing this. They are soon to reach the 45+ days inactive etc. cut off 
and time is not on their side it would seem.   
[time passes]
Have started work on NET 1 tidy up. The following NET 1 nodes have been
delisted due to inactivity of +45 days or more
1/124 EONA BBS           Noemi Abril        bbs.eona.cat:2600
1/128 Drakonai BBS       Audrius Puplinskas bbs.drakonai.lt
1/193 Darkstar BBS       Alexander Winkler  darkstar.bmxjo.org:2023 
1/197 Compufuck BBS      Aaron Thomas       cfbbs.fsxnet.nz
Added Node 2/107 Another F-ing BBS (USA) Gary is setting his system back up
                 The address will be anotherbbs.dynu.net:1337 welcome back
                 Gary :)
Added Node 1/146 Postbus 7 (NLD) welcome to sysop Floris van Unen who is 
                 based in Nieuw Vennep. Floris is running a private node
                 using fidian software. Welcome to fsxNet Floris :)
Added Node 1/150 Vintage Pi BBS (CAN) based in Vancouver please welcome
                 sysop Lloyd Alexandre. Lloyd is running Synchronet-Linux
                 v3.20a with SBBSecho and BinkIT. He can be reached at
                 vintagepi.asuscomm.com  - welcome to the community Lloyd :)
Added Node 1/180 Lair of the Wolverine (USA) welcome back to Kevin Taylor
                 aka Patch. Running WWIV the BBS can be reached by heading to
                 lotw.mywire.org:2323 or use port 22017 for SSH connects.
                 Nice to see you active again Patch, you've been missed! 
Updated Node 4/147 Aliens' Alcove BBS (PHL) Eric is rebuilding his system
                 the node is marked 'down' for now in the nodelist.
NET 4 HUB stats have been added to fsxnet.nz and the start of a tidy up of
inactive or closed down nodes begins.
Removed Node 4/110 BZ&BZ BBS (USA) sysop advises system has closed down. Node
                has been delisted.
Removed Node 4/141 Constructive Chaos (USA) the system has closed down. Node
                 has been delisted.             
The new NET 4 HUB stats are being set up to display each day on FSX_STA along
with the Stats section on fsxnet.nz  - keep an eye on both over the coming
days for new updates.
Added Node 1/144 The Titantic BBS Telnet (USA) welcome to sysop T.J. McMillen
                 aka Exodus. Based in New Derry, PA, Exodus is running 
                 Renegade BBS under DOS. If you're interested in Renegade 
                 T.J is your guy. His site hosts assorted releases and utils.
                 To visit the BBS head to ttb.rgbbs.info and for more info
                 about Renegade BBS, the history etc. visit the website
                 www.rgbbs.info ... welcome to fsxNet Exodus it's great to
                 have you as a member of our online community. :) 
The NET 4 fsxNet HUB has now moved to a different hosted system. DNS records
have been updated and all NET 4 nodes should be polling net4.fsxnet.nz:24560
Many thanks to Dan Richter for hosting and being NET 4 HUB admin for many
years. It's been really appreciated.
If you are a NET 4 node and having any issues polling to collect your
fsxNet packets / files please drop Avon a note avon@bbs.nz and he will be
in touch to help get you sorted out.
Added Node 3/137 Wicked Garden BBS (AUS) back from hiatus welcome back to
                 sysop Hung Tran aka hdt. Running a Mystic BBS you can
                 telent to wgbbs.ddns.net or SSH using port 2022
Added Node 1/222 X65.zone BBS (POL) welcome to sysop Tomaz Sterna aks smokku
                 who is based in Warsaw. smokku is running an Enigma 1/2 BBS
                 and you can reach his system by heading to 
                 bbs.x65.zone:8888 or use port 8889 for SSH.
                 Welcome to fsxNet smokku:)
Updated Node 1/159 Central Ontario Remote BBS has changed domain names the
                 new domain is centralontarioremote.net the nodelist and
                 systems.txt has been updated.
Updated Node 1/154 Queen City BBS (USA) is moving from Telnet port 23 to 
                 using port 607. systems.txt has been updated.
Updated Node 1/167 CyberBBS WHQ BBS (USA) has changed domain name to
                 cyberbbs.net the nodelist and systems.txt has been updated.                 
The following was sent as netmail to all NET 4 systems and also posted to
Hi there.
This note if to let you know that the NET 4 fsxNet HUB is shifting to a new
host at the end of this month. Many thanks to Dan Richter for hosting and 
being NET 4 HUB admin for many years. It's been very much appreciated.
As a NET 4 node please ensure you use the following domain name and port
set when you poll the NET 4 HUB (21:4/100) net4.fsxnet.nz:24560
On 31 March (New Zealand time) I will be updating the DNS records to point
to a new IP address for the new system hosting the NET 4 HUB. Your BinkD,
Areafix, Filefix passwords etc. will remain unchanged and should
work as they currently do.
After the change over has occurred the old HUB will be shutdown. If you 
have any questions please feel free to email me avon@bbs.nz
The following NET 1 nodes have been delisted due to inactivity 45+ days or
144 NorthSEA BBS            Torben Jensen      bbs.northsea.dk:8000
146 Digital Sanctuary BBS   Chris Hallford     digitalsanctuarybbs.com
150 Sotano Msx BBS          Pepe Diaz           -- Private Node --
180 The Realm of Serion BBS Rex Hondo          connect.serionbbs.com
186 Castle Rock BBS         Dan Richter        bbs.castlerockbbs.com
201 Decker's Heaven         Eric Renfro        bbs.deckersheaven.com
Updated Node 1/138 Lost Worlds BBS (USA) sysop John Julian aka W7JPJ advises
                 his BBS has changed names to 4WheelHam BBS. The nodelist has 
                 been updated as well as systems.txt
Added Node 1/215 Retro32 BBS (GBR) welcome to sysop Darren Kenney aka FuZioN
                 running a Mystic BBS based in Lincs you can reach the system
                 by heading to bbs.retro32.com:1337 or for more visit the
                 website www.retro32.com ... Great to have you as a member of
                 fsxNet FuZioN, thanks for your interest.
Did you know sometimes Avon sticks random musings into history.txt? Just how
and why this first began is a mystery. Some say it was due to a late night
attack of the munchies and whilst pondering jumping in the car to go get
some hot chips he decided he'd wait first for 5 mins to see if he was really
keen... and while killing time, he opted to pen this amazing update after
doing some BBSing and fsxNet admin. Not sure if this should stay in the
history.txt file... but it's true the guy was hungry at the time of writing
this ;-p 
Added Node 1/168 Wintermute BBS (GER) please say hi and give a warm welcome
                 to sysop Niels Haedecke who is based in Duesseldorf.
                 Running MBSE BBS (Linux) you can reach the BBS by heading
                 to wintermutebbs.ddns.net  - nice to have you as a member
                 of fsxNet Niels :)
Added Node 1/203 The Attic BBS (CAN) please give a big fsxNet welcome also
                 to sysop Sean Clarke aka Agent Orange who is based in 
                 Victoria, Canada. Sean is running a Synchronet powered BBS
                 under Linux. You can check it out by heading to
                 theattic.v1cd3m1z3r.net - great to have you as a member of
                 our online community Agent Orange :)
Added Node 1/165 The Grid BBS (USA) welcome to Joseph Bore aka flynn. The 
                 system is currently being set up so for now the node is
                 marked as private. Welcome flynn to fsxNet it's digital
                 jazz man :)
Added Node 1/161 The Phantom BBS (USA) a warm welcome to sysop 
                 Anthony Bonante aka Uber-Geek who is based in White Oak, PA.
                 Running a Mystic BBS on a Rpi you can visit his system by
                 heading to bbs.phantombbs.info - nice to have you as a 
                 member of fsxNet Uber-Geek welcome aboard :)
Added Node 1/162 Another Millennium BBS (CAN) welcome back to the scene 
                 sysop Chris Gerlinsky aka akacastor who returns to the
                 BBS scene for the first time since his Fidonet days in the
                 1990's. Running a Maximus BBS you can reach his system
                 by heading to another.tel  - Nice to have you back in the
                 world of BBSing again Chris :)
Added Node 2/129 Kuehlbox BBS (GER) welcome to sysop Philipp Giebel aka
                 stimpy who is based in Frankfurt. Running a Mystic BBS under
                 Linux you can reach the BBS by heading to kuehlbox.wtf
Removed Node 4/173 Ryan advises his Monterey BBS has now shutdown. The BBS
                 has been delisted.
Added Node 1/154 Queen City BBS (USA) a warm welcome to sysop Malachi Doane
                 aka N2QFD who is based in Elmira USA. Running a Mystic BBS
                 under Linux you can visit the BBS by pointing your terminal
                 client to queencitybbs.ddns.net - nice to have you as a 
                 member of our community N2QFD :)
Added Node 1/153 Spark BBS (BEL) please also welcome sysop Christian Vanguers
                 aka Error500 who is setting up his Enigma 1/2 BBS. The 
                 system will only be contactable via SSH and the address is
                 bbs.sparkbbs.eu:8889 welcome to fsxNet Error500 it's nice
                 to have you with us :)               
Avon discovers he's been noting dates below for 2024 as 2023. Duh! Last few 
entries updated. Remember when we used to have the same issue for the first
few weeks of the year writing new dates on cheques? :) I'm old. I even 
remember black and white TV. Eek!
Removed fsxqwk.zip from fsxNet infopack. The information re QWK access 
                 is dated so for now it has been removed from the infopack.
                 Work to offer a different QWK feed/option is envisaged.
                 More to come. 
Added Node 1/105 Alien Signals BBS (CAN) welcome back to returning sysop
                 Scott Carter. Scott is running a Mystic BBS under Linux
                 He's based in Dutton, Ontario and ready for your call :)
                 Head over to bbs.aliensignals.ca:8101 and say hi!
Updated Node 2/141 SiliconUnderground BBS (USA) has a new domain name.
                 The nodelist has been updated to use siliconu.com                
Added Node 1/193 Darkstar BBS (AUT) Welcome back from Vienna, Austria 
                 sysop Alexander Winkler.
Added Node 1/141 68k Mac Club (JPN) welcome to sysop Andrew Young aka Vaelen
                 based in Tokyo, Japan the BBS is running Subtext under Mac
                 OS. Head to bbs.m68k.club to check it out.
Added Node 1/144 NorthSEA BBS (DNK) welcome aboard to sysop Torben Jensen aka
                 Yakin. Running a Mystic BBS under Windows you can reach the
                 system by heading to bbs.northsea.dk:8000
Added Node 1/122 After Hours BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Greg Youngblood who
                 has spun up a BinkP connection to collect his fsxNet traffic
                 The BBS can be reached at ah-bbs.com:2333
Removed Node 1/203 Bullseye Shareware BBS. Robert advises he has closed his 
                 system down. The node has been delisted.
Removed Node 1/222 Tinys BBS II (CAN) Shawn advises this system has closed
                 and can be delisted.
"Ch-ch-Changes - Just gonna have to be a different one" David Bowie 1972
Happy New Year! Golly another year rolls by and assorted folks have come and
gone while new faces arrive with an interest in the BBSing hobby / retro tech.
Thanks for your continuing support of fsxNet. It's nice to see banter in the
various message areas and people helping each other out with questions about
BBS related stuff or other overlapping interests we share.
I hope the year ahead goes well for you. 
Best, Paul aka Avon.
Updated Node 1/200 This node has changed to Pharcyde HUB and system.txt and
                  the nodelist has been updated accordingly.
Added Node 1/700 The Pharcyde BBS (USA) has been assigned to this address.
Added Node 3/122 Final Zone BBS (USA) the BBS is back online again and has
                 been re-added to the nodelist.
Removed Node 3/167 VET BBS (USA) node has been inactive 45+ days with no 
                contact from sysop. The node has been delisted.
NET 1 housekeeping and a purge of inactive nodes. The following systems have
been delisted due to inactivity of circa 45+ days or more.
105 Fluph BBS               Leslie Given       
122 Necronomicon BBS        Carlos Roldan      
228 Vienna-Matrix BBS       Alexander Payer    
234 Crewmate's Test Lab     Mike Edwards       
235 ZorgluBBS               Pierre Pignon      
Added Node 1/180 The Realm of Serion BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Rex Hondo 
                 aka Booch who hails from Cloquet, MN. You can check out his
                 Synchronet powered BBS by heading to connect.serionbbs.com
                 or via serion.fsxnet.nz
Added Node 3/191 The Ruins BBS (USA) welcome back to  Doug Cooper and family 
                 and a warm welcome to sysop Jax who is running the system.
                 You can reach it at www.theunderground.us:9707 or for SSH
                 use port 9991
Removed Node 3/122 Final Zone BBS (USA) the system has been inactive for 
                 45+ days and there has been no response to hails from the
                 sysop. The node has been delisted.
Added Node 2/119 Digital Asylum BBS (ARG) welcome to sysop Damian Kleiman aka
                 Orphan. Based in Rosario, Argentina you can reach his Mystic
                 powered BBS by heading to bbs.digitalasylum.com.ar:2323
Updated Node 1/124 EONA BBS (ESP) the domain name for the BBS is now
                 bbs.eona.cat the nodelist has been updated.
Added Node 2/104 The Lake House (USA) welcome to sysop Chris Richardson aka
                No-Name who is based in Charlotte NC. Chris is running a 
                Synchronet BBS. You can reach his system by heading to
                lakehouse.lilpenguins.com:2323 or use port 222 for SSH.
                Welcome Chris!
Removed Node 2/104 The Underground Network BBS - Mr Disk advises his system
                 is shutting down.
Updated Node 5/102 TAK Software BBS is now Tri-Star BBS and the domain name
                 changes to bbs.tristarbbs.com , the nodelist has been 
Added Node 1/138 Lost Worlds BBS (USA) sysop advises he is restarting his 
Updated Node 1/159 Bad Poetry Blues BBS has been renamed to Central Ontario
                 Remote BBS. The nodelist etc. has been updated and will 
                 reflect this when next hatched out.                 
Added Node 2/107 Torrent BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Joseph Diaz aka Crazy Joe
                 Based in Gorham KS the BBS is running Mystic under Win 10 and
                 can be reached at torrentbbs.net  Welcome to fsxNet Joseph :)
Added Node 1/237 Eye of the Storm (NZL) a warm welcome also to Kiwi sysop
                 Benjamin Aitchison aka Merc who is based in New Plymouth.
                 Running Synchronet you can reach the BBS by heading to
                 on.the.net.nz Nice to have you as a member of our online
                 community Merc :)
NET 1 housekeeping and a purge of inactive nodes. The following systems have
been delisted due to incativity of 45+ days or more, in some cases way way 
more ;-)
133 Penguin BBS!            Jeffrey Benshoff   55 days
138 Lost Worlds BBS         John Julian        62 days
141 Pie33 BBS               Moises Aranas      111 days
144 Brain Patchwork DX      Ozz Nixon          90 days
154 Raiders Inc BBS         Jon Justvig        73 days
161 The Search BBS          Karl Harris        106 days
162 Midnight Coffee BBS     Jim McBride        72 days
165 Central Ontario Remote  Mick Manning       77 days
168 Technically BBS         Jason Billingham   57 days
180 Cold War Computing      Jeff Thiele        120 days 
193 Disconnected by Peer    Mario Fetka        79 days
237 Brainsuxx.inc BBS       Michael Braun      78 days
Updated 1/186 Castle Rock BBS has been marked as 'Down'
Updated 1/232 Zooropa BBS is no longer marked 'Down' in nodelist.
Updated 1/108 Eternal Domain BBS is no longer marked 'Down' in nodelist.
Removed Node 3/159 The Basement BBS - Adam advised he has closed his BBS down.
Added Node 3/184 Port of Call BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Dave Weissinger aka
                 DaveW who hails from Port Charlotte, Fl. Dave is running a 
                 Synchronet BBS and you can reach it at 
Removed Node 1/230 Lost Underground BBS (NZL) 
The following NET 1 nodes have been marked as 'Down' and will be delisted in
the coming days. These systems have 45+ days of packets being held for them.
They are unpollable to deliver packets and/or not polling to collect files.
If you are in touch with the sysop please let them know to contact me.
108 Eternal Domain BBS      Kenny Taylor       eternaldomain.fsxnet.nz 
112 Black Flag BBS          Hawk Hubbard       blackflag.acid.org:28  
141 Pie33 BBS               Moises Aranas      pie33.com:2223 
144 Brain Patchwork DX      Ozz Nixon          exchangebbs.com:38400 
154 Raiders Inc BBS         Jon Justvig        vintagebbsing.com:23
161 The Search BBS          Karl Harris        searchbbs.fsxnet.nz
162 Midnight Coffee BBS     Jim McBride        ssh.midnightcoffee.org:31323
165 Central Ontario Remote  Mick Manning       centralontarioremote.com:2300
180 Cold War Computing      Jeff Thiele         -- Private Node --
193 Disconnected by Peer    Mario Fetka        bbs.disconnected-by-peer.at
232 Zooropa BBS             Gaston Martres     zooropabbs.ddns.net:2323
237 Brainsuxx.inc BBS       Michael Braun      brainsuxxinc.ddns.net
Added Node 2/105 CCX BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Jim Nessen aka NerdTower.
                 Based in Wilton, CA. The BBS is running Mystic BBS under
                 Linux. You can reach the system at ccxbbs.fsxnet.nz
Removed Node 3/140 Ground Central BBS due to inactivity
Removed Node 3/183 The River Styx BBS due to inactivity
Added Node 1/211 Crazy Paradise (DEU) welcome to sysop Daniel Elsner aka Iron
                 setting up an Enigma 1/2 BBS system which is currently a
                 private BBS. Iron is based in Berlin - welcome! :)
Added Node 3/153 (AUS) Mortal BBS has restarted and can be reached at
                 mortalbbs.com  welcome back Shaun.
Updated Node 2/148 Marty advises his system can now be reached at shsbbs.net 
                 The nodelist and systems.txt has been updated accordingly.
Updated Node 1/10 The fsxNet Games + Usenet HUB now has it's own dedicated
                 IPv6 address which is 2407:8b00:1169:900::200 this is now
                 associated with the domain zen.fsxnet.nz and the nodelist
                 has been updated accordingly. The system accepts calls on
                 port 24557
There have been further DNS changes to IPv6 records for fsxnet.nz NET 1
domains as well as gency.bbs.nz the updated records are as follows:
2407:8b00:1169:900::100 - net1.fsxnet.nz and agency.bbs.nz
2407:8b00:1169:900::200 - zen.fsxnet.nz (used by 21:1/10 on port 24557)
2407:8b00:1169:900::300 - news.bbs.nz (ports 119 and 563)
These are static IPv6 records and are not expected to change again anytime
soon. The IPv6 connections are now native and no longer use a he.net 
The static IPv4 address remains the same for all of the above domain names
and is
Updated Node 1/124 EONA BBS (ESP) the domain name for the BBS is now
Added Node 1/124 EONA BBS (ESP) welcome to sysop Noemi Abril aka noemia who
                 hails from Sabadell, Barcelona. noemia is running a Mystic 
                 BBS under Debian. You can find the system by visiting
                 bbs.irc-net.org:2600  welcome to fsxNet Noemi :)
Added Node 1/133 Penguin BBS! (USA) please also say Hi and welcome to 
                 sysop Jeffrey Benshoff who is based in Erie, PA. Running a
                 Synchronet BBS you can reach his system by heading to
                 mrpenguin.ddns.net:2023 Welcome to fsxNet Jeffrey :)    
Added Node 1/138 Lost Worlds BBS (USA) welcome back to John Julian who is
                 based in Denver, Co. John is running a Mystic BBS which can
                 be found at lostworldsbbs.com:2323 or port 2222 for SSH.
                 Nice to see you active again John :)
The ISP used by the NET 1 server has changed and with it have the IPv4 and
IPv6 addresses presently used. DNS records for net1.fsxnet.nz and 
agency.bbs.nz have been updated. 
The IPv4 address is not likely to change again anytime soon (he says fingers
crossed) however the IPv6 address may yet again change if we move from a 
He.Net tunnel to native IPv6 connection.
Please ensure the following IP addresses are not blocked by your BBS if you
are connecting to the 21:1/100 NET 1 HUB. i.e, if you can white list these
IP's please :)
IPv4 -
IPv6 - 2001:470:d:3a4::100
Added Node 2/104 The Underground Network BBS (USA) welcome to sysop 
                 Daniel Dziubanski aka Mr Disk who is based in Clearlake, CA 
                 and is running a Mystic BBS. You can visit his system by
                 heading to theunderground.network:2300 or SSH vis port 2200
                 Nice to have you as a member of fsxNet Daniel. :)
Updated Node 1/107 The ByteXchange BBS has been marked as 'Down' in the 
Updated Node 1/167 CyberBBS WHQ BBS the domain name has been updated to 
Updated Node 1/105 Fluph BBS the domain name on file fails to resolve but
                 the IP address does work. The nodelist has
                 been updated to reflect this.
Added a new item in fsxnet.txt in 'Housekeeping' this is to address how
nodes being de-listed from the network are managed. As a general rule of
thumb if your BBS/system has packets/files held for it at your assigned HUB
longer than 45+ days then it will be up for being de-listed. There's also
some guidance about how to 'gracefully' depart the network.
The text added is as follows:
Members will be de-listed from the network if their BBS/system has 
packets/files held for it at their assigned fsxNet HUB for 45+ days. 
A HUB admin may extend this grace period at their discretion. If you are
having technical issues please contact your HUB admin and/or the Network 
Coordinator so they are aware of your issues.
If you decide to leave fsxNet please de-link your BBS/system from all echomail
and file areas before you depart. This ensures packets/files are not being
held at the HUB for your system needlessly. Please also contact your HUB
admin and let them know you are leaving. This allows our admin team to
remove you from their HUB config, the fsxNet nodelist and systems.txt
The following NET 1 nodes have been delisted due to inactivity.
Removed Node 1/124 apernevan.tk BBS
Removed Node 1/133 Blacklight Underground BBS
Removed Node 1/138 Electronic Warfare BBS
Removed Node 1/211 NeedFul Things BBS
Removed Node 1/215 Project Open Gate BBS
Removed Node 1/225 The b33zNet BBS
Added Node 1/165 Central Ontario Remote BBS (CAN) Mick has spun up a system
                 running WWIV. The address is centralontarioremote.com:2300
Added Node 4/187 Operation Ivy BBS (USA) Hi and welcome to sysop David Sachs
                 aka disconnex. You can reach the BBS by heading to
Added Node 2/103 The Nexus BBS (GBR) welcome to sysop Nathan Lennox aka
                 aefinity who is based in Hitchin, UK. aefinity is running a
                 Synchronet BBS under Windows 2022 you can reach his system
                 by heading to nexus.aefinity.io with both Telnet and SSH
                 options avaliable. Welcome aefinity :)
Added Node 3/182 Starship Junkyard BBS (AUS) let's also give a warm welcome 
                 to Sheridan Tighe aka lime who is based in Brisbane, 
                 Australia. lime is running a Synchronet system under 
                 Windows. Head to bbs.starshipjunkyard.com to check it out.
                 Nice to have you as a member of fsxNet lime :)
Added Node 3/183 The River Styx BBS (USA) it's also hello and welcome to 
                 sysop Elliot Adams aka Charon. Based in Manchester, Missouri
                 the BBS is running Synchronet underr Windows 10. Head to
                 riverstyx.ddns.net:2323 to check it out, SSH is port 2222
                 Thanks for your interest in fsxNet and welcome Charon :)
Removed Node 3/179 Third Rock BBS (AUS) the BBS has shutdown and the node is
Changes to fsxnet.nz are underway with additional information being added to
the website. Have a look on the home page to see the latest 'Site News'.                 
Added Node 1/156 Global Chaos BBS (GER) welcome to sysop Michael Selhof who
                 is based in Prittriching. Michael is running a 
                 Wildcat Interactive Server v.8xx under Windows 10.
                 You can reach the BBS via Telnet at globalchaosbbs.com:21
                 Great to have you as a member of fsxNet Michael :)
Added Node 1/203 Bullseye Shareware BBS (USA) please also welcome sysop 
                 Robert Russell aka Marconi who is based in Mountain Home, AR
                 Running a RPi and Mystic BBS you can reach the BBS by 
                 heading to shareware.ddns.net:8888
                 Welcome to fsxNet Marconi :)
Echomail Areas Closing - Reminder #2
A reminder that the following echomail areas are to be retired and will close
down effective 10 May 2023
FSX_ESP              Espanol General Chat
FSX_DIY              D.I.Y Chat, Tips + Tricks
FSX_FOOD             Food + Cooking Chat
FSX_GARDENING        Gardening Chat
FSX_ARTS             Arts + Artistic Chat 
FSX_TRANSPORT        Transportation Chat (All Modes)
FSX_SPORTS           Sports Chat
In their place a new echomail area FSX_LFE has been created. It has a 
'Lifestyle' focus and acts as a catch-all for topics including Gardening, DIY,
Art, Food, Travel, Transport, Sports etc.
I encourage  sysops to delink and remove from their BBS the echomail
areas that are closing in advance of 10 May 2023. By that date 
all remaining nodes still connected to the retiring echomail areas will be
manually delinked from them by your HUB admin.
It has been almost two years since new echomail areas were added to fsxNet.
Here are the details from history.txt posted back on 25 May 2021.
Added several new echomail areas to fsxNet today!
FSX_GAMING           Games/Gaming Chat
FSX_SPACE            Space/Astronomy Chat
FSX_SPORTS           Sports Chat
FSX_RETRO            Retro Computing/Tech Chat
FSX_TRANSPORT        Transportation Chat (All Modes)
FSX_VIDEO            Movies/TV/Streaming Chat
FSX_MUSIC            Music Chat (Artists, Songs Etc)
FSX_DIY              D.I.Y Chat, Tips + Tricks
FSX_FOOD             Food + Cooking Chat
FSX_GARDENING        Gardening Chat
FSX_ARTS             Arts + Artistic Chat 
Echomail Areas Closing
Today I am announcing changes to the echomail areas carried on fsxNet.
To start with we will consolidate down several echomail areas created
in 2021 into one new echomail area. 
The following echomail areas are to be retired and will close down
effective 10 May 2023
FSX_ESP              Espanol General Chat
FSX_DIY              D.I.Y Chat, Tips + Tricks
FSX_FOOD             Food + Cooking Chat
FSX_GARDENING        Gardening Chat
FSX_ARTS             Arts + Artistic Chat 
FSX_TRANSPORT        Transportation Chat (All Modes)
FSX_SPORTS           Sports Chat
Introducing FSX_LFE 
In their place a new echomail area FSX_LFE has been created. It has a 
'Lifestyle' focus and acts as a catch-all for topics including Gardening, DIY,
Art, Food, Travel, Transport, Sports etc.
From fsxnet.txt
FSX_LFE   Lifestyle - There's lots of ways to enjoy life! This echo covers
          many different lifestyle topics including (but not limited to) 
          Gardening, DIY, Art, Food, Travel, Transport, Sports, Pets,
          Health & Fitness etc. Dive in, lets chat :)
Getting Ready For This Change
From today I will start to remove the retiring echomail areas from fsxnet.na
and other online listings that detail echomail areas in fsxNet. I will also
post announcements in all affected echomail areas signalling their pending
closure and the new FSX_LFE 'Lifestyle' echo.
Also, from today, new nodes joining fsxNet will not be offered a feed of
the echomail areas soon to close.
I encourage fsxNet sysops to delink and remove from their BBS the echomail
areas that are closing in advance of 10 May 2023. By that date 
all remaining nodes still connected to the retiring echomail areas will be
manually delinked from them by your HUB admin.
If you opt to retain the retired echomail areas on your BBS for posterity
after 10 May 2023 that is your call, but please ensure they are set as
'read only' for your users. 
I also encourage current fsxNet sysops to look for and subscribe to the new
FSX_LFE echomail area which has now been added to the fsxnet.na file and 
created at your fsxNet HUB :)
New Echomail Areas Coming
Yes, further echomail areas are planned to be added. I will be in touch by
separate post with some details in the coming weeks. More to follow :)
This message has been x-posted to FSX_GEN and FSX_NET please post any
further discussion on this topic in FSX_NET
NET 2 housekeeping. This removes nodes that have been inactive for 50+ days.
Further tidying of other NETs is continuing with updates to follow in the 
coming days. A tidy NET is ah erm... a tidy NET :) #whoknew 
Removed Node 2/103 Resistance Pride 
Removed Node 2/104 Vger.Cloud BBS 
Removed Node 2/105 The New Frontier 2 
Removed Node 2/107 Ed's Place BBS
Removed Node 2/119 The Other Realm BBS
Removed Node 2/129 Risky Business BBS
Removed Node 2/133 8-Bit Classics' BBS  
Removed Node 2/135 Omicron Theta Mail
Removed Node 2/136 Omicron Theta BBS
Removed Node 2/139 Gryphus BBS
Removed Node 2/160 DarkAges BBS
Added Node 4/179 BBSing Canada (CAN) a warm welcome to sysop Darren Crawford
                 aka The Viper who has set up his Mystic BBS running Windows
                 The BBS can be found at bbsing.ca  ... welcome to fsxNet :)
Added Node 2/157 The Black Tower BBS (USA) Hawk Hubbard has set up a Mystic
                 BBS running under Windows 10. You can reach the BBS at
Added Node 2/158 Piranha Reloaded BBS (USA) - an additional BBS spun up by
                 Hawk can be reached at piranha.acid.org:27
Added Node 3/181 StarPort BBS (FIN) welcome aboard to sysop Tomas Ukkonen
                 aka cslr who hails from Mikkeli, Finland. The BBS is running
                 Mystic under Linux and can found at bbs.starport.fi:17337
                 via Telnet or use port 7337 for SSH.
Removed Node 3/180 Lost Reality BBS (AUS) system has closed down.                 
NET 3 housekeeping. A number of nodes have been inactive for 40+ days and 
have been delisted. Further tidy up's of other NETs will follow in the 
coming days/weeks.
Removed Node 3/112 Nightvault BBS  
Removed Node 3/136 Mind's Eye BBS
Removed Node 3/146 Lost Worlds BBS
Removed Node 3/175 One Ring BBS
Removed Node 3/123 Binary Dreams BBS
Removed Node 3/151 daytona BBS 
Removed Node 3/153 Mortal BBS 
Removed Node 3/154 NerdPit BBS
Removed Node 3/160 Online World BBS
Added Node 2/153 Cw Shack BBS (USA) please welcome sysop Tom Moore aka 
                 Khronos. Based in Winter Park, FL you can check out the
                 Synchronet powered BBS by heading to kf4yey.com
Removed Node 4/130 TradersBay BBS (USA) has been delisted at sysop request.
Added Node 1/187 CrNet BBS (USA) has moved to NET 1 (was 5/108) as the BBS
                 is now connecting to fsxNet via BinkP.
Removed Node 5/108 sysop has elected to get a BinkP feed for fsxNet traffic.                 
Added Node 2/145 WalledCTTY (USA) welcome aboard to sysop Thom Miller aka
                 Abbub who is back to the 90s with his Tag 2.7d2 BBS running
                 under MS-DOS 6.22 and DesqView 2.80 you can reach the BBS
                 via telnet at bbs.walledctty.com:1989
Added Node 4/186 Excelsior BBS (DNK) a warm welcome to sysop Michael 
                 Christoffersen aka Dizzie who is based in Silkeborg, Denmark
                 Dizzie is running a Mystic BBS under Linux and you can 
                 find his system at awesome.fredslev.net:6969
Added Node 2/148 Shurato's Heavenly Sphere (USA) it's a hello and welcome to
                 sysop Martin Kazmaier aka Shurato. Based in Boise ID the 
                 BBS is running EleBBS under Windows. You can reach the system
                 at shsbbs.ddns.net
Added Node 3/178 MASSIVE BBS (US) welcome to sysop Andy Diller
                 aka massiverobot who abides in Philadelphia, PA.
                 massive is running a SubText bbs on a Macintosh SE
                 using System 6.0.8. You can reach it via telnet:
Removed Node 1/187 Cosmik Debris BBS (USA) sysop has closed his BBS down.
Added Node 3/179 Third Rock BBS (AUS) welcome to sysop Michael Borthwick
                 aka toofargone who is based in Newcastle and running a 
                 Mystic BBS system. Reach the BBS via bbs.thirdrockbbs.au
Added Node 3/180 Lost Reality BBS (AUS) also run by toofargone and can be
                 reached at bbs.lostrealitybbs.au
Added Node 3/165 The Underground BBS (USA) welcome back Doug aka The
                 Godfather. You can reach the BBS at theunderground.us:10023
                 or port 7771 SSH.
Added Node 1/146 Digital Sanctuary BBS (CAN) welcome to sysop Chris Hallford
                 aka Rockford who hails from Oakville. Rockford is running a 
                 Mystic BBS under Windows and you can reach it by heading
                 to digitalsanctuarybbs.com  - welcome to fsxNet Chris :)
Removed Node 1/203 Rocket Town BBS (USA) Ricky advises this system has been
                 shutdown and he's instead focussing on his 1/136 N4TDX BBS
                 The node has been delisted.
Added Node 3/177 Kludge BBS (USA) welcome to sysop joshua stein aka jcs
                 who is running Subtext software on a Macintosh System 6
                 You can reach jcs's system at klud.ge welcome jcs :)
Added Node 2/143 KF5QEO's Shack (USA) welcome to John Guillory aka KF5QEO
                 based in Brookhaven, MS. KF5QEO us running a Mystic BBS
                 under Linux. You can telnet to kf5qeo.servebbs.net or use
                 port 2222 for SSH connections. Welcome John!
Added Node 2/134 Splatterhaus BBS (USA) Nolageek has spun up a second BBS
                 it's available at splatter.haus:666 and is running Mystic.
Removed QWK Node SLINKY - system has converted to FTN node.
Added Node 4/185 Slinky's Place BBS (USA) has shifted to a FTN node number.
                 The same contact details for the node still apply.             
Added QWK Node  SLINKY / Slinky's Place BBS (USA) a warm welcome to sysop 
                 Steven Bennett aka Slinky who is based in Phenix City, AL.
                 You can reach his Synchronet powered BBS by heading to
                 slinkybbs.com  - nice to have you as a member of fsxNet :)
Updated Node 2/116 Chinwag BBS (AUS) has moved to a new domain name the
                 nodelist and systems.txt has been updated to now use
Added Node 3/175 One Ring BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Dylan McIntosh aka
                 Cognative who is based in Markle, Indiana. Cognative is
                 running a Mystic BBS powered by RPi. The BBS is currently
                 being set up and is PVT for now. A warm welcome to you
                 Dylan we hope you enjoy your BBS adventures.
Added Node 2/125 Mystic Hobbies BBS (USA) a warm welcome to sysop Mike Dippel
                 from Sun City Center, FL. Mike is running a Mystic BBS
                 and you can connect and say hi by heading to 
                 mystic-hobbies.com  - welcome to fsxNet Mike, nice to have 
                 you as a member of our online community.    
Added Node 3/176 FlipperZero BBS (ITA) Ciao e Benvenuto to Guido Giorgi aka
                 Baconlive. Baconlive is running his Mystic BBS using a Rpi
                 and you can reach it via bbs.gglab.cloud or use port 2222
                 for SSH. Nice to have you as a member of the fsxNet 
                 community Guido :)
Added Node 1/193 Disconnected by Peer BBS (AUT) please welcome sysop Mario
                 Fetka aka geos_one who hails from Graz in Austria. Mario is
                 running a Mystic BBS under Linux and you can reach the 
                 system at bbs.disconnected-by-peer.at via port 23 or 22.
                 Welcome :)
Added Node 1/235 ZorgluBBS (FRA) bonjour to sysop Pierre Pignon aka 
                 Pitichampi who has started his Mystic BBS based in 
                 Bordeaux. You can visit his system by heading to 
                 bbs.pitichampi.fr:2023  Welcome to fsxNet :)
Added Node 1/236 Lunar Mod (USA) please give a warm welcome to sysop 
                 David Thielemann aka Apollo based in New Port Richey Apollo
                 is running a Talisman BBS that you can visit by heading to
                 bbs.beanzilla.net:2323 or use 2222 for SSH. Welcome aboard
                 Apollo :)                 
Added Node 1/238 The Global Village BBS (NLD) also joining the fsxNet 
                 community today is sysop Sebastian van der Veen aka dozo
                 who is based in Emmen, NLD. The BBS is running Mystic 
                 and can be reached at the.globalvillagebbs.net:2222 via
                 SSH only. Welcome dozo :)
Removed Node 4/119 After Hours BBS inactive and has been delisted.
Removed Node 4/165 w0pr.win BBS inactive and has been delisted.
Removed Node 4/168 Dales BBS inactive and has been delisted.
Removed Node 4/175 Mystic Hobbies BBS inactive and has been delisted. 
Added Node 4/107 The X-Bit BBS (USA) please welcome Rob McGee aka xbit who 
                 has shifted from a QWK connection to fsxNet and now sports a 
                 FTN node number. The BBS can be reached at x-bit.org use 
                 port 23 for Telnet and 2222 for SSH. 
Added Node 1/225 The b33zNet BBS (USA) welcome aboard to sysop Brent Kemp aka
                 b33z. b33z is setting up a Mystic BBS running under Windows
                 the system will soon be avalaible at bbs.b33z.net
Added Node 1/233 Phrenetic BBS (NOR) also please give a warm welcome to 
                 Per Gustav Ousdal aka pos who has spun up his Mystic BBS
                 under Linux. The BBS can be reached at bbs.ousdal.net via
                 ports 2023 (telnet) and 2022 (ssh)
Added Node 1/177 Goosenet BBS (GER) welcome back to sysop Michael Geller
                 aka Goose who is based in Nuremberg, Germany. Goose is 
                 running a Mystic BBS you can reach his system (just getting
                 set up now) by heading to bbs.nifty5fty.com ports 22 and 23
                 Welcome back Goose to the scene. :)
Removed Node 1/156 Insomnia City BBS has closed while sysop works to relocate
                 his system to a new hardware platform.
NET 4 housekeeping. A number of nodes have been inactive for 80+ days so it's
time for a tidy up of the nodelist: 
Removed Node 4/107 Carnage! BBS inactive and has been delisted. 
Removed Node 4/129 Hive 32 BBS inactive and has been delisted.                
Removed Node 4/132 Black Flag OBV/2 inactive and has been delisted. 
Removed Node 4/133 sbbs.dynu.net inactive and has been delisted. 
Removed Node 4/135 PiBBS inactive and has been delisted. 
Removed Node 4/140 Redshift BBS inactive and has been delisted. 
Removed Node 4/143 Eggy BBS inactive and has been delisted. 
Removed Node 4/146 GGNET BBS inactive and has been delisted. 
Removed Node 4/166 Black Lodge Research inactive and has been delisted. 
Removed Node 4/115 TCS Online BBS sysop has shutdown their BBS. 
Removed Node 4/123 SpaceX Starship BBS inactive and has been delisted.
Removed Node 4/160 Brotherhood of Groovynes inactive and has been delisted.
Removed Node 4/179 Moon Base Camp BBS inactive and has been delisted.
Removed Node 4/104 Herbies BBS II inactive and has been delisted.
Removed Node 4/111 HotDogEd inactive and has been delisted.
Removed Node 4/127 The Oasis BBS inactive and has been delisted.
Removed Node 4/142 Off the Wall inactive and has been delisted.
Removed Node 1/233 Paranor BBS (CAN) has been inactive 60+ days, no contact
                 from sysop, the node has been delisted.
Updated Node 1/124 apernevan.tk BBS (ROU) has been marked as 'Down' in the
                 nodelist. Sysop advises he is rebuilding his system with a
                 new domain name to follow soon.
Updated Node 1/221 The FBO BBS is no longer marked as 'Down' in the nodelist.                 
Added Node 1/162 Midnight Coffee BBS (USA) welcome aboard Jim McBride aka
                 Spaceman who hails from St. Louis. Spaceman is running an
                 Enigma 1/2 BBS and you can reach it via SSH by heading to
Removed Node 1/177 Nephilim BBS has been delisted.
Updated Node 1/221 The FBO BBS has been marked as 'Down' in the nodelist
                 Sysop advises he's moving house but intends to restart
Happy New Year and best wishes to you for the year ahead. Thanks for taking
part in fsxNet and I hope you continue to enjoy the BBSing hobby throughout
2023. Just a note that NET 1 will shortly undergo a tidy-up/prune of inactive
nodes. I am also looking to remove/add a few echomail areas in the coming
days and weeks.
Added Node 1/159 Bad Poetry Blues BBS (CAN) welcome back to sysop Mick 
                 Manning aka Mickey who is running his Synchronet powered BBS 
                 from Campbellford. You can reach his system by heading to 
                 centralontarioremote.com  welcome back to fsxNet Mickey it's
                 great to have you back on the scene :)
Removed Node 3/173 Step to the Left BBS (AUS) the system has been inactive 
                 and no reply from sysop.
Added Node 1/139 Ultramax BBS (GBR) welcome to sysop Martin Mitchell who 
                 is based in Ladybank, Scotland and running a Synchronet BBS.
                 His system address is ultramax.synchro.net
Added Node 1/133 Blacklight Underground BBS (USA) please welcome returning
                 sysop Jim Haight aka Jahmas. Jahmas hails from 
                 West Barnstable, Massachusetts and is running a Mystic BBS
                 that you can reach at majicka.at2k.org:2424 
Added Node 1/135 Brokedown Palace, Reprise BBS (USA) also joining the fsxNet
                 community please make welcome sysop Steven Southworth aka
                 Shaggy. Shaggy is running a WWIV system under Linux. The
                 BBS can be found at palace.brokedownpalace.online:2323 for
                 telent or use port 2222 for SSH connections.
Added Node 1/136 N4TDX BBS (USA) Ricky DeLuco is spinning up a new Mystic 
                 powered system called N4TDX, you can find this by heading
                 to n4tdx.ddns.net:2323             
Removed Node 1/159 The GateHouse BBS has been delisted at sysop request. 
Removed Node 3/117 Runaan BBS inactive and has been delisted.
Removed Node 3/163 42bytes BBS inactive and has been delisted.
Removed Node 3/164 Angstridden BBS inactive and has been delisted.
Removed Node 3/165 The Underground BBS inactive and has been delisted.
Removed Node 3/166 The Ratrace Losers inactive and has been delisted.
Added Node 1/130 The Unmarked Van (USA) please welcome sysop Dave Scott who
                 aka Alonzo who is running a Mystic BBS under Windows 10. 
                 Dave is based at Mt. Healthy, Ohio and you can reach his BBS
                 by heading to unmarkedvan.fsxnet.nz
Added Node 1/128 Drakonai BBS (LTU) a warm welcome to Audrius Puplinskas who
                 is based in Lithuania. Running Mystic BBS you can reach his
                 system at bbs.drakonai.lt  :)
Added Node 3/174 Made to Raid BBS (USA) welcome aboard to sysop Chris Manigan
                 aka Ganiman. Running a Mystic BBS you can reach his system
                 by heading to bbs.madetoraid.com:2323 or use 2222 for SSH
Updated Node 4/182 RedFrog BBS (EST) now operates on port 2323 for Telnet
                 connections. The IPv6 address connected with 
                 redfrog.fsxnet.nz:2323 has also been updated.
Added Node 1/156 Insomnia City BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Mark Hartmann aka
                 Mandarax who is based in Kalamazoo, MI. Mandarax is running
                 a Mystic BBS under Linux and you can reach his BBS via 
                 insomniacity.fsxnet.nz telnet (port 23) or ssh port 2222
                 Welcome to the fsxNet community :) 
Updated Node 1/152 2nd Choice Core has changed domain names and is now using
                 2ndchoicecore.ddns.net the nodelist and system.txt has been
Added history.txt and systems.txt files to fsxnet.nz as dedicated pages on
the website. These pages are updated each time a new infopack is hatched out
to nodes. This should mean at least weekly updates to the site with this
Removed references to wiki.fsxnet.nz in infopack etc. as steps begin to
shutter this wiki and migrate content to fsxnet.nz as time permits.
Changes to fsxnet.nz today. The old static website has been retired and 
replaced with a site powered by wiki software. The plan is to leverage the 
ease of adding content via wiki to extend the website. 
The current (dated) fsxNet wiki at wiki.fsxnet.nz will (in time) be retired
with any still usable content migrated across to fsxnet.nz
Your thoughts/feedback on the new website, useful additions etc. are welcome.
Please share them in FSX_NET or email avon@bbs.nz
Updated Node 2/162 The Freespeak BBS (USA) is now called BBS Gametime and the
                 domain changes to web.bbsgametime.com the nodelist has been
                 updated with these changes. 
Added Node 1/104 Region 15 HQ BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Terry Barlow aka Tj
                 based in Colorado Springs Tj is running a Mystic BBS under
                 Linux. You can reach his system at region15.net
                 Nice to have you as a member Tj.
Added Node 1/125 The Horizon BBS (USA) please also say hi to sysop Chris
                 Wilson aka Chris Crash :) Chris is running his Synchronet BBS
                 and it's available for your call at bbs.horizonbbs.org
                 Welcome to fsxNet Chris.                 
Removed Node 2/125 Kumpute BBS (CAN) inactive and has been delisted.
Removed Node 1/136 The Oracle BBS (USA) inactive 60+ days and is delisted.
Removed Node 1/156 Central Ontario Remote BBS inactive 60+ days and is 
Removed Node 1/162 Cheshire Underground (USA) inactive for 60+ days and is
Removed Node 1/193 Darkstar BBS (AUT) inactive 60+ days and is delisted.
Removed Node 1/225 GameBlipsBBS (USA) inactive 60+ days and is delisted.
Updated Node 1/213 Vortex BBS (SRB) is no longer marked as 'Down' for now. 
Added Node 1/212 BBSisCOOL BBS (USA) welcome to sysop John Luton who is based
                 in Holly Springs, NC. John is running a Synchronet BBS under
                 Windows 7. You can reach his system at
Added Node 1/221 The FBO (USA) welcome to sysop Charles Blackburn aka 
                 PilotCAB who is based in Daytona Beach, FL. PilotCAB is 
                 running a Synchronet BBS and you can check it out when you
                 visit bbs.thefbo.us 
Added Node 1/233 Paranor BBS (CAN) welcome aboard to sysop Michael Slaunwhite
                 Michael is running a Synchronet BBS under Windows 7 and 
                 you can find the system at or port 22 for
                 SSH. There is no stated domain name at this time.
NET 1 housekeeping will be undertaken over the coming week. Nodes that have
been inactive or have a large number of files on HOLD at the NET 1 are likely
to be delisted soon.
Hi there. Covid-19 got the better of me for a while and I had a rest from
BBSing but have started to pick up things again. Apologies for downtime and
slow / no replies for the last little while. Best, Avon/Paul.
Updated Node 1/182 Positronic Brain (AUS) has been renamed Smuggler's Cove
                 BBS and the domain has changed to scove.talismanbbs.com
                 The system is a private one at this time. The nodelist etc.
                 has been updated.
Updated Node 1/187 Cosmik Debris BBS (USA) is no longer marked as Down.
Updated Node 2/128 seeLive's rusty Hedgehog BBS (USA) is now called oNyX BBS
                 the address is onyxbbs.mywire.org:2300 (telnet) or use port
                 2200 for SSH. The nodelist and systems.txt has been updated.
Added Node 2/109 ByteBarn BBS (GER) welcome to sysop Markus Maussner aka
                 Tassilo who is based in Sernow, Germany and running a Mystic
                 BBS powered by Debian. You can reach the system at 
                 bbs.bytebarn.de:2300 Great to have you as a member of our
                 online community Tassilo :)                 
Added Node 2/125 Kumpute BBS (CAN) a warm welcome to sysop Madison Brooks aka
                 Fae Empress who is based in Kamloops, Canada. Running a 
                 Mystic BBS you can reach the system at bbs.kumpute.org
                 Fae, thanks for joining fsxNet and welcome aboard :)
Added Node 3/173 Step to the Left BBS (AUS) please welcome sysop and amateur 
                 radio operator Jared Quinn (VK2WAY) who is based in Sydney,
                 Australia. Running an Enigma 1/2 system you can check out
                 the BBS by heading to bbs.vk2way.id.au  ... welcome Jared
                 nice to have you as a member of the fsxNet community.
Added Node 2/119 The Other Realm BBS (USA) its hello and welcome to sysop
                 Lawrence Stockman aka AngryLarry who is based in Garland,
                 TX. The BBS is powered by Mystic and can be found at
                 theotherrealmbbs.com  ... nice to have you as a member of
                 fsxNet Lawrence. Welcome :)                 
Added Node 3/172 d0p3.intersrv.net BBS (AUS) welcome aboard to sysop
                 Nicholas Brennan aka tetrazocine. tetrazocine is based in 
                 Melbourne and is running a Synchronet BBS. You can reach
                 the BBS at d0p3.intersrv.net
Removed Node 3/161 Itchy Butt BBS (USA) Michael advises he has shutdown his
                 BBS so the node has been delisted.
Removed Node 1/153 Infoline BBS (CZE) has been delisted at sysop request. The
                 BBS has been shutdown for now. Hope to see you again sometime
                 Mikolas :)
Added Node 1/182 Positronic Brain (AUS) welcome back to Apam and his new BBS
                 You can reach the system at positronicbrain.net use port
                 11892 for Telnet and port 11893 for SSH.
Added Node 2/107 Ed's Place BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Edwin Wentworth aka
                 ewent who is running his Synchronet BBS from Dunedin, Florida
                 (not Dunedin, New Zealand :)) The BBS is nearly up and 
                 running and will be available soon at bbs.ew3host.com but 
                 for now keep an eye on https://www.ew3host.com     
Added Node 3/171 STar Fleet HQ BBS (USA) hailing from Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
                 please welcome sysop Drew (Andrew) Klenotic who is running
                 a Atari ST and using RatSoft ST v2.1c under TOS 1.4
                 You can reach the BBS at bbs.sfhqbbs.org:5983 or find
                 out more via the website http://www.sfhqbbs.org welcome
                 Drew :)
Added Node 3/170 RVs and RPGs BBS (USA) based in Phoenix it's a warm welcome
                 to sysop Jeff Brissette aka nblade who is running his 
                 Mystic BBS under Linux you can reach his system via
                 bbs.rvsandrpgs.com:2323 or use port 2222 for SSH.
Added Node 3/169 TassieBob BBS (AUS) welcome to sysop Bob Purdon aka TassieBob
                 who is based in Hobart and running a Mystic BBS. You can 
                 say gidday to TassieBob and check out his system at
                 bbs.tassiebob.com:2323 he also runs a website at
                 https://www.tassiebob.com  - welcome to fsxNet Bob :)
Removed Node 1/130 Tinys BBS (CAN) Shawn advises this system has closed and 
                 can be delisted. He's still running 1/222
Added Node 4/182 RedFrog BBS (EST) welcome to Ergo Paalman aka Eku from
                 Tallinn in Estonia. Running a Mystic BBS on a Raspeberry Pi
                 you can reach the BBS at redfrog.duckdns.org:667 or via
                 redfrog.fsxnet.nz:667 too :) Welcome Eku :)
Removed Node 1/133 The Parity Error (CAN) node delisted due to inactivty.
Removed Node 1/212 SugarRush BBS (USA) node delisted due to inactivity.
Updated Node 4/135 PiBBS (CAN) has been marked PVT in the nodelist by sysop
Updated Node 1/187 Cosmik Debris BBS (USA) has been marked as Down.
Updated Node 1/177 Nephilim BBS (ISR) has been marked as Down.
Housekeeping for NET 2 and more to come in other NETs as we keep on top of
who is coming and going. 
Removed Node 3/162 Drakefire BBS (USA) node is inactive and has been delisted
Added Node 3/168 ReTR0aKTiV BBS (USA) welcome aboard to sysop Rob Koliha aka
                 Galahad who is running a Mystic BBS and can be reached at
                 retr0aktiv.com - welcome :)
Removed Node 2/107 The Creeping Crud BBS (USA) is inactive and is delisted.
Removed Node 2/109 Nexus Computers BBS (AUS) is inactive and is delisted.
Removed Node 2/119 Anderson's Toolshed BBS (USA) is inactive and is 
Removed Node 2/134 Troy's Den BBS (USA) is inactive and is delisted.
Removed Node 2/145 Mike's Mansion BBS (USA) is inactive and is delisted.
Removed Node 2/155 The Amiga Frontier BBS (USA) is inactive and is delisted.
Removed Node 2/164 Dragonstalon BBS (USA) is inactive and is delisted.
Removed Node 1/139 bitHaven BBS (CAN) sysop advises his system has closed.
                 The node has been delisted.
Updated Node 3/163 Caught in a Dream BBS (USA) is now called 42bytes and the
                domain name has changed to 42bytes.net              
Removed Node 1/233 The Swamp BBS (NLD) has been delisted due to inactivity 
                 spanning several months and no contact from sysop.
Added Node 2/147 Altair IV BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Scott Daniels aka Ogg
                 who hails from Lufkin TX. Ogg is running a Mystic BBS on a
                 Raspberry Pi. You can reach his system at altairiv.ddns.net
                 Welcome Ogg, nice to have you as a member of the fsxNet 
Added Node 2/146 Hold Fast! BBS (CAN) please say hi and welcome to sysop
                 Paul Lopez aka Nitron who is based in Ottawa. Paul is running
                 his Mystic BBS under Linux and you can find it at 
                 Thanks for taking the time to join fsxNet Nitron it's great
                 to have you as a member.          
Removed Node 1/151 The Grinning Cat BBS (AUS) node has been delisted.
Removed Node 1/182 Happyland 2.20 BBS (AUS) node has been delisted.
Added Node 4/181 PlaneT Afr0 BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Jason Reznor aka fC
                 who hails from Virginia. fC is running an Enigma 1/2 BBS
                 and you can reach it at planetafr0.org:8888 telnet or use
                 port 8889 for SSH. Welcome aboard fC and thanks for joining
                 fsxNet it's nice to have you active in the network :)
Moved Node 1/125 CrNet BBS (USA) to NET 5. The BBS is now 21:5/108 and the 
                 nodelist and systems.txt has been updated accordingly.  
Added Node 3/167 VETBBS (USA) welcome also to sysop Mike Welborn who is
                 based in Verbena, AL. Mike's running a SBSS system and
                 can be reached at bbs.thewelborns.net
                 Great to have you as a member of fsxNet Mike, welcome!             
Removed Node 1/104 Shenk's Express BBS has been delisted at sysop request.
Added Node 1/167 CyberBBS WHQ BBS (USA) sysop Chad Adams aka Nugax has been
                 keeping busy crafting his own BBS software - CyberBBS, a
                 Linux BBS that is just starting out. You can reach his BBS
                 by visiting whq.cyberbbs.com:6023 via Telnet or check the
                 website cyberbbs.com for more info. Look for a new fsxNet
                 support echomail are in the coming days.
Updated Node 1/202 Star Collision BBS (SWE) has changed it's telnet port to
                 port scbbs.nsupdate.info:61023 systems.txt has been updated.
Added Node 1/211 NeedFul Things BBS (CAN) welcome aboard to sysop Michael
                 Dennison who is based in Lindsay, Canada. Michael is setting 
                 up a Mystic BBS and you can reach his new system by heading 
                 to NeedFulThings.ddns.net:2381     
Added Node 1/210 Noverdu BBS (USA) please welcome sysop Jonah Clausen aka
                 DrClaw. Hailing from South Saint Paul, MN, You can connect to
                 the BBS via noverdu.com or noverdu.fsxnet.nz
Added Node 3/165 The Underground BBS (USA) welcome back to Doug who has
                 restarted his BBS again. Nice to have you back as a member
                 this online community Doug. You were missed :)
Removed Node 3/139 The Bat Cave BBS. The system is inactive and has been 
Added Node 4/173 Monterey BBS (USA) also a warm welcome back to sysop
                 Ryan Fantus who is running his Daydream powered BBS
                 under Linux. Hope this finds you well Ryan and welcome 
                 back to fsxNet
Added Node 3/163 Caught in a Dream BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Brian Klauss
                 who is based in Morrison, Colorado. Brian is running a 
                 Synchronet BBS and can be found at caughtinadream.com
Added Node 4/146 GGNET BBS (ITA) based in Rome, Italy please welcome sysop
                 Maurizio Dionisi who has set up a Mystic BBS running under
                 Linux. You can find his system at mulettotim.ddns.net:10023
Added Node 3/164 Angstridden BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Steve Layton based in
                 Portland, OR. Steve is running a Mystic BBS and can be 
                 reached at angstridden.net:1337 using SSH
Added Node 4/177 Alcoholiday BBS (USA) a warm welcome back to the BBS scene to
                 returning sysop Andy Haworth who has restarted his BBS this
                 time running under Mystic and contactable at alco.bbs.io
                 Welcome back to the BBS scene Andy and to the fsxNet
                 community too :)
Added Node 3/166 The Raterace Losers (USA) based in El Paso, TX please 
                 weclome sysop Chad Douglas who is running a Mystic BBS
                 under Linux. You can reach his system at
                 therateracelosers.com:2323 (Telnet) and 2222 (SSH)
Added Node 2/143 Digicom BBS (USA) welcome aboard to sysop Gary Barr who 
                 is based in Evansville, Indiana and running a Mystic BBS
                 You can find the BBS at bbs.digicombbs.com
                 Welcome to fsxNet Gary :)
Removed Node 1/221 Twinkle BBS (USA) has been delisted at sysop request.
Added Node 1/231 Southern Comfort BBS (USA) joining fsxNet please give a warm
                 welcome to sysop Mike Giddens who is based in Savannah, GA.
                 Mike is running a Mystic BBS and you can reach him at 
                 Thank you for choosing to offer fsxNet on your system Mike.
Added Node 3/161 Itchy Butt BBS (USA) please welcome sysop Michael Newkirk
                 aka Nuke to fsxNet. Nuke is running a Mystic BBS and can
                 be found at itchybutt.net:8888 (telnet) or use port 8889
                 for SSH connects. Welcome Nuke :)
Added Node 3/162 Drakefire BBS (USA) also Hi and welcome to Jake Parks. The
                 BBS is powered by Mystic and can be reached at  
                 bbs.drakefire.com - nice to have you as a member of fsxNet
                 Jake :)  
Removed Node 3/137 Wicked Garden BBS (AUS) Hung advises he is no longer 
                 running a BBS. Best wishes Hung. The node has been delisted.
Added Node 5/107 Cavan Rural Community Wirless Network (IRL) a belated welcome
                 to sysop Steve Reader who is based in Cavan, Ireland. Steve
                 is running Wildcat V7 at present the best way to connect is
                 to telnet to
Updated Node 4/144 Sonic BBS (GBR) has a new domain name bbs.sonicbbs.co.uk
                 the nodelist has been updated.
Added Node 1/228 Vienna-Matrix BBS (AUT) based in Vienna please welcome 
                 sysop Alexander Payer aka Neo. Running a Mystic BBS you can
                 reach Neo's system at sbbs.viennamatrix.at or via custom
                 domain name viennamatrix.fsxnet.nz
Updated Node 1/213 Vortex BBS (SRB) has been marked as 'Down' for now. Sysop
                 still working on getting setup.
Did you know Avon sometimes writes random notes in this history.txt file?
You may have just found one. Be the first person to mention this in FSX_GEN
and use the subject 'I found it!' and gain fame and glory in a future posting
in this text file :) "I'm afraid for the calendar. Its days are numbered."
Removed Node 1/146 Saturn’s Orbit (BRA) Flavio advises is BBS is down and it 
                will take several months to put it back together again. For
                now he requests the BBS is delisted. Come back soon Flavio
                you'll be missed :(
Added Node 1/225 GameBlipsBBS (USA) welcome to Fred San Juan who has set up
                 his Mystic BBS running on a RPi. Based in Milwaukee you can
                 reach his system at gameblipsbbs.tplinkdns.net
                 Thanks for joining Fred and welcome to the network :)
Added Node 1/216 Mystic Realms BBS (CAN) welcome aboard to sysop Jeff Earle
                 who is based in Woodstock, Ontario and is running a Mystic
                 BBS. You can reach his system at mysticrealms.ddns.net:11000
                 Nice to have you as a member of fsxNet Jeff :)
Added Node 1/177 Nephilim BBS (ISR) returning to the BBS scene and fsxNet
                 it's welcome back to David Abutbul who has restarted his
                 Synchronet BBS. You can reach the system by heading to
                 nephilim.abutbul.com:7777 or nephilim.fsxnet.nz
Added Node 1/189 Extricate BBS (GBR) based in Godalming, UK please welcome to
                 fsxNet sysop Tristan Greaves :) Running a Synchronet BBS
                 you can visit Extricate BBS at bbs.extricate.org or 
                 extricate.fsxnet.nz use port 4022 for SSH connections.
Added Node 1/213 Vortex BBS (SRB) welcome to sysop Strahinja Bojovic who is
                 based in Novi Sad/Serbia. Strahinja is running a 
                 Wildcat BBS v4.12 and can be reached at 
Removed Node 3/125 Inner Realm BBS (USA) Michael advises his system has been
                 shutdown due to time constraints. The node has been delisted.                
                 Best wishes Michael, hope to see you again sometime :)
Removed Node 3/132 Herp Derp BBS (ZAF) Andrew advises his hardware has died
                 and he has elected to shutdown his BBS for now. We hope to
                 catch him as a user of other BBS still :)
Added Node 1/162 Cheshire Underground (USA) please welcome sysop Jonathan
                 Martin who is based in Cheshire, CT, Jon is running a
                 Mystic BBS under Linux. He was co-sysop of one of the first 
                 100 Fidonets back in the 80s. You can find it the system at
                 bbs.cheshirezine.com and use port 6522 for SSH.   
                 Welcome back to the BBS scene Jonathan :)
Added Node 3/160 Online World BBS (USA) say Hi to sysop Jason Garneau aka
                 SixtyFour who hails from Swanton, VT. Jason has spun up a
                 Mystic BBS running on a Raspberry Pi. You can reach his 
                 system at bbs.onlineworld.ninja - welcome to fsxNet 
                 Jason :)
Added Node 1/136 The Oracle BBS (USA) please welcome sysop Alex Sardo who
                 joins us from Pittsburgh. He's running a Mystic BBS under
                 Linux and the BBS can be reached at theoraclebbs.com
                 Welcome to the community Alex :)
Removed Node 1/128 Odyssey BBS (USA) has been delisted due to inactivity and 
                 no contact from sysop.
Removed Node 1/135 Return to the lair of the Wolverine BBS (USA) has been
                 delisted due to inactivity and no contact from sysop.
Removed Node 1/238 The Dark Abyss (USA). Deslisted due to inactivity and no 
                 sysop contact.
Removed Node 1/235 Fratm's BBS (USA) has closed its doors. The node has been
Removed Node 1/167 Nitemare Cafe BBS (USA) Rod advises his system has closed
                 for now, the node has been delisted. He may return when he
                 has time to enjoy the hobby again :)
Added Node 1/192 Zruspa's BBS (ESP) hailing from Madrid, Spain please welcome
                 sysop Angel Ripoll who is running a Synchronet BBS. You can 
                 reach the system at bbs.zruspas.org via port 23 or use port 
                 2221 for SSH connections.
Added Node 1/191 Zruspa's HUB (ESP) this is a HUB run by Angel. All fsxNet
                 and Fidonet traffic is routed via this node. The node only
                 accepts BinkP traffic.                
Removed Node 1/236 Classic BBS (USA) Mike advises he has shutdown his BBS. The
                 node has been delisted.
Added Node 3/159 The Basement BBS (CAN) based in Kamloops it's a warm welcome
                 back to sysop Adam Clark who returns running a Synchronet
                 BBS. He can be reached at basement.isurf.ca or via SSH at
Removed Node 1/211 The Pub BBS has closed down and has been delisted. 
Updated Node 1/226 Retro16 BBS (AUS) has updated its domain name to
                 bbs.retro16.com while retro16.fsxnet.nz also works too :)
Removed Node 1/191 The Ruins BBS (USA). Doug's system has been down for some
                 time. There's no indication at this stage he is returning.
                 The node has been delisted.
Removed Node 1/165 The Underground BBS (USA) ditto for this node it has also
                 been delisted at this time.                 
Removed Node 3/145 Darkest Hour BBS (USA) has been delisted. The node has 
                 not collected held packets/files for some time nor has there
                 been any contact made with/by the sysop.
Added Node 4/175 Mystic Hobbies BBS (USA) Mike Dippel has spun up a new BBS
                 which can be reached at mystic-hobbies.us The BBS runs Mystic
                 under Windows 10.
2022-01-01       Happy New Year! Wishing everyone a less bumpy year than we
                 have all had during 2021. Thank you for continuing to use /
                 support fsxNet with your involvement in this network :)     
Updated Node 1/157 Shadowscope BBS. Richard advises his domain has changed to
                 shadowscope.noip.us - the BBS is no longer marked as 'down'
Removed Node 3/129 Red Mud BBS (USA) David advises he has shutdown his BBS.
Removed Node 3/133 Slate Hell BBS (USA) Anthony has also opted to close down.
Updated Noe 1/157 Shadowscope BBS. Richard is moving so his BBS is 'down' 
                 temporarily. The node is marked as 'down' in the nodelist.
Added Node 2/128 seeLive's rusty Hedgehog BBS (USA) Joining the fsxNet 
                 community welcome aboard to Clive Reuben who is based in 
                 Reuben. Also running Mystic BBS on a RPi you can find the
                 BBS at rustyhedgehog.dynv6.net:2300
Added Node 2/119 Anderson's Toolshed BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Jon Thorson 
                 who hails from Longmont, CO. You can reach his BBS by 
                 heading to bbs.andersonstoolshed.com:2323 
                 Powered by Mystic the BBS is runing on a Raspberry Pi
                 (a popular choice for sysops these days).
Added Node 4/135 PiBBS (CAN) welcome to sysop Shaun "McDoob" Buzza who is 
                 based in Ottawa. Running a Mystic BBS system you can reach
                 his BBS at pibbs.sytes.net
Removed Node 1/192 Communication Connection BBS. Jeff advises he is shutting 
                 his BBS down. The node has been delisted. All the best Jeff.
Removed Node 3/155 ON2ON BBS (BEL) the node has been inactive for many days
                no reply to hails from Luc. The node has been delisted.
Added Node 3/158 BodaX BBS (SWE) welcome to sysop Tobias Rosenqvist who is 
                 running and Engmia 1/2 BBS. The system can be rached at  
                 bbs.beardy.se via port 23 for Telnet and 22 for SSH
                 connection. The BBS also flies the custom fsxNet domain of
                 bodax.fsxnet.nz - thanks for joining Tobais we hope you
                 have fun with your BBSing hobby  :)
Added Node 4/174 Exoplanet BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Shane Wolfe aka 
                 InfectedBootSector who is running a Synchronet BBS based in 
                 Severna Park, Maryland. You can reach the BBS at
                 exoplanetbbs.net - welcome aboard Shane :)
Removed Node 1/225 Free Speech You Smeghead BBS (CAN) Doug advises he is 
                 shutting his BBS down and will stay on as a user of other
                 systems. See you in the echomail areas Doug!
Added Node 4/173 Hobby BBS (USA) welcome aboard to sysop Mike Dippel who 
                 hails from Sun City Center, FL. Mike is running a 
                 Synchronet BBS and you can reach it at hobby-bbs.com
                 He also runs HobbyNet, if interested head to 
Removed Node 3/124 Coffe House BBS (USA) the BBS has been closed down for
                 now. The sysop may return down the track but for now the
                 node is delisted.
Added Node 3/157 Paranormal Panorama BBS (GBR) please welcome sysop
                 Owen Evers who is based in Hull. He's setting up a Mystic
                 BBS under Windows 10 and can be reached at
                 ppbbs-26643.portmap.host:26643  welcome to fsxNet Owen :)
Added Node 2/107 The Creeping Crud BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Gary Bush who
                 is based in The Colony, TX. Gary is running a Mystic BBS
                 powered by Rpi and you can reach his system at 
Added Node 4/170 Amiga Retro Brisbane BBS (AUS) also welcome to sysop
                 Mark Casteleijn who hails from Brisbane. The Mystic BBS
                 is running under Ubuntu with a telnet address of
                 www.amigaretro.com:23 The BBS is part of and Australian
                 based community of Commodore Amiga users, gamers and lovers
                 of all things retro technology.
Added Node 2/112 Thunder BBS (USA) and hi to sysop Jay Wheeler who is in
                 Danielsville. Running a Mystic BBS on Linux you can reach
                 his system at thunderbss.ringet.org
Added Node 3/156 Digital Abyss BBS (USA) based in Tampa, FL. Welcome to 
                 sysop Karl Schleelein who has spun up a Mystic BBS running 
                 on a RPi. The BBS can be reached at digitalabyss.fsxnet.nz
                 or bbs.deepdive.net
Removed Node 3/131 Black Sun BBS (USA) Aaron advises he had hit hardware 
                issues and has opted to close his system down. The node has 
                been delisted.
Added Node 3/155 ON2ON BBS (BEL) welcome to sysop Luc Bodson who is setting
                 up his Mystic BBS running on a Raspberry Pi. The BBS can be
                 reached at on2on.fsxnet.nz:2000
More NET admin as we work to keep things accurate accross the various NETs
Thanks (as always) to Todd, Deon, Dan and Ruben for their work in this space.
Removed Node 4/154 Diskshop BBS (CAN) Frank's system has been inactive for 
                many months now and traffic has piled up. The node has been
                delisted. No contact from the sysop to emails sent.
Added Node 3/137 Wicked Garden BBS (AUS) welcome back to sysop Hung Tran
                 who is based in Burnside, Victoria. Running Ezycom BBS you
                 can reach the system via telnet to wgonline.pw
Removed Node 3/134 Westwood BBS II (USA) Mike advises he is shutting his 
                  BBS down and opting to be a user vs a sysop. The node has
                  been delisted.
Added Node 2/109 Nexus Computers BBS (AUS) please welcome sysop Manu Ngamotu
                 has returned to the scene. The system can be reached at
Added Node 1/151 The Grinning Cat BBS (AUS) Andrew aka Apam has set this
                 new system up it can be found at gcat.talismanbbs.com
                 via telnet port 11823, ssh on port 11822 
Some NET 1 admin and pruning of inactive nodes. Thanks to Jason who replied
and took the time to get connected again. Adieu to the others who didn't.
Removed Node 1/151 Geek Sphere BBS (PRT) Node inactive for 40+ days with
                 no reply to emails sent to sysop. The node is delisted.
Removed Node 1/189 The Virtual Terminal. Node has been inactive for 40+ days. 
                 No reply to email sent to sysop. Node has been delisted.
Updated Node 1/168 Technically BBS (CAN) is no longer marked as 'Down' 
                 welcome back Jason!
Removed Node 1/228 El Gato de Fuego BBS (PAN). Node inactive for 40+ days,
                 no reply from email sent to sysop. Node has been delisted.  
Removed Node 1/231 DelNet BBS (USA). Node inactive for 40+ days, no reply
                 from email sent to sysop. Node is delisted.                            
Updated Node 1/208 S.W.A.T.S BBS (NZL) has moved BinkP server to port 24556
                 the nodelist has been updated.
Updated Node 1/165 The Underground BBS (USA) is marked 'Down' in the nodelist
Updated Node 1/191 The Ruins BBS (USA) is marked 'Down' in the nodelist.
Updated Node 4/154 Diskshop BBS (CAN) is marked 'Down' in the nodelist.
Removed Node 3/116 Farm BBS. The node has been inactive for 30+ days with
                 message packets etc. remaining uncollected. No replies to
                 emails etc. The node has been delisted.
Removed Node 3/147 FullSys BBS (CAN). The node has been inactive for 30+ days 
                 with message packets etc. remaining uncollected. No replies 
                 to emails etc. The node has been delisted.       
Added QWK Node   KN6Q / KN6Q BBS (USA) welcome to Tom Kisner who is based in
                 Azle, Texas. Tom is running a Synchronet BBS. You can reach
                 it at bbs.kn6q.org
Updated Node 4/102 Dallas advises the BBS has changed name and is now called
                 'Legends of Yesteryear' the nodelist and systems.txt have 
                 been updated. There are no other changes asides the name.
Updated Node 1/168 Technically BBS (CAN) has been maked as 'down' Jason hopes
                 to return when he has rebuit his BBS, hopefully in around a 
                 months time.
Updated Node 1/146 1/146 Saturn’s Orbit (BRA) has been marked as 'down' the 
                 BBS will be rebuit and Flavio hopes to be back in around 4
                 weeks time.
Removed Node 3/144 Flocks BBS (UKR) node has been inactive for weeks with no 
                 contact from sysop. Node has been delisted.
Removed Node 3/137 Wicked Garden BBS (AUS) node has been inactive for many
                 weeks. Node has been delisted.
Added Node 4/133 sbbs.dynu.net (USA) Phil has shifted his system from QWK to 
                FTN and the nodelist has been updated accordingly.
Added Node 1/237 Brainsuxx.inc BBS (GER) Please welcome sysop Michael Braun
                 aka Brainsucker who is based in Beelitz and setting up a 
                 Mystic BBS powered by a Raspberry Pi. You can telnet to his
                 BBS at brainsuxxinc.ddns.net
Added Node 1/238 The Dark Abyss (USA) please also welcome sysop Chris Foti,
                 based in Boston,MA. Chris is running a Synchronet BBS under
                 Windows and you can reach it at bbs.w1cjf.com:419                
Removed Node 3/152 The Pyrasaurus Lair (AUS) the system has been shutdown and
                delisted at sysop request.
Added QWK Node   sbbs.dynu.net (USA) welcome aboard to sysop Phillip Taylor
                 who is running his Synchronet BBS based in Vienna, VA.
                 You can reach his system via telnet at sbbs.dynu.lnet:2025 
                 or use port 2026 for SSH. The domain sbbs.fsxnet.nz also
                 works ;)
Added Node 3/153 Mortal BBS (AUS) say hi to returning sysop Shaun Ewing who
                 hails from  Sydney, Australia. Mortal BBS runs on 
                 Synchronet BBS and can be found at mortalbbs.com or 
                 mortal.fsxnet.nz using telnet port 23 or 22 for SSH.            
Added Node 3/152 The Pyrasaurus Lair (AUS) please welcome sysop Pyra Drake
                 who has set up a Synchronet BBS that can be reached at 
                 pyrasaurus.id.au:8888 or pyrasaur.fsxnet.nz:8888 use port
                 8889 for SSH connects. The BBS is based in Newmarket, QLD.
Added Node 3/151 daytona BBS (NLD) welcome to sysop Henk Hilgersum who hails
                 from Den Haag in the Netherlands. Henk is running a Mystic 
                 BBS under Linux. At this stage he does not have a domain 
                 name but is contactable via on port 23.
Updated Node 1/191 The Ruins BBS (USA) has changed domain name to 
                 theruins.ddns.net the telnet port remains 9707 and SSH is
Updated Node 3/112 Nightvault BBS (USA) Fang jas changed his system name and
                 the domain name has also changed to nightvault.fsxnet.nz the
                 nodelist etc. has been updated.
Removed Node 2/147 ACME BBS (USA) Don advised he is shutting down his BBS.
                 The node has been delisted.
Updated Node 2/113 PHATstar RetroBOX is now Fishingnet BBS. The domain has
                 also changed to fishingnet.phatstar.org:7777 the nodelist
                 and systems.txt has been updated.
Added Node 3/131 Black Sun BBS (USA) based in Little Rock, Arkansas please
                 welcome back sysop Aaron Clark aka Captain Kiwi. The BBS
                 is running Mystic and can be found at blacksunbbs.ddns.net 
Added Node 1/236 Classic BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Mike Chilson who hails 
                 from Birmingham, AL. Mike is running a Mystic BBS powered
                 by Linux. The system can be reached at classicbbs.com:2323
                 or classicbbs.fsxnet.nz:2323
Added Node 3/150 Planet Caravan BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Kevin Blalock.
                 Based in San Antonio you can check out his Mystic powered 
                 BBS by heading to lab.zylone.org or use port 1337 for SSH
                 connections. Welcome :)
Removed Node 3/118 Panopticon BBS. Node has been incative > 35 days and there
                 has been no contact from sysop. Node has been delisted.
Added Node 4/149 UAT_SOC BBS (USA) joining fsxNet say hi and welcome to 
                 sysop Aaron Jones who is based in Tempe, Arizona. The BBS
                 is running Enigma 1/2 and can be found at uatsoc.fsxnet.nz
                 on port 8889
Added Node 3/149 Roughneck BBS (USA) based in Phoenix, AZ welcome to sysop
                 Michael Ryan aka tracker1. Roughneck is powered by 
                 Synchronet BBS and can be found at host.roughneckbbs.com
Added Node 3/148 Nodewarrior BBS (USA) hailing from Houston, TX please welcome
                 sysop Wes Evans. The BBS is powered by Mystic and can be 
                 reached at nodewarrior.fsxnet.nz:2323 or port 2222 for SSH
Added Node 3/147 FullSys BBS (CAN) welcome to sysop Steven Paul. Based in
                 Ottawa he is setting up a Mystic BBS. The system is not
                 contactable and is marked as private (PVT) in the nodelist.
Added Node 1/233 The Swamp BBS (NLD) welcome aboard to sysop
                 Maurice den Braber who is based in Rotterdam, Netherlands.
                 You can reach his Mystic system at swamp.fsxnet.nz
                 Great to have you aboard Maurice. Welcome.
Added Node 1/234 Crewmate's Test Lab (USA) please give a warm welcome too
                Mike Edwards aka Crewmate who is based in Reno County.
                Crewmate is setting up his Mystic BBS running under Linux
                The system is not yet open but you will be able to reach
                it at testlab.fsxnet.nz:7357 (telnet) or use port 148 for 
                SSH when it does open up. Nice to have you as a member 
                of the fsxNet community crewmate :)
Added Node 1/235 Fratm's BBS (USA) based in Santa Rosa, California say hey
                 to sysop Steve Johnson aka Fratm. Fratm is running a Mystic
                 BBS under Linux and you can find his system at bbs.fratm.com
                 Welcome good sir thanks for choosing to join fsxNet :)
Updated Node 1/120 Starbase 11 BBS (DEU)now has a custom fsxNet domain name 
                 of starbase11.fsxnet.nz  the nodelist etc. has been updated.
                 The node is no longer marked as a PVT system.
Updated Node 4/158 Card & Claw BBS (USA) has changed names and is now called
                The Alpha Complex. The new domain name to connect with is
Updated Node 1/221 Twinkle BBS (USA) has been marked as 'Down' the BBS will
                return but for now is offline.
Added Node 1/232 Zooropa BBS (ARG) welcome to sysop Gaston Martres who hails
                 from CABA/Argentina. He's running a Mystic BBS and you can
                 connect to the BBS via zooropabbs.ddns.net:2323
                 Welcome Gaston :)
More housekeeping and removal of inactive nodes. This time in NET 2.
The following have been delisted due to inactivity / no sysop contact:
107 The Mage's Keep BBS  Joe Derr           bbs.themageskeep.com
109 Nexus Computers BBS  Manu Ngamotu       bbs.nexuscomputers.com.au
112 Drakefire BBS        Jake Parks         bbs.drakefire.com
119 Temple of Doom BBS   Kris Jones         tod.eothnet.com
128 Cortex BBS           Tony Toon          deepthaw.net:2323
158 Segfault BBS         Larry Wyble        segfault.hopto.org:2324
163 XM Core BBS          Dwight Spencer     bbs.dapla.net
Housekeeping and removal of inactive nodes in NET 1. The following have
been delisted due to inactivity / no sysop contact:
177 Tribe BBS (GBR) 
213 Deep Thought BBS (USA) 
216 Infinite Space BBS (USA)        
Removed Node 1/162 Razors Domain BBS (USA) Kevin advises he has closed his
                 BBS down. The node has been delisted.
Removed Node 3/121 ElGringo BBS (CAN) has been inactive for 50+ days and has
                 been delisted.
Added Node 2/142 TheViper BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Lloyd Fellon who hails
                 from Fernley, NV. The BBS is running Synchronet software 
                 and can be reached at theviperbbs.mywire.org 
                 Welcome to fsxNet Lloyd :)
Added Node 4/163 Jensencloud BBS (USA) say hi and welcome to sysop Pat Jensen 
                 who's runnning a WWIV system based in Fresno, CA.
                 The telnet address for the BBS is jensencloud.net
                 Welcome aboard Pat :)                
Added Node 1/231 DelNet BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Don Stratton who hails 
                 from New Castle, USA. Don is setting up a Mystic BBS you can
                 reach it at delnetbbs.ddns.net
Time for some housekeeping and removal of inactive nodes. Starting with NET4.
The following nodes have been delisted due to inactivity / no sysop contact:
117 The Reactor BBS      Bruce Weitzman     thereactorbbs.com
135 Veteran BBS          Mike Welborn       vetbbs.fsxnet.nz
146 BeBeeS               Milan Minic        gopher.su:1234
149 Viper's Den          Jeremy Wyble       vipersden.hopto.org
150 VA7AQD's Tavern BBS  Adam Clark         bbs.isurf.ca
155 Flower BBS           Troy Marchant      flower.sytes.net
Added Node 1/230 Lost Underground BBS (NZL) welcome back to the BBS scene
                 sysop Spiro Harvey aka Joe Doom. JD is based in Wellington
                 he's spun up a Talisman BBS. You can reach it at 
Added Node 4/162 SlipStream BBS (CAN) hello to Scott Styles who joins us from
                 Oshawa. Scott is using WINServer to power his BBS. Check it 
                 out at www.slipstreambbs.net
Updated Node 1/144 PBBS WHQ Support BBS has changed its name and is now called
                 Brain Patchwork DX, LLC. 
Added Node 3/146 Lost Worlds BBS (USA) welcome to John Julian who is based in
                 Denver, Co. John is running a Mystic BBS powered by Linux.
                 The BBS can be found at lostworlds.fsxnet.nz using standard 
                 port 23 or SSH via port 22
Added Node 1/229 TCOB1 BBS (IRL) please welcome sysop Sean Rima who is based
                 in Renvyle, Ireland. Running a BBBS system under Linux you
                 can reach his BBS by heading to tcob1.duckdns.org
                 Welcome to fsxNet Sean. Nice to have you as a member of the
                 online community. :)
Added Node 1/228 El Gato de Fuego BBS (PAN) welcome to sysop John Dovey aka 
                 BoonDock who is based in Pedasi, Panama. BoonDock is running
                 a Synchronet BBS, the system can be reached at
                 elgato.fsxnet.nz   Welcome to fsxNet John!
Added Node 3/145 Darkest Hour BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Shawn Rapp aka
                 BadOPCode who is based in Maricopa. BadOPCode is running a
                 Mystic system that you can find at dhbbs.org
                 Welcome to fsxNet!
Added Node 4/151 CaNerDUH BBS (CAN) please make welcome sysop Travis Mehrer
                 aka Blade who is based in Medicine Hat, AB. He's setting up
                 a Mystic BBS that you can find at bbs.canerduh.com:23905
                 Welcome aboard good sir :)
Added Node 2/106 Dock Sud Mystic BBS (ARG) Fernando aka Ragnarok has added a 
                 Mystic system and has set this up as a PVT node.
Added Node 3/144 Flocks BBS (UKR) welcome to Ruslan Ivanyuk who is based in 
                 Askania-Nova, Ukraine. Ruslan is setting up a PVT node 
                 that's powered by HPT and BinkD. Great to have you as a 
                 member of fsxNet :) Thanks for joining!
Added Node 1/227 Shipwrecks & Shibboleths BBS (USA) please welcome sysop
                 Chris Hizny aka DustCouncil who hails from Marana, Arizona.
                 Chris is setting up a Mystic BBS having last run a system 
                 (like many of us) back in the 90's. You can find the BBS at 
                 shibboleths.fsxnet.nz:800 or for SSH use port 801
                 Welcome to the fsxNet community Chris, nice to have you as a
                 member :)
Added several new echomail areas to fsxNet today!
FSX_GAMING           Games/Gaming Chat
FSX_SPACE            Space/Astronomy Chat
FSX_SPORTS           Sports Chat
FSX_RETRO            Retro Computing/Tech Chat
FSX_TRANSPORT        Transportation Chat (All Modes)
FSX_VIDEO            Movies/TV/Streaming Chat
FSX_MUSIC            Music Chat (Artists,Songs Etc)
FSX_DIY              D.I.Y Chat, Tips + Tricks
FSX_FOOD             Food + Cooking Chat
FSX_GARDENING        Gardening Chat
FSX_ARTS             Arts + Artistic Chat 
More details about these echos can be found in fsxnet.txt
Updated Node 1/224 Steve reports his system is available at
                 spotbbs.k9zw.com:1123 - systems.txt has been updated.
Added Node 1/226 Retro16 BBS (AUS) welcome back  to fsxNet sysop David Florey
                 who is based in Melbourne and running a Mystic BBS under 
                 Windows. You can reach the BBS at retro16.fsxnet.nz
Added Node 1/225 Free Speech You Smeghead BBS (CAN) welcome to sysop Doug 
                 McComber who is based in Kingston, Nova Scotia and is 
                 running a Mystic BBS. The BBS can be reached at 
                 freespeech.smeghead.club:6623 or port 6622 for SSH.
Removed Node 1/136 force9 BBS (GBR) has not polled for packets in 80+ days
                 the system has been delisted.
Added Node 3/143 Pedalion BBS (USA) hailing from Louisville, KY please say
                 hello and welcome to sysop Joe Ferraro who has set up his
                 Mystic BBS running Linux at bbs.pedalion.net
Added Node 3/142 Baffa BBS (BRA) also welcome aboard to sysop Augusto Baffa
                 who is based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The Synchronet 
                 powered BBS can be reached at baffa.zapto.org:2323 or use 
                 port 2322 for SSH
Added Node 4/107 Carnage! BBS (USA) please also make welcome sysop
                 Brian Rogers who hails from Unionville, Connecticut. Brian is
                 setting up a Synchronet BBS running Linux. The system can
                 be reached at carnage.fsxnet.nz:2300 or use port 2200 for SSH
Removed Node 3/131 Hundred Acre BBS has been delisted due to inactivity.
Time for some housekeeping and removal of inactive nodes. Starting with NET4
The following nodes have been delisted due to inactivity
21:4/126      Another F-ing BBS         Gary Crunk
21:4/133      Fading Black BBS          Will Smith
21:4/152      Blackfair's Manor BBS     Keith Cunningham
21:4/161      Gerlach BBS               Dominik Madarasz
Added Node 1/223 OldComp.EU BBS (CZE) based in the Czech Republic please 
                 welcome sysop Cerny Eduard aka MaDCz who is running a Mystic
                 BBS using Centos. You will find the BBS at 
                 bbs1.oldcomp.eu:2323 Welcome to fsxNet MaDCz :)
Added Node 1/224 Spot BBS (USA) also please welcome sysop Steve Weinert who
                 is based in Whitelaw, Wisconsin. Steve is an active HAM
                 radio operator callsign K9Zw and you can find his BBS at
                 spotbbs.k9zw.com he also runs at blog at k9zw.wordpress.com
Removed Node 2/106 NeoCincinnati BBS has closed and has been delisted.                
Added Node 1/221 Twinkle BBS (USA) it's a warm welcome back to Pequito who
                 has rejoined the scene and fsxNet. You can find his BBS at 
Added Node 1/222 Tiny's BBS II (CAN) Shawn has spun up a dedicated Talisman
                 powered BBS. It can be found at tinysbbs.com:4323 or use 
                 port 4322 for SSH connections.
Added Node 3/141 Thrace BBS (BGR) welcome to sysop Dafcho Tabakov who is 
                 based in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Dafcho is running a Mystic BBS
                 under Linux and you can reach his system at 
                 bbs.tabakov.net:13023 telnet or via port 22023 using SSH.
                 Thanks for being part of the fsxNet community and a warm
                 welcome to you :)
Added QWK Node   MUTINY / Mutiny BBS (USA).  Welcome to sysop Tom Powers who
                 is running a Synchronet BBS. You can reach Toms system
                 at mutinybbs.com:2332  Hi Tom! Thanks for joining and nice
                 to see you active in fsxNet :)
Added QWK Node   SILCHAT / Silent Chat BBS (AUT). Welcome to sysop Michael
                 Mrak. Based in Grossweikersdorf, Austria you can connect
                 to his Synchronet powered BBS via fidobbs.mrak.at:2323  
                 Hi Michael thanks for joining and we hope you enjoy taking
                 part in fsxNet :)
Added Node 2/168 Capitol Shrill BBS (USA) it's a warm welcome to sysop
                 Vincent Macaluso aka nolageek who is based in Washington, DC.
                 Running a Synchronet BBS you can reach the BBS by heading to
Updated Node 1/202 Star Collision BBS. The BBS is now accepting part time 
                 phone calls on +46-18-7501515. The nodelist has been updated.
Updated Node 3/124 Coffe House BBS (USA) has moved locale and is now based in
                 Ponchatoula, LA. The nodelist has been updated.
Added Node 1/220 swissIRC BBS (CHE) please welcome back to the BBS scene
                 sysop Alisha Manuela. Running Mystic BBS under Debian you 
                 can reach it at swissirc.fsxnet.nz or use port 2222 for SSH
                 connections. Nice to have you back in the BBS community :)
Added Node 1/126 Al's Geek Lab BBS (NZL) you may of watched some of Al's 
                 videos recently about the BBS scene? If not head to 
                 https://bit.ly/3cPL97T and check them out. Welcome to sysop 
                 Alistair Ross aka hyjinx who is is setting up a Mystic BBS.
                 You can reach it at bbs.alsgeeklab.com:2323 or use 2222 for 
                 SSH connections.
Added Node 1/214 Midnight Lounge BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Allie Prather
                 based in Panama City Beach, FL and running a Synchronet BBS
                 You can reach the system at lounge.mbl.social or use port 
                 2022 for SSH
Added Node 1/215 Project Open Gate BBS (USA) welcome also to Justin Waymire
                 who is located in Houston, TX. Justin has set up a Mystic BBS
                 and can be contacted at pog.fsxnet.nz or visit 
                 projectopengate.com for more details.
Added Node 1/216 Infinite Space BBS (USA) a shout out and welcome to Lenny 
                 Lacey who's in Orlando setting up his Mystic BBS under Win 10
                 Check it out at infinitespacebbs.ddns.net
Added Node 1/217 Battlestar Pegasus (USA) adding to the mix of BBS software
                 be sure to check out sysop Mark Iezzi's new system running
                 Renegade BBS. You'll find this at pegasusbbs.dyndns.org
Added Node 1/218 KCM BBS (AUT) based in Kautzen, Austria it's a warm welcome
                 to sysop Andreas Zahrl who is spinning up his Mystic BBS
                 running under Raspian. Reach it at zahrl.ddns.net:2023 or
                 use port 2222 for SSH.
Added Node 1/616 cold fusion bbs (USA) welcome to the fsxNet community sysop
                Alexander Grotewohl aka fusion. fusion has set up a Mystic BBS
                running Windows. You can find it at cfbbs.net
Added Node 1/219 Radio Freqs & Geeks BBS (USA) welcome back to a returning 
                 fsxNet member - Rich Gattie aka mobbyg who is setting his
                 system again. You can reach it at rfgeeksbbs.ddns.net:2323
                 or use port 2222 for SSH connections. Welcome back sir :)
Added Node 4/149 Viper's Den (USA) located in Kyle, TX you will find the 
                 Mystic BBS powered system run by susop Jeremy Wyble aka SkiZM
                 Check it out by heading to vipersden.hopto.org
Added Node 4/148 Roon's BBS (HUN) welcome aboard sysop Daniel Path who hails
                 Budapest, Hungary. Roon's is running Maximus/2 BBS under
                 OS/2 Warp. Want to try it out? Head to bbs.studio64.hu:1212
Added QWK Node   ELBURROD       El Burro Diablo BBS    Sysop: Brad Brown  
                 Welcome to Brad Brown who is based in Waterboro, ME and who
                 is running a Synchronet BBS under Windows. You can Telnet or
                 SSH to the BBS via elburrodiablo.com
Updated Node 1/207 The Trading Post [SOUTH] BBS is no longer a PVT node.
                 the nodelist has been updated accordingly.            
Added Node 3/140 Ground Central BBS (USA) welcome back sysop Matthew Blocker
                 aka Starstorm who has spun up a Mystic BBS that can be found
                 at gcbbs.duckdns.org:2323 or use port 2222 for SSH.
Added Node 3/137 Wicked Garden BBS (AUS) welcome to returning sysop Hung Tran
                 who is based in Burnside, Victoria. Running Ezycom BBS you
                 can reach the system via telnet to wgbbs.ddns.net
                 Welcome back to fsxNet :)
Added Node 3/138 Taliadon BBS (GBR) hailing from South Wales say hi to 
                 sysop Lee Westlake who has set up his Mystic BBS running 
                 Windows OS. Head to taliadon.ddns.net if you would like to 
                 visit the system.
Added Node 4/145 TFSI BBS (GBR) from London welcome to Nick Young who runs 
                 a Synchronet BBS under Ubuntu. You can reach the BBS by 
                 heading to tfsi.fsxnet.nz
Added Node 4/146 BeBeeS (CZE) based in Prague it's a warm welcome to Milan 
                 Minic aka BluX who has started up his Enigma 1/2 BBS running
                 Gentoo Linux. Telnet to gopher.su:1234 or ssh on port 4321
                 Nice to have you as a member of our online community :)
Added Node 3/139 The Bat Cave BBS (USA) heading now to Powell, Ohio please 
                 give a warm fsxNet welcome to sysop Minh Nguyen who has 
                 set up a Mystic BBS that can be found at batcave.fsxnet.nz
                 Nice to see you in fsxNet Minh, welcome :)
Removed Node 1/128 The OuijaBoard BBS (USA) Jeff has advised he is shutting
                his BBS down. The node has been delisted. Best wishes to you
                Jeff and thanks for being part of fsxNet over the years.
Added Node 1/128 Odyssey BBS (USA) welcome to Michael Schaffer who hails 
                 from Chicago. Setting up a Mystic BBS running Raspbian OS
                 you can visit his system at odysseybbs.ddns.net:8080
                 Great to have you as a member of fsxNet Michael - welcome.
Removed Node 1/126 Talisman BBS (AUS) Andrew advises he's shutting this 
                 system down. He's still active and running his Happyland
                 2.0 system (21:1/182)
Update Node 1/207 The Trading Post BBS has had its name updated to
                 The Trading Post [SOUTH] BBS.
We've made a change to the name of the file being hatched out each week that
contains the infopack. Previously it was called fsxinfo.zip and was hatched
out to the file area FSX_INFO with a command to 'replace' the old file with
the new one of the same name.
The file name has changed to fsxnet.zip .. all other behaviours remain the 
same with it too being sent to the FSX_INFO file base, and the same weekly
'replace' command being used to swap out old version with new.
** Please manually delete your old fsxinfo.zip from your FSX_INFO file base
as it will not be updated anymore **
Added Node 4/142 Off the Wall BBS (USA) Hello to sysop Robert Stinnett aka
                 dmxrob, based in St. Peters, Missouri he has set up a WWIV
                 BBS under CentOS. You can reach the system at
                 offthewall.dmxrob.net - welcome :)
Added Node 4/141 ConstructiveChaos BBS (USA) Craig has moved his setup from
                 QWK to FTN and has aquired this node number. The nodelist
                 and SYSTEM.TXT has been updated accordingly.
Added Node 1/207 The Trading Post BBS (USA) welcome aboard sysop Craig Dooley
                 who is based in Columbia. Craig is setting up WWIV 5.6.1 and
                 for now is operating as a Pvt node. 
With 21:1/100 moving to a Linux based system the infopack files have been 
changed to lowercase filenames. 
Added Node 1/177 Tribe BBS (GBR) welcome to sysop Ian Staney who is running a
         Mystic BBS under Linux. Ian is based in London and you can
         reach his system at tribe.duckdns.org:2222 if using Telnet
         or posrt 2223 for SSH. Welcome :)
Added Node 1/205 Magnum BBS (GBR) based in Huddersfield welcome to Keyop Troy
         who has spun up his Synchronet BBS and is connecting in to 
         fsxNet, You'll find the BBS at bbs.magnum.uk.net
         Welcome aboard :)
Added Node 1/206 The File Cabinet BBS (USA) ..and also please welcome from 
         Minnetonka, MN sysop Richard Vonzel who has set up his 
         Synchronet BBS. You can visit it at filecabi.synchro.net
         Glad to have you as a member of our online community 
         Richard.. a warm welcome to you too :)
Changes at 21:1/100 (NET 1)
Please note there have been changes made to the systems running the NET 1
HUB (21:1/100). If you are having any issues with the HUB please email
me avon@bbs.nz to let me know and I'll do my best to help sort out any
issues :)
The HUB is now running BinkD (mailer), HPT (tosser/areafix) and Htick
(file manager / filefiix) and should now be available via port 24554
as well as 24556. In time I will look to shutter port 24556.
Added Node 4/139 Mythical Kingdom Tech BBS (USA) based in Dayton please
                 welcome sysop Mark May. Mark is running a Synchronet BBS 
                 (for now) and you can find it by heading to
                 bbs.mythicalkingdom.com:5023 for Telnet connects or use port
                 5022 for SSH.
Removed Node 3/103 The Alien Mindbenders BBS due to inactivity.
Removed Node 3/114 1984 BBS due to inactivity.
Removed Node 3/128 Omega BBS due to inactivity.
Inactivity in this case means no polling for traffic from HUB > 30 days.
Added Node 3/134 Westwood BBS II (USA) welcome to Mike Newkirk who is based in
                 King George, VA and is running a Mystic BBS under Linux.
                 You can reach his system by visiting westwoodbbs.net
Added Node 4/132 Black Flag OBV/2 (USA) also welcome to Hawk Hubbard who has
                 spun up a BBS running Oblivion/2. You can reach that system
                 by heading to blackflag.acid.org:2629
Added Node 3/135 Lunatics Unleashed BBS (USA) welcome to Ross Branham aka 
                 Cosmo who is setting up a Mystic BBS running Windows.
                 The system can be found at lunaticsunleashed.ddns.net
Added Node 3/136 Mind's Eye BBS (AUS) checking in from Melbourne, Australia
                 welcome to Tom Aberdeen aka Randers who has returned to the
                 scene running a Synchronet BBS. Check it out by visiting
Welcome guys to fsxNet it's nice to have you as members of our online 
Added Node 1/168 Technically BBS (CAN) boosting the Canadian ranks of fsxNet 
                 members please welcome sysop Jason Billingham from Newmarket
                 Ontario. Running a Mystic system Jason can be reached at 
                 bbs.billingham.ca:2323 or port 2222 for SSH. Welcome :)
Added Node 3/132 Herp Derp BBS (ZAF) please welcome our first BBS located in
                 South Africa to join fsxNet. It's run by sysop Andrew Lewis
                 who is based in Roodepoort. The BBS is running Synchronet 
                 and accepts SSH connects only via herp.derp.org.org.za:2222
                 Welcome to fsxNet Andrew :)
Added Node 3/133 Slate Hell BBS (USA) also welcome to sysop Anthony Stump aka
                 cellguy who hails from Mooresburg, TN. Cellguy is also
                 running a Synchronet system and you will find that at 
                 msbgtn01.synchro.net. Nice to have you as a member of our 
                 community Anthony :)
Updated Node 4/106 The Rusty Mailbox (CAN) Al advises his domain name has 
                 changed. It's now trmb.synchro.net and the nodelist and
                 systems.txt has been updated.
Added Node 4/130 TradersBay BBS (USA) Chad Adams aka Ayex has spun up a 
                 new system that can be found at tradersbay.fsxnet.nz
                 The BBS is running Synchronet BBS. 
Added Node 1/139 bitHaven BBS (CAN) welcome to sysop Jean-Francois Joly who 
                 is based in Ontario, Canada. Running a Mystic BBS he is 
                 currently listed as a PVT node for now.                
Removed Node 1/139 Retro16 BBS (AUS) delisted due to inactivity.
Removed Node 1/168 Monterey BBS (USA) delisted due to inactivity.
Removed Node 1/177 Dali's Cat BBS (USA) delisted due to inactivity.
Added Node 4/117 The Reactor BBS (USA) welcome back to fsxNet sysop
                 Bruce Weitzman who hails from New Britain, CT. He's running
                 a Mystic system which can be found at Thereactorbbs.com 
Added Node 4/129 Hive 32 BBS (USA) please also welcome sysop Luke Galutia 
                 who is working away getting his Mystic system running.
                 The BBS can be found at bbs.hive32.com
Updated Node 3/127 Imzadi Box (DEU) have moved to port 23 instead of 2323
                 the SYSTEMS.TXT file has been updated accordingly.
Added Node 4/140 Redshift BBS (CAN) welcome back to returning sysop Scott
                 Carter. At this stage the BBS is a PVT system.
                 Nice to see you active again Scott :)
Added Node 3/131 Hundred Acre BBS (USA) based in Little Rock, Arkansas
                 please welcome Aaron Clark aka eeyore who has started his
                 Mystic BBS running on Raspbian OS. You can reach his system
                 at hundredacrebbs.ddns.net  ... I'm now really tempted to
                 find an eeyore quote right now :)
Added Node 1/197 Compufuck BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Aaron Thomas who is
                 based in Binghamton, NY. The BBS is running Mystic under
                 Linux and can be found at cfbbs.fsxnet.nz
                 Welcome to fsxNet Aaron :)
Firstly, Happy New Year. What a year 2020 was (and for probably all the wrong
reasons) with the impacts of Covid-19 being felt globally. Here's to an 
improving global health scene in 2021. I wish you good health and happiness 
for the year ahead. Thank you for continuing to take part in the
conversations and good natured community that is fsxNet.
My sincere thanks to Todd, Dan, Deon and Ruben for their support and efforts
they put into fsxNet to keep the various HUBs and NETs rolling along. Thanks
Righto, some admin for the first entry into HISTORY.TXT for 2021. I am still
getting used to writing 2021. Don't you hate that niggle we all face with 
developing a new habit of writing down the new year :) We'll all get there :)
Updated Node 1/146 Saturn’s Orbit (BRA) Flavio advises his domain name has
                 changed. It's now saturnsorbit.ddns.net and the nodelist
                 has been updated accordingly.
Added Node 1/149 The Fool's Quarter (USA) please welcome sysop Tim Whitson
                 who is based in West Linn, OR and is running a Synchronet
                 BBS under Windows 10. You can reach his BBS by heading to
                 fqbbs.synchro.net or use port 2022 for an SSH connection.
                 Welcome Tim!
Added Node 1/192 Communication Connection BBS (USA) also it's a warm welcome
                 to sysop Jeff Squires. Jeff is based in Rochester Hills,
                 Michigan and has set up a Mystic BBS running under Win 10.
                 You Telnet to the BBS at commconnbbs.net or use port 22 for
                 an SSH connect. Welcome to fsxNet Jeff :)            
Added Node 1/142 The Trashcan BBS (NZL) welcome to sysop Nick MacKechnie who
                 is based in Christchurch, New Zealand. Nick is running 
                 Searchlight BBS software and has been running his BBS in
                 NZ for many years. Welcome Nick. :)
Added Node 1/148 Dark Systems BBS (CAN) welcome to Aaron Grasswell who hails
                 from Peterborough, Ontario. He's running a Remote Access BBS 
                 that can be reached at bbs.dsbbs.ca  
                 Welcome to fsxNet Aaron :)
Updated Node 1/178 Internal Dimension BBS (USA) is now using bbs.idbbs.ca as
                 its domain name. The BBS is available on telnet port 59
Updated Node 5/105 PB Renegade BBS (USA) has moved to NET 3 and is now Node
Added Node 4/127 The Oasis BBS (USA) Charles has started up his BBS and it
                 can be reached at theoasisbbs.ddns.net
Updated Node 4/111 has been marked as 'Down'                 
Updated Node 1/126 Talisman BBS (AUS) can be found at talismanbbs.com
Updated Node 1/182 HappyLand 2.0 (AUS) can be reached at happyland.zapto.org
Updated Node 1/168 Monterey BBS (USA) has been marked as 'Down' in the 
Updated Node 4/120 Deep Space Gateway (USA) is no longer PVT and can be 
                   reached at deepspacegateway.net
Added Node 4/123 SpaceX Starship BBS (USA) a PVT node system run by sysop
                 Sam Penwright.
Added Node 5/105 PB Renegade BBS (USA) is a new Renegade 1.20/DOS system 
                 that can be found at gapbbs.rdfig.net:2424 and is run by
                 Ruben aka Zazz.
Added Node 3/129 Red Mud BBS (USA) welcome back to sysop David Snyder who
                 has again spun up his BBS and can be reached at
Removed Node 4/107 Centaurus BBS (FRA) has been delisted due to inactivity.
                   No connections etc. for > 55 days.
Added Node 3/128 Omega BBS (DEU) welcome to Andy Froese aka Memo who is also
                 based in Germany (Schwerin) and is setting up his Mystic BBS
                 running under Debian. You can find the BBS by heading to
                 obbs.one  Welcome Memo!
Fun fact: according to the latest Nodelist stats Germany is now the country
where the fifth most BBS reside in the fsxNet network. With the arrival of
Omega BBS the stats below will also increase and give New Zealand a run for
fourth slot :)
                           NetCountry v1.0.1a(RCS)
                    Current Runtime: 15 Nov 2020 01:33:44
                         Current Nodelist: FSXNET.325
            United States            154          59.92%
                   Canada             26          10.12%
                Australia             20           7.78%
              New Zealand             12           4.67%
                  Germany              8           3.11%
           United Kingdom              6           2.33%
                   Sweden              5           1.95%
              Netherlands              5           1.95%
                Argentina              4           1.56%
                    Italy              3           1.17%
                   Brazil              2           0.78%
                    Spain              2           0.78%
                  Finland              1           0.39%
                   Greece              1           0.39%
           Czech Republic              1           0.39%
                  Ireland              1           0.39%
                 Slovakia              1           0.39%
              Philippines              1           0.39%
                   France              1           0.39%
                  Romania              1           0.39%
                  Austria              1           0.39%
Totals                 22            257         100.00%
Added Node 3/127 Imzadi Box BBS (DEU) a warm welcome to Anna Nass who is
                 based in Karlsruhe. The BBS is running Mystic and will
                 be available at box.imzadi.de:2323 when it's up and running.
                 Welcome to fsxNet I hope you have fun with your BBSing 
                 hobby :)
Added Node 2/128 Cortex BBS (USA) welcome back to sysop Tony Toon aka 
                 Deepthaw. Deepthaw first joined fsxNet back in August 2017
                 and after a break has rejoined the network. Welcome back :)
                 Nice to have you as a member of our online community.
Changed description for FSX_MAG echomail area to:
FSX_MAG - Talisman BBS + Magicka BBS discussions, support and development.
The echoarea now also covers support for Talisman BBS (a new BBS also being 
developed by Apam).
The FSXNET.NA file has been updated to:
FSX_MAG              Talisman BBS Support/Dev
Updated Node 2/150 BBS has changed its name to 20 For Beers and is no longer
                 at PVT system. You can reach it at 20ForBeers.com:1337
Removed Node 3/106 Neuroflux BBS has been delisted due to node inactivity.
Added Node 1/108 Eternal Domain BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Kenny Taylor aka
                 Chaise who is based in Bakersfield, CA and is running a 
                 Mystic BBS under Windows. You can reach his system at 
Added Node 1/120 Starbase 11 BBS (DEU) and please also say hi and welcome to
                 Alexander Knerlein who is setting up his BBS running Mystic
                 on a Raspberry Pi. For now the system is PVT
Minor change to the nodelist. The country code for Germany that was being 
used in the nodelist has been changed from GER to DEU. This keeps things
consistent with the ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 codes we're using across the nodelist.
Added Node 4/123 SpaceX Starship BBS (USA) Sam Penwright is starting up a
                 second BBS. It is listed as a private node for now, as it
         is not completely set up.
Added Node 5/104 EMS!BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Scott Labrecque who hails 
                 from Anaheim and is running a Wildcat Interactive Net Server
                 The BBS can be found at ems-bbs.com
Added Node 4/115 TCS Online BBS (USA) please also give a warm welcome to
                 Chris Schoppy who is in Pittsburgh and running a Synchronet
                 BBS :) You can find him at bbs.trianglecloud.xyz
Added Node 3/126 The Forze BBS (NLD) Robbert Langezaal has been working on 
                 getting his Mystic BBS running under Debian. You can reach 
                 it at bbs.opicron.eu:23 or port 22 for SSH. Welcome aboard
                 Robert :)
Thanks to everyone who has started to adjust their roBOT posts in FSX_BOT to 
point to the newly created echomail areas for BOTs. A reminder to areafix
these new echos so your HUB starts to feed you them or contact your HUB 
admin to get them manually added for you :)               
Created FSX_TST  Test messages and other experimentation is welcome here! 
                 Messages using the subject of 'Test' *should* receive an
                 automated response from a roBOT. Humans can also appear 
                 magically with reports too. Your mileage may vary. Offer
                 is not available at Vanda Station.
Created FSX_ADS  BBS and NETwork Ads. Run a BBS you want to tell the world
                 about? Use a roBOT or manually post your BBS ASCII / ANSI
                 ads here. Please don't post the same thing more than once a
                 week (7 days). Let's keep it 'minty fresh' - too much of the
                 same thing usually ends in a diet :)                   
Created FSX_STA  Echomail + Network Stats. The echoarea for roBOT posts 
                 about echomail area stats, BBS mailer traffic and gateway
                 activity. FTN network stats / reports are also posted here.
                 Some people read them cover to cover while others like
                 horoscopes better :)
Created FSX_FIL  File Announcements. I like files, you like files, we all
                 like files! This echoarea contains roBOT posts covering files
                 received by fsxNet member BBS or files hatched from fsxNet
                 HUBS to the wider community.
With the creation of the new echoareas there have been some tweaks to the
descriptions and usage of existing echomail areas. Please note the following
updated info for these echos:
FSX_BOT - We welcome non-human roBOT output here. Gated or original content
          (e.g. weather, telemetry, entertainment etc.) lives here. BBS ads
          (FSX_ADS) , echomail stats (FSX_STA) or file announcements (FSX_FIL)
          live elsewhere.
FSX_GEN - A general discussion echoarea covering many topics. 
Added Node 1/191 The Ruins BBS (USA) running WWIV 5.5 the BBS is run by 
                 Doug Cooper and his family :) It can be reached at 
Added Node 3/125 Inner Realm BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Michael Long who is
                 based in Charlotte, NC. The BBS is running Synchronet and 
                 can be reached at innerrealmbbs.us:2323
Added Node 1/139 Retro16 BBS (AUS) welcome to fsxNet sysop David Florey who 
                 is based in Melbourne and running a Mystic BBS under 
                 Windows. You can reach the BBS at retro16.fsxnet.nz
Added Node 3/124 Coffee House BBS (USA) please welcome Jeffrey Bodenstein
                 who is based in Lisle to fsxNet :) His BBS is running 
                 Synchronet and can be reached at bbs.coffeehousebbs.me 2323
                 or use 2222 for SSH
Added Node 2/122 Battlestar III BBS (USA) Mark has spun up a new system
                 at battlestar3.dyndns.org:2400
Re-created a new echomail area:
FSX_ESP - Español General Chat. This echoarea offers a place for Spanish
          language conversations. Like FSX_GEN it is a general discussion
          echoarea covering many topics. Test messages and other
          experimentation is welcome.
          Este echoarea ofrece un lugar para conversaciones en español.
          Al igual que FSX_GEN, es una discusión general que abarca muchos
          temas. Mensajes de prueba y otros experimentos son bienvenidos.
Sub domain aliases have been created for NET 1-5 using the fsxnet.nz domain
name. This means you can now use the following to poll each HUB if you wish:
net1.fsxnet.nz - NET 1 (21:1/100)
net2.fsxnet.nz - NET 2 (21:2/100)
net3.fsxnet.nz - NET 3 (21:3/100)
net4.fsxnet.nz - NET 4 (21:4/100)
net5.fsxnet.nz - NET 5 (21:5/100)
Prior domain names associated with each HUB will still work but it's hoped
this may make things easier for folks setting up their BBS wanting to quickly
enter domain name address details for any given fsxNet HUB. FSXNET.TXT has
been updated accordingly.
Added Node 2/107 The Mage's Keep BBS (USA) hailing from Las Vegas in Nevada
                 please welcome sysop Joe Derr who has set up his Mystic 
                 BBS running on Windows. You can find the BBS at
Added Node 2/118 Halls of Valhalla BBS (USA) also joining the fsxNet community
                 it's a warm welcome to sysop Morgan Collins who is based in
                 San Francisco. Running a Synchronet BBS you can reach his
                 BBS via telent at hoval.synchro.net:2333 or use port 2233
                 for SSH.
Added Node 3/123 Binary Dreams BBS (USA) welcome to Vincent Jacobs who is 
                 based in Little Flock, AR USA and is running a Synchronet 
                 system. His BBS is at binarydreamsbbs.ddns.net:53412
Added Node 3/122 Final Zone BBS (USA) welcome to Kurisu Yamato who is running
                 Synchronet-Win32 and can be found at finalzone.ddns.net 
Added Node 1/182 The Barbed Hook (AUS) Andrew has set up a WWIV system and
                 it can be found at barbedhook.ddns.net:2323
Added Node 4/114 Reisub BBS (ARG) based in Junin, Buenos Aires please welcome
                 Fabián Bonetti who runs a Mystic BBS. The BBS can be found
                 at reisub.nsupdate.info:7020   Welcome :)
Added Node 2/102 Point Of No Return BBS (CAN) welcome to sysop Mark Da Silva
                 who is based in Toronto running Mystic with his system 
                 found pointofnoreturn.zapto.org
Removed Node 4/170 Hispania BBS (GBR) not polling hub > 45 days.
Removed Node 4/174 Mirrored Lands BBS (USA) not polling hub > 45 days.
Addded Node 1/113 Athelstan BBS (USA) welcome aboard to sysop Lance Vavricka
                 who is based in Houston and running a Synchronet BBS
                 You can reach his system at athelstan.fsxnet.nz:23 or use 
                 port 2222 for SSH.
Updated Node 4/158 Card & Claw BBS is now called The Drunken Gamer BBS
                 the nodelist etc. has been updated.
Added Node 3/121 ElGringo BBS (CAN) a warm welcome to sysop Yanick McDonald
                 who is based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada and is running a
                 Synchronet BBS. You can reach the system at bbs.el-gringo.ca
fsxNet Wiki moves to fsxnet.nz
The wiki has been moved from wiki.bbs.nz to wiki.fsxnet.nz as part of planned
activity to further develop and consolidate all things fsxNet to the 
fsxnet.nz domain name and website. I have updated the infopack to reflect
this change and am working to update other references online as well. If you
spot a mention somewhere online that I have missed please let me know :)
The fsxnet.nz website will contain new links to the wiki in the coming days.                 
Updated Node 1/180 Perceptronica BBS is now called Cold War Computing BBS
More admin cleaning up inactive nodes from NET 2.
Removed Node 2/149 Moderate Chaos BBS (USA)
Removed Node 2/107 The Northern Borderlands BBS
Removed Node 2/118 SmokyThing BBS (USA)
Removed Node 2/128 The Dragon's Den (USA)
Removed Node 2/142 Shakey BBS (USA)
Removed Node 2/148 Mystic Island BBS (USA)
And some welcomes also :)
Added Node 3/120 Westland BBS (NLD)welcome to Martien Korenblom who is based
                 in Westland, Netherlands and is running his Mystic BBS using
                 CentOS. You can reach the BBS at bbs.korenblom.nl:23 or by
                 SSH on port 22.
Added Node 4/113 Baud BBS (USA) welcome to Richard Orr from Kirkland, WA.
                 The Mystic BBS can be found at bbs.baud.games:6502 or use
                 port 6800 for SSH.  
Removed Node 1/148  Coco's BBS (CRI) has been inactive for some time and has
                 been delisted.
Removed Node 1/182 The Colossus BBS (USA) has been inactive for some time and
                 has been delisted.                
Removed Node 1/197 Trigonia BBS (SWE) also inactive for quite some time and 
                 now delisted.
Removed Node 1/210 Digital Jackalope BBS (CAN) inactive and delisted.              
Added Node 4/111 The Oasis (USA) welcome to Charles Pierson who is based in
                 Houston TX. Charles is connecting to fsxNet using HotdogEd
                 and is running as a private node.
Updated Node 2/147 ACME BBS (USA) can now be polled by the NET 2 HUB again.
More admin cleaning up inactive nodes from NET 2.
Removed Node 2/102 Flynn's Arcade BBS (USA)
Removed Node 2/103 Resistance Pride BBS (USA)
Removed Node 2/105 The New Frontier 2 BBS (USA)
Removed Node 2/125 PHATstar RetroBOX BBS (CAN)
Removed Node 2/146 Two Dudes BBS (USA)
Removed Node 2/147 ACME BBS (USA) 
Removed Node 2/153 t311net BBS (CAN)
Removed Node 2/157 SBBS BBS 
Removed Node 2/168 Conxtor BBS (ESP)
Removed Node 2/169 Jebula BBS (FIN)
[time passes]
Reinstated Node 2/147 ACME BBS (USA) while sorting polling.
Reinstated Node 2/103 Resistance Pride BBS (USA) while sorting polling.
Reinstated Node 2/105 The New Frontier 2 BBS while sorting polling.
Added Node 4/103 The Undermine BBS (CAN) welcome back to sysop Kostie Muirhead
                 who is based in Calgary. You can reach his BBS at
Added Node 4/108 Inland Utopia BBS (USA) also a warm welcome to Matthew Munson
                 based in Ontario in California. Running a WWIV BBS you can
                 reach the system at iutopia.duckdns.org:23
Further admin this time cleaning up inactive nodes from NET 4.
Removed Node 4/103 Ready Player Two BBS (USA)
Removed Node 4/111 Blue Northen Software BBS (USA)
Removed Node 4/123 Humongous BBS (TWN)
Removed Node 4/129 Syrinx BBS (USA) 
Removed Node 4/141 Retro Underground BBS (USA)
Removed Node 4/146 The Dragon's Gate BBS (USA)
Removed Node 4/148 Gateway to the West BBS (USA)
Removed Node 4/151 Thunder-Storm BBS (CAN)
Removed Node 4/159 RetroDevOps BBS (AUS)
Removed Node 4/173 KN6Q BBS (USA)
Removed Node 4/113 Digital Wurmhole BBS (CAN)
Removed Node 4/117 Brainsuxx.inc BBS (GER) 
Removed Node 4/139 DigiSoft BBS (SWE)
Removed Node 4/163 Retro Acorn BBS (GBR)
Firstly apologies for the delay in getting some updates to this page. I had
been chasing a job opportunity for some weeks and that took precedence. 
Didn't get the job (bummer) but now have time to do some BBSing stuff when 
the mood takes me (yay) so here we are :)
Look for additions and removals over the coming weeks as we work to tidy up
the nodelist and process some overdue additions etc.
Removed Node 3/104 Brain Storm BBS (BRA) is inactive and has been delisted.
Removed Node 3/115 Tradestation BBS (USA) is inactive and has been delisted.
Removed Node 1/139 devNULL BBS (USA) Phillip's system has been inactive for 
                 some time so it's been delisted for now.
Removed Node 1/120 Cyberia BBS (USA) Gryphon had sadly closed his system down
                 some time ago. This is a catch-up entry to reflect the
                 removal of his system from the nodelist. :( 
Removed Node 1/191 Slasho.me BBS (USA) Christopher's system is MIA and is now 
Removed Node 1/207 Argen-X BBS (ARG) Eduardo's system is also MIA and has been
Added Node 1/212 SugarRush BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Johnathon Arnold who is
                 running a Mystic BBS and is based in Eugene, OR. The system
                 can be reached at bbs.mrhatestheworld.com . Nice to have you
                 as a member of our online community Johnathon :)
Added Node 1/213 Deep Thought BBS (USA) hailing from Topeka KS please welcome
                 sysop Nick Burchett to fsxNet :) This is also a Mystic BBS
                 that runs on Windows OS. You can reach it by heading to
                 bbs.deepthoughtbbs.com .... thanks for joining Nick :)
The following are entries courtesy of Deon aka Alterego and cover changes to
NET 3 in recent months. Thanks good sir for penning these updates!
[start text]
Added Node 3/119 FuNToPia - Welcome to Stephan Gebbers joining from Potsdam in 
Germany. Stephan runs the FuNToPia BBS using Magicka on a Raspberry Pi with 
Debian. Stephen's BBS can be connected to via telnet at funtopia.ddnss.eu port 
2023, or via SSH on port 2022.
Added 3/118 - Panopticon - Welcome to Alex Spezowka joining from Calgary in 
Canada. Alex runs an Enigma BBS on Ubuntu Linux. Alex's BBS can be connected to 
via SSH using panoptic.onl:7778
Added Node 3/117 - Runaan BBS - Welcome to Andre & Etienne Robitaille from 
Milwaukee in Wisconsin. Andre used to run a WWIVnet node back in the day, but 
now with his son, they are running Runaan BBS using Mystic on a Raspberry Pi. 
Their BBS can be connected to via telnet on bbs.k9zn.org
Added Node 3/116 Farm BBS - Welcome to Scott Bogatinoff connecting from 
Nashville, Tennessee. Scott runs a Mystic BBS on Windows 10. Scott's sorting 
out a domain name so that you can connect to his BBS - so reach out for info if 
you would like to connect.
Added Node 3/115 Tradestation BBS - Welcome to Stan Peck connecting from 
Florence Alabama. Stan uses Mystic BBS on Windows 10. Stan doesn't have an 
inbound address yet for his BBS, but reach out to him directly if you would 
like to connect to his BBS
Added Node 3/114 1984 BBS - Welcome to Jeff Liford connecting from Washington, 
DC. Jeff's using Mystic on Debian Linux called. Jeff's BBS can be connected via 
telnet on 1984.fsxnet.nz.
[end text]
Look for further updates / changes to other NETS in the coming weeks.
Removed Node 1/192 A 90's Manila BBS (SGP) sysop advises the system has shut
Updated Node 1/122 Necronomicon BBS is now using necrobbs.ddns.net as its
                 main domain name. The nodelist has been updated.
Updated Node 1/126 HappyLand BBS is now called Wunderlust BBS  and can be
                 reached at wunderlust.ddns.net:2023
Removed Node 1/149 Xionum BBS (GER) advises their system has closed down.
This line has been added intentionally to see how many will spot it and 
mention it with the subject line of 'History in the making' in fsx_gen
Home and work life are keeping me busy at present but my hope is to be more
active in BBS in the coming months when things settle down a bit.
Best way to contact me at present is via email avon@bbs.nz Cheers. Avon.
Updated Node 1/185 Lighting BBS (USA) is back and Immortal's Domain is no more.
                 The domain name is now lightningbbs.com and port 2400 for
                 telnet connects :)
Added QWK Node   GMBBS      Gray Matter BBS           Sysop: Greg Youngblood   
Added QWK Node   WBBSNET    Wicked BBS                Sysop: Greg Youngblood          
Added QWK Node   CONCHAOS   ConstructiveChaos BBS     Sysop: Craig Hendricks    
Added QWK Node   ALLEYCAT   AlleyCat! BBS             Sysop: Gregg Somes                              
                 A warm welcome to the above QWK connected BBS to fsxNet :)
Removed Node 4/108 Psychosis BBS (USA) node has been inactive 59 days and has 
                 been delisted.
Removed Node 4/114 PlaneT Afr0 BBS (USA) node has been inactive 56 days and
                 has been delisted.
Removed Node 4/145 Fireball Express BBS (USA) node has been inactive 60 days
                 and has been delisted.
Removed Node 4/169 What the Dormouse Said BBS (USA) node has been inactive
                 46 days and has been delisted.
Added Node 3/113 Pweck's Retreat BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Dean Lodge who
                 is based in Omaha. The BBS can be found at bbs.pweck.net
                 Nice to have you as part of the fsxNet community Dean :)
Added Node 4/174 Mirrored Lands BBS (USA) hailing from Manchester, CT
                 please also welcome Chris Lagonick-Weitzel aka Lord Gareth
                 Running a Mystic system on a Raspberry Pi you can find the
                 BBS at mirroredlands.ddns.net Welcome to fsxNet good sir.
Added Node 1/151 Geek Sphere BBS (PRT) hailing from Lisbon, Portugal please
                 also give a warm welcome to sysop Vasco Costa aka Gluon.
                 Gluon is running a Mystic system on a Raspberry Pi.
                 You can visit at bbs.geeksphere.tk:2023
Removed Node 1/108 Sector 7 (USA) node has been inactive 68 days and has 
                 been delisted.
Removed Node 1/113 Alcoholiday BBS (USA) node has been inactive 49 days
                 and has been delisted.
Removed Node 1/205 Wicked Garden BBS (USA) node has been inactive 41 days
                 and has been delisted.
Removed Node 1/206 Red Mud BBS (USA) node has been inactive 40 days and 
                 has been delisted.
Removed Node 1/142 The Vista BBS (USA) has been maked 'Down' for some time
                 there's been no further contact from the sysop so the node
                 has been delisted.
Updated Node 1/135 Return to the lair of the Wolverine BBS (USA) the BBS is
                   no longer marked as 'down' in the nodelist. 
Updated Node 1/178 Internal Dimension BBS (USA) Dave advised his domain name
                 has changed to id-bbs.ddns.net the nodelist etc. has been
Updated Node 1/165 The Underground BBS (USA) is now running on telnet port
Updated Node 3/100 NET 3 Mutura HUB BinkP server has moved to port 24554 and
                 also offers BINKPS on port 24553. The nodelist has been
                 updated and NET 3 nodes and Alterego is in touch with
                 NET 3 nodes.
Removed Node 2/143 The Bit Bucket BBS (CAN) has shutdown. Stephen has advised
                   his system is no more. The node has been delisted.
Added Node 3/112 Flee the Planet (USA) welcome to sysop Fang Castro who is
                 based in Sacramento running his Synchronet BBS.
                 You can reach it at flee.fsxnet.nz
Added Node 3/109 Manic Modem BBS (USA) welcome to John Cameron who is based
                 in Union, KY. John is running a Winserver system and 
                 can be reached at telnet.manic-modem.com
Added Node 3/110 Northern Realms BBS (CAN) joining our community from Binbrook
                 in Ontario. Please welcome sysop Jay Harris who is setting 
                 up his Mystic BBS running under Windows 10. You can reach
                 his system at bbs.nrbbs.net via both telnet and SSH.
Added QWK Node   MINDSEYE Welcome to sysop Tom Aberdeen (Randers) who is 
                 based in Melbourne, Australia. Tom is running a Synchronet
                 BBS under Windows 10. You can reach his system at 
Updated Node 4/170 Hispania BBS (GBR) the domain name has now changed to 
                 hispaniabbs.ddns.net the nodelist has been updated.
Updated Node 2/105 The New Frontier 2 BBS (USA) has a new domain name
                 frontierbbs.net and can be reached at port 23. The BinkP
                 server moves to port 24556. The nodelist has been updated.
Updated Node 2/155 The Amiga Frontier BBS (USA) minor change to BBS name.
                  Telnet port shifts to 8888 and SSH to 8889. Nodelist 
Added Node 3/111 The Unknown Realm BBS (CAN) welcome to sysop Mike
                 McCafferty aka Grim Reaper who is running a mix of Mystic
                 and PCBoard systems. turealm.no-ip.org:3023 Mystic
                 turealm.no-ip.org:2323 PCBoard. Mike is based in Oshawa,
Added Node 3/108 Buckeye Telegraph (USA) welcome to Dean Galloway who is
                 setting up his D'Bridge mailer. The system will be Cmech
                 and once running can be found at mailer.buckeyetelegraph.net
Updated Node 2/116 Chinwag BBS (AUS) Deon advises a new mailer port for the
                 system - alterant.leenooks.net:24564 the nodelist has been
                 updated. This was done a few days back but Avon forgot to
                 make a note of it here. Whoops.
Updated Node 1/165 The Underground BBS (USA) has the domain name of 
                 theunderground.us the system has had its PVT flag removed.
Added Node 3/107 Arcadia BBS (USA) welcome to Mike Pedersen who has 
                 set up his Mystic BBS running on Windows. The BBS can be
                 reached at telnet.arcadiabbs.com
Updated Node 3/105 The Lab BBS (USA) the good Doctor advises the domain
                 name for the BBS is now bbs.dicksonlabs.net the nodelist
                 has been updated.
Added Node 1/165 The Underground BBS (USA) Please say hello and welcome to
                 sysop Doug Cooper who is running a Mystic system and getting
                 things set up as I type this. For now there is no domain to
                 poll and the node is marked as PVT in the nodelist.
Added Node 3/106 Neuroflux BBS (USA) It's a warm welcome to sysop Sam Evans
                 who is based in Boise, Idaho. Sam is running a Mystic system
                 running on Linux. You can reach his BBB via telnet and SSH
                 at bbs.neroflux.com:6990 and on port 2022 respectively.
Removed Node 1/165 3rd Choice Core BBS (NZL) Sneaky advises this system has
                 closed down.                
Added Node 3/103 The Alien Mindbenders BBS (IRL) welcome to Martin 
                 List-Petersen who is based in Ireland and hails from
                 Rochfortbridge. Martin is setting up a Mystic BBS running
                 under Linux. You can reach his BBS by heading to 
Added Node 3/105 The Lab BBS (USA) please also welcome Les Wade aka Doctor
                 Wade. Based in Tennessee the Doctor is setting up a 
                 Mystic BBS. There's no domain name at present for the
                 BBS only an IP address of                 
Added Node 1/210 Digital Jackalope BBS (CAN) please welcome sysop Daria 
                 Juniper aka Dasreal who is checking in from Toronto.
                 You can reach his Mystic system at bbs.jackalope.pw
Updated Node 2/169 Jebula BBS (FIN) is now linked to bbs.jebu.la and is no
                 longer marked as a PVT node in the nodelist.
Updated Node 1/151 has moved to NET 3 and is now 3/102                
Added Node 2/167 ITBNET BBS (ITA) please welcome from Roma sysop Pasquale
                 Monti. Pasquale is setting up a MagickaBBS running on
                 Ubuntu and you can find his system at itbnet.fsxnet.nz
Added Node 2/168 Conxtor BBS (ESP) based in Cartama, Spain it's a warm
                 welcome to Volker Kerkhoff who is in the process of 
                 setting up his Mystic BBS. You can visit his system at
Added Node 2/169 Jebula BBS (FIN) it's the second system based in Finland
                 to join fsxNet. Please welcome Jesse Maenpaa who is 
                 working on his Mystic BBS running on a Raspberry Pi.
                 The system is not yet public so is marked at PVT for now
                 in the nodelist.
Added Node 4/172 Dark Forces BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Mark Iezzi who is
                 running a Mystic BBS that can be found at
Added Node 4/173 KN6Q BBS (USA) also welcome to Tom Kisner based in Azle, 
                 Texas. Tom is running a Mystic BBS under Windows 10 and 
                 it can be reached at bbs.kn6q.org
Added QWK Node   NECROBBS Welcome to sysop Jonathan Tolentino who hails from
                 Los Angeles, California and is running a Synchronet BBS
                 You can telnet to the system at necrobbs.com
Added Node 2/166 Dark Carnival BBS (USA) welcome to Richard Matthews aka
                 FreshRich who is based in LaGrange, Georgia. You can 
                 connect to his Mystic system at bbs.darkcarnival.org
Updated Node 1/190 Abacus BBS (USA) Rick advises his telnet port has moved
                 to port 2323. Nodelist has been updated.
Added Node 4/170 Hispania BBS (GBR) Welcome to sysop Efraim Sanchez Gil who
                 is based in Milton Keynes, UK. Running a Mystic BBS on a 
                 Raspberry Pi you can reach the BBS by heading to
Added Node 4/171 Star Frontiers BBS (USA) And it's welcome William Williams
                 who joins us from Huntsville, Tx where he is running a 
                 Synchronet BBS under Linux. The BBS can be found at 
Added Node 2/165 LoFi BBS (CAN) Hi and welcome to Matt Gibson aka HiFi who 
                 is setting up his Enigma 1/2 BBS. You can reach the BBS
                 at lofi.ooo:8888 or SSH on port 8889
Added Node 1/125 CrNet BBS (USA) and taking the world record for the fastest
                 reuse of a delisted fsxNet node number please welcome John
                 Gonzales who is based in Saint James, NY, USA and is setting
                 up his Mystic BBS at bbs.crnet.net - welcome John :)
                 Did you know that once in a while Avon may write something 
                 rather random in HISTORY.TXT just cause :) The fun thing is
                 that sometimes these may be much harder to spot than you
                 think they actually are. Just saying... ;)
Removed Node 1/125 Nocturnal BBS (AUS) Andrew advises this system has closed.
                 The node has been delisted.
Added Node 2/161 DaRK Game BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Arturo Busleiman who is
                 based in Kannapolis, NC annd running a Mystic BBS under Linux
                 You can reach his system at darkgame.buanzo.org
Added Node 2/164 Dragonstalon BBS (USA) and it's also a warm welcome to 
                 Lee Staley who hails from Whiteville, TN and is set up using
                 Mystic BBS under Windows 7. You can reach the BBS via Telnet
                 at dtalon.ddns.net:8088
Removed Node 1/190 Amoeba BBS (USA) Mike advises his system has closed down.
                 Best wishes Mike and hope to see you back again sometime.
Added Node 1/190 Abacus BBS (USA) please welcome sysop Rick Smith whos is
                 based in Portland, OR. Rick is setting up a Mystic BBS and
                 can be reached at bbs.abon.us                 
Added Node 4/169 What the Dormouse Said BBS (USA) arriving from Springfield
                 IL it's welcome to Greg Zoll. Who's setting up his
                 Synchronet BBS running under Windows 10. Pop over and say
                 Hi :) The address is whatthed.synchro.net:23 Telnet or 
                 port 22 for SSH.
Added Node 1/209 LU8FJH BBS (ARG) welcome to sysop Juan Musso who is based
                 in Rosario Argentina. His BBS can be reached at 
                 lu8fjh.dyndns.org and his website is lu8fjh.ampr.org
Added Node 1/208 S.W.A.T.S BBS (NZL) Please welcome sysop Stephen Hunt aka
                 Major Queen based in Auckland, New Zealand. Returning to 
                 BBSing after some years away. The BBS is being set up
                 running Mystic and can be reached at swatsbbs.ddns.net
                 Welcome back to the BBS scene :)
Added Node 2/163 XM Core BBS (USA) It's a warm welcome to Dwight Spencer aka
                 Cyberlord who is running a Mystic BBS on Linux. Based in
                 Dallas TX you can reach XM Core at bbs.dapla.net or visit
                 the website at http://web.bbs.dapla.net/
Added Node 2/162 The Freespeak BBS (USA) also back to the BBS scene from a 
                 hiatus that started in the early 2000s please welcome Gary
                 Ailes who is based in Pittsburgh, PA. Gary is working on 
                 setting up his Mystic system and enjoying re-learning all
                 that BBS stuff we knew oh so much better back in the 90s :)
                 You can visit Gary's system by heading to freepeak.hopto.org
Added Node 4/167 The Vault BBS (ARG) also joining us from Argentina and
                 located in Buenos Aires please welcome Rodrigo Peláez who is
                 setting up a Mystic system running on Windows 10
                 You can reach the BBS at thevaultbbs.fsxnet.nz:2323
Added Node 4/168 Dales BBS (GBR) Welcome to returning sysop Dale Cousins who
                 is based in Gorleston, Norfolk and returns to fsxNet after
                 a year or three away :) Welcome back Dale. You can find his
                 BBS at dalesbbs.fsxnet.nz:2323 or use port 2222 for SSH
Updated Node 4/102 Before the Web BBS (USA) has changed domain names to
                  furmenservices.net - the nodelist and systems.txt have 
                  been updated.
Added Node 1/207 Argen-X BBS (ARG) please welcome back sysop Eduardo
                 Castillo who is based in Tortuguitas, Argentina.
                 Eduardo is a HAM radio operator who has the callsign LU9DCE
                 You can reach his BBS via Telnet at sysop.kozow.com and he
                 is joined by his co-sysop Guagua in running the system.
                 Look for gated packet radio content etc. on his system.
Added Node 1/206 Red Mud BBS (USA) welcome back to sysop David Snyder who is
                 running a Mystic system at redmudbbs.site
Added Node 4/166 Black Lodge Research BBS (USA) welcome Emory Balmer aka 
                 Embalmed who has set up a Mystic BBS running on Linux.
                 Head to blacklodge.fsxnet.nz and use port 4023 for telnet
                 or 4022 for ssh. Black Lodge Research, founded in 2007,
                 is a hackerspace located in Redmond, Washington that serves
                 the greater Seattle Hacker community. For more info visit
Updated Node 4/158 Strontium 90 BBS (USA) has changed it's name to Card &
                 Claw BBS. Robbie advises the domain name and ports are now 
                 cardandclaw.servebbs.com 8888/8889 - the nodelist and info
                 pack have been updated.
Added Node 1/198 The Fat Dragon (USA) is working on getting connected to 
                 fsxNet. Based in New York its admin Dan Cross is
                 experimenting with FTN and BBSing in 2020. For more on
                 his prject you can vist and read fat-dragon.org
                 Welcome Dan :)
Added Node 2/159 SBB Systems (GBR) welcome to Frans King who is running a
                 Enigma 1/2 BBS under Raspian. Based in London, England you
                 can reach the BBS via bbs.sbbsystems.com and use port 8888
                 for telnet or port 8889 for SSH. Welcome to fsxNet Frans :)
Added Node 4/165 w0pr.win BBS (USA) running a Mystic BBS please welcome 
                 sysop Richard Swartz who is based in Sparta, Tennessee.
                 You can visit the BBS by heading to w0pr.win
Added Node 2/160 DarkAges BBS (USA) also joining the fsxNet community please
                 give a warm welcome to Randy Henderson aka Gargoyle who is
                 located in Wayne, Oklahoma.  Gargoyle is running a 
                 Synchronet BBS and you can reach him at darkagesbbs.com or
Added Node 1/204 Family BBS (NZL) welcome to sysop Tony Pawson aka Widgit who
                 is based in Auckland, New Zealaand. Widgit is running a 
                 Mystic BBS under Windows 10 Pro. You can reach his system at
Added Node 1/150 Sotano Msx BBS (ESP) hailing from Ibiza in Spain welcome to
                 Pepe Diaz who is setting up a Mystic BBS running under
                 Linux. The system is marked as PVT for now as there is no
                 domain name established for it as yet.   
Added Node 1/205 Wicked Garden BBS (AUS) please say gidday to sysop Hung Tran
                 who is based in Burnside, Vic. and running a Mystic BBS 
                 using Windows 10. The system can be reached at 
Removed Node 4/162 Stellar Darkness BBS - Mike advises he is closing his BBS 
                 down so the system has been delisted. 
Added Node 5/103 The Computer Express (USA). Welcome to sysop Chris Costakis
                 who is running a Wildcat BBS and is based in Anoka, MN.
                 You can reach his system at bbs.costakis.org
                 Welcome aboard Chris :)                 
Added Node 2/158 Segfault BBS (USA) a warm welcome to sysop Larry Wyble who
                 is based in Canyon TX. Running a Mystic BBS under Windows 10
                 you can reach the BBS by heading to segfault.hopto.org:2324
                 Welcome to our online community Larry :)
2020-01-01       Happy New Year! Welcome to a new decade of BBSing. It's
                 going to be an interesting 10 years, Buckle in!
Updated Node 4/103 Ready Player Two BBS (USA) is currently offline with 
                 hardware problems. The system is marked 'down' in the
                 nodelist for now.
Removed Node 4/115 The Big Edge BBS (CAN) Robin's system is not contactable
                 and has been delisted.
Added Node 4/115 Phaseshift BBS (CAN) Re-returning to the BBS scene is sysop
                 Kevin Pausche. Welcome back Kevin aka Grud. The BBS is
                 running Mystic under Linux and can be reached at 
Added Node 1/193 Darkstar BBS (AUT) Please welcome from Vienna, Austria 
                 sysop Alexander Winkler who is running a Mystic BBS under
                 Centos 7. You can connect to the BBS via Telnet using 
                 darkstar.bmxjo.org:2023 or for SSH connects use port 2022
Updated Node 2/157 SBBS BBS has changed its domain name address to 
                 mystic.dynu.net - the nodelist etc. has been updated.                 
2019-12-25       Merry Christmas :)
                 Thanks for being part of fsxNet and keeping the BBS scene
                 alive and active. It's been great to see how popular BBSing
                 and echomail message networking remains in 2019. Here's to a
                 fun, simple and experimental 2020.
                 Look for a few nodes to be pruned in the coming weeks as some
                 sysops setup and then disappear failing to let HUB admins know
                 they are shutting down. This seems to be part and parcel of how
                 things can roll... but it's a PITA to keep the nodelist up to
                 date. :(
Updated 1/100    The NET 1 HUB has (for now) moved to a combo of BinkD for
                 mailer and HPT for tossing packets. There are some concerns
                 with the current version of Mystic (1.12 A43) in the way
                 packets are being processed and/or sent. This change is a 
                 precaution until the author (g00r00) can have a look at the
Updated Node 1/154 Raiders BBS (USA) now using BinkP port 24554
Added Node 2/150 American Pi BBS (USA) hailing from Portland, Oregon please
                 give a warm welcome to sysop Paul Hughes who is setting up
                 his Mystic BBS running on a Raspberry Pi. Paul is working
                 on a domain name that you can connect to him on etc. so for
                 now his system is marked as PVT in the nodelist.
Added Node 2/156 CJ's Place BBS (USA) also joining the fsxNet community it's
                 a big hey there and welcome to sysop Chris Johnson who is
                 based in Orange City, FL. Chris runs a Synchronet BBS 
                 under Windows 10 and can be reached at cjsplace.thruhere.net
Created FSX_NET - fsxNet is now just over 4 years old. This echoarea has been
                  created as a space for discussions about the network, its 
                  current operations, plans for the future and how best to 
                  implement them. Suggested topics include decentralization,
                  collaboration, promotion, membership, encrypted connectivity
                  mesh networking, new protocol development + implementation
Removed Node 1/150  Disconnected Reality (USA) Adam advises he is shutting
                 down his BBS. The node has been delisted. 
Updated Node 1/135 Return to the lair of the Wolverine BBS (USA) is currently
                 offline. Patch advises he is trying to work a solution to 
                 fix his Raspberry Pi. The node has been marked as 'down'
                 for now.
Updated Node 1/128 The OuijaBoard BBS domain of ftn.region14.org was not 
                 working so have updated the domain name to bbs.ouijabrd.net
Updated Node 1/142 The Vista BBS - Ian advises his system is 'down' for now
                 while he rebuilds things. The node has been marked as 'down'
                 in the nodelist for now.                 
Added Node 5/102 TAK Software BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Thomas Kloos who is
                 running Winserver v8 under Windows Server 2012. You can find
                 his BBS at bbs.taksoftware.com
Updated info in FSXNET.TXT to reflect recent changes to NET 3 and NET 5
Also added updates to text on bbs.nz and fsxnet.nz
fsxNet Nodelist Housekeeping - NET 3
Updated Node 3/100 The Mutura HUB duties are now being handled by Deon aka 
                 Alterego at Linucus BBS using a Taurus mailer running 
                 EMSI/FTS6 style connections at alterant.leenooks.net:60177
                 - thanks Deon :)
Removed Node 3/106 Linucus BBS now moves to 3/100 and carries HUB duties.
Added Node 3/101 The Lower Planes BBS (AUS) Anthony Adverse aka Spectre
                 rejoins NET 3 as a full node.
Added Node 4/103 Ready Player Two BBS (USA) It's hello and welcome to 
                 Scott Daniels who is based in Front Royal, VA and joins the
                 community as he has some fun with BBSing :) You can reach
                 his Mystic powered BBS at readyplayertwo.ddns.net
Created - NET 5  This NET has been established as part of an experiment to
                 better serve WildCat BBS sysops who wish to connect to 
Created - HUB 5  The Omicron fsxHUB has been re-established as 21:5/100
                 Omicron Theta is the planet "where Dr. Noonien Soong built
                 and activated the android Data and his brother Lore". 
                 The HUB (WildCat Prison BBS) uses a mix of Winserver,
                 Platinum Xpress, Netserial and VMODEM to enable fellow
                 Wildcat sysops to connect connect with each other and to
                 link in to fsxNet. It's a work in progress.
Removed Node 2/122 WildCat Prison BBS (USA) running WildCat (WinServer)
                 moves to NET 5 and is now 21:5/100
Removed Node 3/108 The File Bank BBS (AUS) moves to NET 5 and is now
Updated Node 4/122 Reality Check BBS (USA) is now referred to in systems.txt
                   and nodelist as realitycheckBBS as per sysop request.
Added Node 2/144 Outremer BBS (CAN) please welcome to the fsxNet community
                 sysop Pieter Bakker aka Olrik who has set up a Mystic BBS
                 running under Windows. Olrik is based in Vancouver and you
                 can reach his system at outremer.fsxnet.nz
Added Node 2/147 ACME BBS (USA) also joining fsxNet this week say hi to 
                 sysop Don Lowery who hails from Albany, OR. Don is running
                 a Mystic system and it can be reached at
Added Node 2/139 - Gryphus BBS (AUS). Welcome back to sysop Stephen
                   Arnold. Running Mystic BBS on a Raspberry Pi you can find
                   Stephen's system at gryphus.vk2sja.org:5632
Updated Node 2/116 Chinwag BBS (AUS) Deon advises the domain name has changed 
                 and is now alterant.leenooks.net the nodelist and systems.txt
                 have been updated.
Updated Node 1/444 Ozz advises his BBS has changed its name to PBBS WHQ
                  Support and the port on his domain name has changed to
                  exchangebbs.com:38400 the nodelist and systems.txt have
                  been updated.                                    
Added Node 2/126 Rust Belt BBS (USA) it's a warm welcome to sysop Kevin Miller
                 who is based in Rochester, NY and is running his Mystic BBS
                 under Windows 10. You can reach his system at 
Updated Node 2/108 Storm BBS (USA) April advises her domain name has changed
                 you can now reach the BBS at telnet.stormbbs.com
                 The nodelist has been updated to reflect this change.                 
Updated Node 2/109 Nexus Computers BBS (AUS) have removed PVT flag from the
                 nodelist as the BBS can be reached via 
Updated Node 4/106 The Rusty Mailbox (CAN) updated telnet port to 2023 and
                 removed ITN flag in nodelist.                 
Added Node 3/108 The File Bank BBS (AUS) hailing from Carins, Australia it's
                 a warm welcome to sysop Terry Roati. Terry is running a 
                 WIldcat BBS (v8.0.454.9) under Windows 10.
                 You can reach his BBS at tfb.fsxnet.nz
Added Node 1/147 The Comm's Nut BBS (AUS) ..and adding to our Australian 
                 contingent please say gidday to sysop Danny Moss.
                 Danny is based in Gagebrook, Hobart Tasmania and is running
                 a Mystic BBS under Debian. You can find his BBS at
                 tcnbbs.fsxnet.nz:2323 or port 2222 for SSH connections.
                 Danny is an amateur radio operator, his callsign is VK7HDM.
Added Node 2/123 Deadbeatz BBS (USA) joining the fsxNet community please 
                 welcome Tim Blada from Albuquerque, NM. Tim is running a 
                 Mystic BBS under Ubuntu and you can find his system at
                 deadbeatz.org using port 23 (Telnet) or 22 (SSH)
Added Node 2/122 WildCat Prison BBS (USA) Ruben Figueroa aka Zazz is running
                 WildCat (WinServer) under Windows 10. You can reach his 
                 system at wcalt.rdfig.net:2324 or via his website at
Added Node 4/163 Retro Acorn BBS (GBR) welcome to sysop Richard Fairman who
                 is based in Glasgow, Scotland. The BBS is running Mystic
                 under Windows. At this stage Richard has an IP address
                 set up and is working to link that to a domain name.
                 His website is www.retroacorn.co.uk
Updated Node 4/162 vswitchzero BBS (CAN) lemonlime advises the BBS has now 
                 changed names and is called Stellar Darkness BBS. The domain
                 name is now stellardarkness.com and the nodelist has been
                 updated accordingly.
Added Node 4/164 FuSiON BBS (USA) also please welcome Chris Schneider aka
                 SHIFT838 to fsxNet. Running Mystic under a Raspberry Pi
                 you can find the BBS based in Deer Park, TX at 
Removed Node 3/107 The Rusty Mailbox (CAN) Al has shuttered his system
                 and it has been delisted.
Added Node 2/109 Nexus Computers BBS (AUS) please welcome sysop Manu Ngamotu
                 who is based on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia
                 Manu is still getting set up but is running a Mystic BBS
                 using Windows. For now his system is marked as PVT
Revised FSXNET.TXT - The file has been updated to reflect the addition of 
                 values as well as revised goals to the fsxNet network.
                 This has been undertaken in discussion with the fsxNet
                 community and is an attempt to ensure the information 
                 presented to prospective and current members and their 
                 users is up to date as of late 2019. My thanks to all for
                 their input in recent discussions around this subject.
Updated Node 4/161 Gerlach BBS (SVK). The BBS can now be reached at
                 bbs.madaraszd.net:4321 or port 4322 on SSH. The nodelist 
                 has been updated.
Removed Node 3/105 The Lower Planes BBS (AUS) has been removed from NET 3
                 at the sysops request. The system is now a point amd fed off 
                 21:3/106 Linucus BBS instead.
Added Node 1/126 HappyLand BBS (AUS) Andrew has spun up a new system as
                 he continues his work developing Magicka BBS.
                 The system can be reached at magickabbs.com:2023                
Added Node 2/108 Storm BBS (USA) welcome aboard to sysop April Monoceros aka
                 Adept. Based in Los Altos, Adept is running a Mystic BBS 
                 under Windows 10. You can reach there system by heading to 
Updated Node 1/189 Joseph advises his system is now called The Virtual
                 Terminal BBS - the nodelist has been updated.
Added QWK Node   DARKMATT Dark Matter BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Will
                 Milberger who is based in Kurten, TX. Will is running a 
                 Synchronet BBS and you can reach it at 
                 darkmatt.synchro.net:22 The BBS has SSH access only.
The following echomail areas have been retired and any BBS linked to
these echos have been delinked at their respective fsxNet HUBs. 
You may wish to remove these message bases from your BBS.
FSX_PKT - Packet Radio (AX.25 Gateway). This was a read-only echo fed by a 
          gateway operated by LU9DCE. His system has closed down and the 
          echo has been shuttered.
FSX_ESP - Español General Chat. This echoarea was for Spanish language
          conversations. It was largely spun up to help nodes setting up
          in NET 5 (ARG) but did not come to much. Now NET 5 has closed
          with LU9DCE closing down this echo has been shuttered for now.
Removed - NET 5  This NET has been dis-established. The Omicron HUB at 
                 21:5/100 is sadly no more :(
Removed Node 5/101 Mystic BBS HAMRADIO (ARG) has closed down. Eduardo 
                 advises his HDD failed and he is not looking to resurrect it.
                 As a result it's highly likely both FSX_PKT and FSX_ESP 
                 echomail areas will be shuttered in the coming days. An 
                 announcement about those message areas will follow in the 
                 coming days.
Removed Node 5/103 lu1hvk BBS (ARG). This system has also closed it seems so 
                  has been delisted.                 
Updated Node 1/142 The Vista BBS (USA) is back up again and is no longer marked
                 as 'Down' in the nodelist.
Updated Node 1/142 The Vista BBS (USA) has been marked as 'Down', Ian advises
                 he's has a HDD failure but will return in a little while.
Added Node 2/107 The Northern Borderlands BBS (USA) welcome to Jack Palmer Jr
                 who is spinning up his Mystic BBS running Windows 32. The
                 BBS is based in Sacramento and it can be reached at
Added Node 1/149 Xionum BBS (GER) it's also a warm welcome to Martin Aue who
                 is based in Belgershain, near Leipzig, Germany. Martin is 
                 running a Mystic BBS using a Raspbery Pi. You can reach the
                 BBS via SSH only at server.xionum.de:2222
Added Node 1/151 Types of Squash (GER) welcome to sysop Oliver Thuns who 
                 hails from Thueringen, Germany. Oliver's system is a private
                 node that has no public access at this time.
Added Node 2/106 NeoCincinnati BBS (USA) also please say hi to Nikki Jenks
                 aka Nodoka Hanamura who is based in Cincinnati, Ohio.
                 You can reach the BBS by pointing your telnet client to
Added Node 4/162 vswitchzero BBS (CAN) please welcome sysop Mike Da Costa aka
                 lemonlime who is based in Toronto and is setting up a Mystic
                 BBS running under Linux. You can find vswitchzero by 
                 heading to bbs.vswitchzero.com:1023
Removed Node 1/151 Dwarrowdelf BBS (USA) is no longer running and James
                 requests it be delisted. 
Added Node 2/104 Vger.Cloud BBS (USA) welcome aboard to sysop Bradley 
                 Thornston aka Tallship who is based in Torrance, CA.
                 The BBS is a Mystic system running under Debian Bullseye
                 and you can reach it at vger.fsxnet.nz Nice to have you as
                 a member of our community Bradley :)           
fsxNet Nodelist Housekeeping - NET 3
Removed Node 21:3/101 Future Hacker Central 
JoHo advises for now his BBS remains offline as he recovers from a HDD crash.
He is planning to return to scene but unsure when as time to focus on a reboot
is the issue. But he has not given up on the idea. As and when we hear more 
we'll post updated in FSX_GEN
Removed Node 21:3/102 Micro Link Old School 
Lloyd remains active on NET 1 but has shuttered his NET 3 Frontdoor system
also due to work/play time constraints.
Added Node 3/107 The Rusty Mailbox (CAN) Al is playing with EMSI/FTS6 on his
                 system so the BBS is flying a NET 3 address.
Updated Node 2/149 Moderate Chaos BBS (USA) to 'Down' in the nodelist. This is
                 temporary while he moves from Mystic to a different BBS
Updated Node 1/151 Dwarrowdelf BBS (USA) is no longer maked 'Down' in the
fsxNet Nodelist Housekeeping - NET 1
Removed Node 21:1/149 inQuiry BBS - Will confirms his system is down for good.
The following nodes have not responded to email, echomail hails, nor polled
the NET 1 HUB in some time and are now delisted as a result.
Removed Node 21:1/193 Lunatic Fringe BBS
Removed Node 21:1/147 MPrah BBS
fsxNet Nodelist Housekeeping - NET 1 + NET 3             
The following nodes are no longer marked as 'Down' in the nodelist.
1/107, 3/104
Removed Node 1/126 Twinkle BBS (USA) Chris aka Pequito advises he has no time
                 to run his BBS and has requested it be delisted.
fsxNet Nodelist Housekeeping - NET 1              
The following nodes are no longer marked as 'Down' in the nodelist.
1/129, 1/159, 1/146, 1/191, 1/135
fsxNet Nodelist Housekeeping - NET 1
The following nodes have been marked as 'Down' and will be removed in 
the coming five days pending contact from the sysops concerned.
1/107, 1/129, 1/135, 1/146, 1/147, 1/149, 1/151, 1/159, 1/191, 1/193
Emails have also been sent to all sysops using the last known contact
fsxNet Nodelist Housekeeping
Every now and then we run a tidy up process across each NET. NET 2 admin 
Solaris has just completed this and the following nodes have been delisted.
3 x emails sent no replies, no replies to echomail hails, no recent connects.
Removed Node 21:2/120 Files 4 Fun BBS 
Removed Node 21:2/121 Basement Theory BBS
Removed Node 21:2/123 Flower BBS
Removed Node 21:2/124 The Time Machine BBS
Removed Node 21:2/126 Mastodont BBS
Removed Node 21:2/139 Winchester BBS
Bad email contact addresses, no recent connects, no replies to echomail hails.
Removed Node 21:2/104 Gryphus BBS
Removed Node 21:2/144 Retro Tyme BBS
Removed Node 21:2/156 Champs Visions 3D
These nodes are confirmed 'Down' and have been delisted.
Removed Node 21:2/107 Nephilim BBS
Removed Node 21:2/108 National Incident
Removed Node 21:2/109 RPG Circus BBS
Removed Node 21:2/122 Insane Asylum BBS
Removed Node 21:2/147 Bowlin's Alley BBS
Removed Node 21:2/150 BackTo90's BBS
Added Node 4/161 Gerlach BBS (SVK) - Welcome back to Dominik Madarasz who is
                 based in Zvolen, Slovakia. Dominik was a member of fsxNet
                 2016 and 2017 but closed his system due to a lack of
                 avaliable time to devote to the hobby. He's back in 2019
                 and it's nice to see him active in the scene again.
                 You can reach Gerlach BBS by telnet at madaraszd.net:4321
                 or port 4322 on SSH            
Created FSX_IMGE - Image Files (Various) This is a new file area that has 
                 been created to carry an assortment of non-ANSI image files
                 In this base you will find JPG GIF etc. Topics span Space,
                 Earth, Abstract, Animals, Anime, Cars, Flowers, Food, 
                 Holiday, Military, Movies, People, Places, Tech etc.
                 This base does not carry adult rated / R-Rated wallpapers.
Removed Node 2/106 Back To The Roots BBS. Fabian is shutting his BBS down for 
                 a few months and then plans to return to the BBS scene.
                 For now it's best wishes to him until he returns.
                 The node has been delisted.
Added Node 1/203 Rocket Town BBS (USA) it's a warm welcome to sysop
                 Ricky DeLuco who is setting up a Mystic BBS and looking
                 to move over from a WWIV system based in Titusville, FL.
                 You will find Rocket Town BBS by telneting to 
Updated Node 1/202 Star Collision BBS is no longer a PVT system and can be
                 reached at scbbs.nsupdate.info:50023 or port 50022 if you
                 would rather use SSH :)
Added Node 2/142 Shakey BBS (USA) please welcome to the network sysop
                 Von Wallace who hails from Allen, Tx. Von is running a
                 Synchronet BBS running under Debian and you can reach
                 his system by heading to shakeybbs.com
                 Welcome to fsxNet Von :)
Removed QWK Node DOMAIN Immortal's Domain has gone as quick as it arrived.
Updated Node 1/185 Lightning BBS (USA) is now Immortal's Domain BBS
                 Steve advises the domain name address to poll has also
                 changed to idomain.synchro.net - the nodelist has been 
Added Node 1/202 Star Collision BBS (SWE) welcome to returning sysop
                 Bjorn Wiberg aka Zip who is based in Uppsala in Sweeden. 
                 Zip is setting up a Mystic BBS running under Linux
                 The system is PVT for now. Welcome back to the BBSing
                 scene ZIP it's nice to have you as a member of our
                 community again :)
Updated Node 1/161 The Search BBS (USA) Karl is in the process of setting
                  his BBS back up again. Welcome back :) The node is no
                  longer marked as 'down' with further changes to the
                  nodelist pending.
Added Node 4/160 Brotherhood of Groovyness (USA) is found in Sioux City,IA
                 and there you'll also find sysop John Porterfield working on
                 his Synchronet system that's running under Manjaro Linux
                 Telnet to b-o-g.net and check it out. Welcome John aka
                 Lord Butterknife.
Added QWK Node   IDOMAIN Immortal's Domain (USA) from Spanish Fork, UT
                 Steve Helferich has set up his bbs at idomain.synchro.net
                 and connected to fsxNet via the QWK gateway at 21:4/10
                 Welcome Steve.
Removed Node 3/107 New Detroit BBS (SWE) Joacim has opted to shut this FD
                 powered node down for now.
Added Node 4/159 RetroDevOps BBS (AUS) hailng from Brisbane in Australia
                 it's a warm welcome to sysop Todd Whitehead who is setting
                 up a Mystic BBS running under Linux. The system is PVT for
Added Node 2/157 Welcome to Phillip Taylor who is running SBBS. His system
                 is running at sbbs.dynu.net              
Removed Node 2/142 Stepping Stone BBS (USA) Jon advises he is closing this
                 system down for now. The node has been delisted.
Added Node 1/201 Decker's Heaven BBS (USA) welcome to Eric Renfro aka
                 psi-jack who is running his Synchronet BBS under CentOS
                 You can reach the BBS at bbs.deckersheaven.com
                 Welcome aboard psi-jack :)
Added Node 1/180 Perceptronica BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Jeff Thiele who is
                 setting up a Mystic BBS under Raspbian. For now the system
                 is PVT. Welcome to fsxNet Jeff :)
Updated Node 1/125 Nocturnal BBS (AUS) is now online at nocturnal.hopto.org
                   The nodelist has been updated.
Updated Node 3/102 Micro Link Old School (AUS) Lloyd advises his FD system is
                 currently 'down'.
Added Node 2/149 Moderate Chaos BBS (USA) welcome back to David DeWell aka
                 Modchaos. Modchaos is running Mystic BBS under Linux and 
                 is based in Watauga TX. Stop by and say hi at his new
                 system - bbs.moderatechaos.com
Added Node 5/103 lu1hvk BBS (ARG) welcome to sysop Victor Ropolo who is
                 based in Leones Cordoba - Argentina. Victor is running a
                 Mystic BBS and can be reached at lu1hvk.ddns.net
Removed Node 2/117 The Positronium Repository (USA) is no longer running.
                  Ben Ritchey aka cMech passed away 27 June 2019 at age 65.
                  He was active in Fidonet and also in fsxNet having joined
                  in March 2017. Ben maintained and developed the EchoList
                  along with contributing utils for the Mystic BBS. His 
                  last recorded post in fsxNet was on the 19 May 2019.
                  Ben will be missed by the wider BBS community. RIP Ben.
Created - NET 5  This NET has been established as part of an experiment to
                 better serve Spanish orientated nodes connecting to fsxNet
                 based in South America and beyond.
Created - HUB 5  The Omicron HUB has been established at 21:5/100 The name 
                 for this HUB is linked to a number of planets in the Star
                 Trek universe including Omicron Theta "where Dr. Noonien 
                 Soong built and activated the android Data and his 
                 brother Lore". 
Updated Node 1/180 HAMRADIO BBS (ARG) has moved to NET 5 and is now 21:5/101
Updated Node 1/128 The OuijaBoard BBS (USA) Jeff advised his system can be
                 reached at ftn.region14.org - the nodelist and systems.txt
                 has been updated.
Created three new echomail areas:
FSX_HAM - Amateur Radio discussions. Covers all aspects of HAM radio
          including DX, HF, VHF/UHF, various digital modes etc.
FSX_PKT - Packet Radio (AX.25 Gateway). This is a *read-only* echoarea that
          carries gated international AX.25 packet radio bulletins from
          the amateur radio scene. These messages may be of interest to 
          both amateur radio operator and the general public.
          The gateway is operated by LU9DCE
FSX_ESP - Español General Chat. This echoarea offers a place for Spanish
          language conversations. Like FSX_GEN it is a general discussion
          echoarea covering many topics. Test messages and other
          experimentation is welcome.
          Este echoarea ofrece un lugar para conversaciones en español.
          Al igual que FSX_GEN, es una discusión general que abarca muchos
          temas. Mensajes de prueba y otros experimentos son bienvenidos.
Updated 4/126    Another F-ing BBS (USA) Gary is setting his system back up
                 The address will be anotherbbs.dynu.net and his node is no
                 longer marked as 'down' - welcome back Gary :)
Added Node 3/107 New Detroit BBS (SWE) Joacim has set up a system with
                 FrontDoor at the erm.. front :) You can reach it at
Updated Node 1/161 The Search BBS (USA) Karl advises his system is offline
                   while he relocates to a new city. He'll advise when he's 
                   back up again. The node has been maked as 'Down'.
Added Node 1/180 Mystic BBS HAMRADIO (ARG) please welcome sysop Eduardo
                 Castillo who is based in Tortuguitas, Argentina.
                 Eduardo has set up a Mystic BBS and is experimenting with
                 connecting it to amateur packet radio using AX.25 protocols
                 You can visit his BBS at lu9dce.dynu.com
                 Mystic BBS HAMRADIO (ARG) le damos la bienvenida al 
                 sable Eduardo Castillo que tiene su sede en Tortuguitas,
                 Argentina. Eduardo ha creado una BBS mística y está 
                 experimentando con Conectándolo a un paquete de radio
                 amateur utilizando protocolos AX.25. Puedes visitar su BBS 
                 en lu9dce.dynu.com
Added Node 4/158 Strontium 90 BBS (USA) it's a warm welcome to sysop
                 Robbie Whiting who is based in Berkeley, CA USA.
                 Running a Mystic BBS you'll find Strontium 90 waiting for
                 your call when you head to strontium90.servebbs.com
Added Node 1/168 Monterey BBS (USA) also joining the fsxNet community today
                 please give a shout out and hello to sysop Ryan Fantus
                 Ryan is based in San Francisco and has his Mystic system
                 running under Linux. You'll find the BBS when you head
                 to montereybbs.com
Added Node 3/106 Linucus BBS (AUS) Deon has set up a Front Door connected 
                 BBS using chinwag.leenooks.net:60177
Updated Node 1/125 The Fat Sandwich BBS (AUS) is now called Happyland BBS
                 The domain name to contact the system has also changed to
                 happyland.magickabbs.com:2023  - the nodelist etc. has been
Added Node 2/148 Mystic Island BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Mickey Frklic aka
                 LockeDown. Running a Mystic BBS under Xubunto you can 
                 reach the BBS at mysticisland.strangled.net
Removed Node 1/50 HappyNetX MNET network gateway has been closed down.
Added Node 1/124 apernevan.tk BBS (ROM) it's a warm welcome to sysop 
                 Andrei Pernevan who is based in Arad, Romania.
                 Running a Mystic BBS under Linux OS you can contact the
                 BBS at apernevan.tk on port 23.
Updated Node 2/145 Mike's Mansion BBS (USA) the domain name has changed and
                 is now mansion.dynv6.net - the nodelist etc. has been 
                 updated. Did you know some people read these posts carefully
                 and in doing so spot easter eggs? Who knew?
Updated Node 1/150 Disconnected Reality BBS (USA) Adam advises a change in 
                 domain name to discreal.synchronetbbs.org
                 The nodelist etc. has been updated accordingly.
Added Node 4/157 LostCause Halfway House BBS (USA) welcome to Ernest J Gainey
                 III who is based in Alden, NY US and has set up a Mystic
                 BBS running under Linux. You can reach the BBS by telent
                 or SSH using the standard ports - the domain to poll is
Updated Node 4/154 Diskshop BBS (CAN) Frank advises he has spun up a new
                 BBS and you can reach it at bbs.diskshop.ca
                 Hysteria BBS (CAN) will now be fed as a point system by
                 Diskshop. The nodelist etc. has been updated to reflect
                 these changes.
Updated Node 1/130 Tinys BBS (CAN) updated telnet port to 3023
Updated Node 4/106 The Rusty Mailbox (CAN) updated telnet port to 2030
Added Node 4/111 Blue Northen Software BBS (USA) Please welcome sysop
                 Dave Eidson aka Scarecrow who is running a Mystic BBS 
                 Based in Bellevue, Nebraska you can reach Dave's system at
Added Node 2/142 Stepping Stone BBS (USA) - Greetings to Jon Justvig of
                 Wichita, KS. who has added his BBS to fsxNet.
                 The address is vintagebbsing.com
Added Node 1/167 Nitemare Cafe BBS (USA) - Welcome back to Rod Barnhart who
                 is in the process of restarting his BBS.
                 The address is bbs.nitemarecafe.com:2002                 
Updated Node 1/125 Fat Sandwich BBS (AUS) domain name has been updated to
Added Node 4/156 The Rock BBS III (USA) After first running a Spitfire BBS
                 back in the early 90s please welcome back to the scene sysop
                 Michael Batts who is setting up a Mystic system under
                 Raspbian. You can reach him at therockbbs.net:10023
Added Node 4/120 Deep Space Gateway (USA) welcome back to Sam Penwright who
                 is working on setting up his Mystic BBS again running under
                 Windows OS. The BBS is private for now.                 
Added Node 1/137 Digital Distortion (USA) Gidday and welcome to Eric Oulashin
                 who is based in Hillsboro, Oregon, USA and running a
                 Synchronet BBS under Windows. The BBS can be reached at
Added Node 2/156 Champs Visions 3D (CAN) Hi and welcome to sysop Alain 
                 Champs who's is based in Chambly, Quebec and is running a 
                 Mystic BBS on a Raspberry Pi. You can reach his BBS by 
                 heading to champsvisions3d.com
Updated FSX-GD.TXT A helpful maintenance script has been added with thanks to 
                 Va7aqd ca (21:4/150) This is useful if you are running BinkIT 
                 as your mailer with a Synchronet BBS. 
Added Node 4/155 Flower BBS (AUS) Hi and welcome to sysop Troy Marchant 
                 who is based at Osborne Park Western Australia and is 
                 setting up a Mystic BBS running under Windows 10
                 You can find the BBS at flower.sytes.net
Added Node 4/154 Hysteria BBS (CAN) it's a warm welcome to sysop Frank 
                 Linhares who is based in Toronto and runs his Zeus 1.7
                 BBS under Amiga OS 3.9
                 If you would like to visit Frank's system head to 
Updated Node 2/145 Michael's BBS is now known as Mike's Mansion. The nodelist
                 has been updated accordingly. New address also
Added Node 3/105 The Lower Planes BBS (AUS) welcome to Melbourne based sysop
                 Anthony Adverse who is in the process of setting up his
                 SuperBBS system and plans to connect to fsxNet via the 
                 NET 3 HUB using Frontdoor as the frontend mailer.
                 The BBS can be reached at tlp.zapto.org
Removed Node 1/168 Col Unl BBS (SWE) has been delisted - there has been no
                 contact with system or sysop for some time now :(
Updated Node 3/101 Future Hacker Central (SWE) Joaquim has suffered a HDD 
                 failure and his system has been marked as 'Down' for now.                 
Added Node 4/153 ARDA BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Tim Woodland who is
                 based in Delaware, Ohio and is running a Mystic BBS under
                 Linux. You can reach his system at arda-bbs.com
Added Node 2/141 SiliconUnderground BBS (USA) Hi and welcome to sysop Jason
                 Bock who is based in Rochester, NY. Jason is running a 
                 Mystic BBS under Windows Server 2016 and you can reach his
                 BBS at siliconu.fsxnet.nz
Added Node 1/194 Diamond Mine Online BBS (USA) welcome to sysop David 
                 Perrussel who is based in Fredericksburg, VA USA. David is 
                 running a Synchronet BBS under Windows. You can reach his 
                 BBS at bbs.dmine.net:24 or SSH on port 2220
Removed Node 1/167 Crystal Dragon BBS (USA) has been delisted.                 
Added Node 4/152 Blackfair's Manor (USA) Keith has been assigned a node 
                 number now for the BBS.
Removed Node 1/124 Dogtown BBS (USA) has been delisted.
Removed Node 1/137 Nitemare Cafe BBS (USA) has been delisted.
Added Node 4/151 Thunder-Storm BBS (CAN) helping to boost the Canadian fsxNet
                 contingent please welcome sysop Darryl Wood. Based in
                 Toronto he's running a Spitfire BBS under Windows.
                 You can reach the BBS via telnet at thunder-storm.ca:10023 
                 Nice to have you as a member of fsxNet Darryl we hope you
                 enjoy it here :)
fsxNet Nodelist Housekeeping - NET 1
The following nodes have been marked as 'Down' and will be removed in 
the coming days pending some contact from the sysops concerned.
1/124, 1/137, 1/117, 1/168, 1/167, 1/147
Updated Node 1/126 Twinkle BBS (USA) Pequito advises his system is offline
                   for a while. It has been marked 'Down' for now.
As signaled, some nodelist housekeeping has taken place in NET 4:
Removed Node 4/103 The Coincidence BBS (USA) has been delisted.
Removed Node 4/120 Skylab System BBS #2 has been delisted.
Removed Node 4/127 Greyman BBS (USA) has been delisted.
Removed Node 4/142 mysticbbs.dynu.com (USA) has been delisted.
Removed Node 4/149 Dead End BBS (AUS) has been delisted.
It's important to keep the nodelist as up to date as possible. These 
deletions help to do that. Over the coming week or so there will be some
further work taking place in NET 1 along similar lines. 
Look for for further information to follow in the coming weeks regarding 
new thresholds for determining when inactive nodes will be delisted from
the fsxNet nodelist in the future.
Added Node 4/150 VA7AQD's Tavern BBS (CAN) based in Kamloops it's a warm
                 welcome to sysop Adam Clark who is running a Synchronet
                 BBS and can be reached at bbs.isurf.ca or via SSH at
Added QWK Node   BLACKF Blackfair's Manor (USA) hailing from Lancaster,PA
                 welcome aboard to sysop Keith Cunningham who is running
                 a Synchronet BBS under Windows 7 and can be contacted at
fsxNet Nodelist Housekeeping - NET 4
The following nodes have been marked as 'Down' and will likely be removed in 
the coming days pending some contact from the sysops concerned.
4/103, 4/120, 4/127, 4/142, 4/149
Updated Node 4/138 Gateway to the West BBS (USA) Robert advises his domain
                 name has changed to bbs.homelabber.net the nodelist has 
                 been updated.
Added Node 1/149 inQuiry BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Will Vincent who is based
                 in Minnesota USA. Will aka oog is setting up a Mystic BBS  
                 using Linux and although the system is not accepting calls
                 yet, when it does, you will find it at inquiry.fsxnet.nz:2023
                 or port 1717 for SSH. Welcome aboard Will! It's nice to have
                 you as a member of our online community :)
Added Node 1/151 Dwarrowdelf BBS (USA) and please also say hello and welcome
                 to sysop James Cunningham who is running a Mystic BBS on his
                 Raspberry Pi. James lives in Syracuse, NY and his BBS can
                 be contacted at dwabbs.ddns.net:2323 or port 22 for SSH.
                 James - thanks for taking the time to join fsxNet we welcome
                 you and stand by to support you if you need help or just
                 want to debate the merits of USA vs New Zealand or other
                 types of beer :)
Updated Node 1/128 Jeff advises his domain has now changed, the new address 
                 is bbs.twisted-balloon.org                  
Removed Node 4/111 USS Alliance BBS (CAN) Richard's system has been down for 
                 many weeks and there has been no further contact. The node
                 has been delisted.
Added QWK Node  Havens BBS (USA) Welcome to sysop Steve Wolf who is running
                a Synchronet BBS and has connected to fsxNet via the QWK 
                gateway running at 21:4/10 You can reach Havens BBS via
Removed Node 4/132 Fusion BBS (AUS) Michael advises his BBS has shutdown.
                 The node has been delisted.
Updated 4/126    Another F-ing BBS (USA) Gary advises his system is down for
                 now due to moving home. So his node is marked 'Down' for
Created FSX_ENG - ENiGMA 1/2 BBS is a modern BBS package with a nostalgic
                  flair. It runs anywhere Node.js runs (Linux, FreeBSD,
                  OpenBSD, OS X and Windows). This echoarea has been 
                  established as a space for ENiGMA 1/2 BBS discussions,
                  support and development.
Added Node 4/149 Dead End BBS (AUS) sysop Michael Borthwick is running his
                 system at telnet.deadendbbs.com:2323
Added Node 2/155 New Amiga Frontier BBS (USA) sysop Charles Stephenson aka
                 KrUpTiOn can be reached at frontierbbs.net with his Amiga
Added Node 2/154 Danger Bay BBS (CAN) welcome aboard to sysop Tom Swartz
                 who is based in Vancouver. Danger Bay is running PCBoard
                 and can be found at dangerbaybbs.dyndns.org:1337
Added Node 4/148 Gateway to the West BBS (USA) Hello to sysop Robert Stinnett
                 who is based in St. Peters, Missouri (St. Louis area) and
                 has set up his Synchronet BBS under CentOS. You can reach
                 Robert's system at bbs.dmxrob.net - welcome :)
Removed Node 1/198 Tek42 BBS (USA) There has been no contact from the BBS
                   for some time. The node is delisted.
Removed Node 1/149 Redmud Castle (USA) here has been no contact from the
                   BBS for some time. The node is delisted.
Added Node 1/150  Disconnected Reality (USA) Please welcome Adam Gosselin 
                  aka jagossel who hails from Columbia, SC and is setting
                  up a Synchronet BBS running under Debian. You can visit
                  by pointing your telnet client to discreal.ddns.net:23 
Added Node 4/147   Aliens' Alcove BBS (PHL) Please give a warm welcome to
                   Eric Pareja aka Xenos. Based in Taguig City, Philippines
                   Aliens' Alcove is powered by WWIV running on Linux OS.
                   Pop in and say hi by heading to aliens.free.net.ph
Added Node 2/153   t311net BBS (CAN) welcome aboard to sysop Rex Gibson aka
                   GngrDr3dM4n who is based in Ontario and spinning up a 
                   Mystic BBS running under Linux Mint x64. You can reach
                   his system via t311net.fsxnet.nz
fsxNet Nodelist Housekeeping - NET 2
Removed Node 2/141 TequilaMockingbird Online BBS (USA). There has been no 
                   sign of Bill nor contact with him for months. His node has
                   been delisted for now. Perhaps he will return? 
Removed Node 2/142 Lo Fidelity BBS (USA) Ryan's BBS appears to be shuttered
                   and there has been no contact for some time. The node is
                   delisted as a result.
Removed Node 2/148 Osmimum BBS (USA) There has been no contact for some time
                   with Owen's system so the node has been delisted.
Removed Node 2/149 Moderate Chaos BBS (USA) no contact from sysop and system
                   not contactable. The node has been delisted.
Added Node 2/152 - UnderZaNet BBS (GBR) A warm welcome back to Jan Henkins
                   aka Dotslash. Based in Warlingham, England and at
                   one stage used to run a BBS based on Citadel and a Mystic
                   BBS this time around it's time to play with MagickaBBS
                   You can reach the BBS via SSH at bbs.under.za.net:2024
Updated Node 1/179 Internal Dimension BBS (USA) Dave advises his telnet port
                  is shifting to 2019 from the start of February 2019.
Added Node 4/146  The Dragon's Gate BBS (USA) Please make welcome sysop 
                  Cory Daehn who is running his Mystic BBS on a virtualbox
                  in La Junta, CO, USA. Cory's system accepts telnet and
                  SSH connections, reach it at bbs.mayorlormar.com 
Added Node 4/137  8-Bit Boyz BBS (USA) joining Black Panther in Rio Rancho
                  New Mexico please welcome sysop Shane O'Neill who is 
                  running his Mystic system under Windows 7. You can connect
                  to the BBS at 8bitboyz.bbs.io:6502 
Added Node 2/151  Dock Sud BBS (ARG) and welcome to our first node based in 
                  Argentina. Sysop Fernando Toledo aka Ragnarok hails from 
                  Dock Sud in Buenos Aires and is running a Synchronet BBS 
                  under Debian OS. You can reach the BBS via Telnet or SSH at
                  bbs.docksud.com.ar:23 or bbs.docksud.com.ar:33               
Added Node 1/148  Coco's BBS (CRI) welcome to the first fsxNet node located
                  in San Jose, Costa Rica. Sysop Luis Marin is running a 
                  Mystic BBS under Linux. The BBS can be found at
Updated 1/153     The BBS name has been changed to Infoline BBS at sysop
Added Node 4/145  Fireball Express BBS (USA) Hailing from Amarillo, TX please
                  welcome Jay Talbot to fsxNet. Jay is running a Mystic BBS 
                  under CentOS and can be reached at mystic.fireballex.com
                  Welcome Jay :)
Happy New Year - here's to a fun and enjoyable 2019 :)
Updated Node 4/106 The Rusty Mailbox (CAN) Al advises his domain name has 
                   changed to trmb.ca - the nodelist has been updated.
Added Node 2/150   BackTo90's BBS (POL) as we round out a busy 2018 please
                   welcome to the fsx community our first node based in 
                   Poland. It's hello to sysop Pawel Adamczewski who is
                   (we think) playing with both Mystic and a copy of
                   Remote Access that is running under DOS. Pawel is based
                   in the city of Lodz and you can find his BBS by heading 
                   to fido.retroback.pl:2323
Updated Node 1/100 Because it really needed a name so now it's called the
                   Risa HUB. The other HUBs have names and NET1 was feeling
                   like the leftout poor cousin. :)
                   #FUNFACT follows: a “pleasure planet” from the United
                   Federation of Planets, of which it is a member. Crew 
                   members from the “Next Generation,” “Deep Space Nine”
                   and “Enterprise” series all paid visits there. The
                   planet is said to orbit a binary, or double, star 
                   system—in Star Trek fan lore, Epsilon Ceti, a real 
                   star system some 79 light-years from Earth.
Updated Node 4/123 Humongous BBS (TWN) is now at jenandcal.familyds.org:2323
Added Node 4/123 Humongous BBS (TWN) please welcome our first BBS based in
                 Chiayi, Taiwan to fsxNet. Hello to sysop Nathanael Culver 
                 who is running a Mystic BBS on a raspberry pi. The BBS can
                 be reached at jenandcal.familyds.org:23131
2018-12-25       Merry Christmas and best wishes for the upcoming new year!                 
Removed Node 1/194 Phaseshift BBS (CAN) Kevin has again become inactive and 
                 is not responding to hails on all known frequencies so his
                 system has been delisted.
Added Node 2/138 Palantir BBS (USA) it's a warm welcome to Dan Clough who is
                 based in Pensacola, FL and running a Synchronet system under
                 Windows. Dan's system can be reached at palantirbbs.ddns.net
                 Welcome to the community Dan. Nice to have you here.
Added Node 4/110 BZ&BZ BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Steve Thielemann based in 
                 New Port Richey, Florida and running a Mystic BBS under
                 Linux. You can find the system at bbs.red-green.com:4023
                 via Telnet or use port 4022 for SSH
                 Welcome Steve we hope you have fun here :)
Added Node 4/107 Centaurus BBS (FRA) based in France please welcome Stephen
                 Berard aka Sargon. Sargon hails from Drôme and is running a
                 Mystic BBS on a Raspberry Pi. You can reach the system at
                 centaurus.ventouxlabs.com:2323 via telnet or port 2222
                 for SSH connections.
                 Stephen it's great to have a BBS based in France as part of
                 fsxNet. Welcome!
Added Node 1/197 Trigonia BBS (SWE) Welcome aboard to this private node.
                 Running Mystic BBS under Linux the system is run by 
                 Gustav Dersjo aka CatX                 
Removed Node 4/140 Redshift BBS (CAN) Scott advises he has taken his system
                 down so his BBS has been removed from the nodelist.
Added Node 2/149 Moderate Chaos BBS (USA) Welcome aboard to sysop David 
                 DeWell who has set up a Mystic BBS system running under
                 RHEL 7. You can visit the BBS by pointing your terminal
                 to moderatechaos.fsxnet.nz that is based in Keller, TX.
Added Node 4/144 Sonic BBS (GBR) Please also give a warm welcome to a former
                 elebbs sysop from the late 90's. Welcome to Louis Northmore
                 who is based in Beverley, UK running a Mystic BBS on a
                 Raspberry Pi. You can reach the BBS at sonicbbs.ddns.net or
                 SHH on port 2220
Removed Node 1/150 BadTaste BBS (GBR) there has been no contact with Geoff
                 nor his system so the BBS has been delisted.
Removed Node 1/148 International LiveWire BBS (USA) likewise there has been
                   nothing heard from Allen Prunty for some time and his
                   system does not respond. The node has been delisted for 
Updated Node 1/137 Nitemare Cafe BBS (USA) Rod has advised his system is now
                 back up again. 'Down' status has now be removed.
Updated Node 1/139   devNULL BBS (USA) Phillip's system is back up again. 
                 'Down' status has now be removed.               
Created FSX_MAG - MagickaBBS is a Bulletin Board System (BBS) for Linux,
                  macOS, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenIndiana, DragonFlyBSD and
                  OpenBSD. This echoarea is a space for MagickaBBS support
                  and is experimentally gated to HappyNetX MNET network 
                  via 21:1/50
Added Node 1/167 Crystal Dragon BBS (USA) please welcome sysop Jason Windisch
                 who is in the process of setting up an Enigma 1/2 BBS 
                 running under Windows. As of the time of writing this is a 
                 private system and not contactable yet. The BBS is based
                 in Columbus, Ohio. Welcome Jason :)
Removed Node 1/167 Temple of Syrinx BBS (USA) Daniel advises he is no longer
                 active so his system has been delisted.
Removed Node 1/151 Solar BBS (USA) Dave advises his system won't be up for
                 the time being as he has no reliable Internet access to run 
                 his BBS on. He requested he be de-listed for now. Hope to see
                 you again Dave :)
Added Node 4/122 Reality Check BBS (USA) welcome aboard to sysop Kurt Weiske
                 aka poindexter FORTRAN. Running a Synchronet BBS you can
                 reach the system via telnet and ssh at realitycheckBBS.org
Added Node 4/135 Veteran BBS (USA) hailing from Clanton please also welcome 
                 sysop Mike Welborn to the network. Mike runs a Synchronet
                 BBS and can be contacted at vetbbs.fsxnet.nz
fsxNet Nodelist Housekeeping - NET 1
The following nodes have been marked as 'Down' and sysops contacted to see if
they need help or have shutdown. If there is no further contact then they 
will be delisted from the nodelist in the coming week.
21:1/137, /139, /148, /149, /150, /151, /167, /194
** Happy Birthday fsxNet - 3 years old today **
Added Node 2/139 Winchester NNS (GBR) welcome to sysop Charlie Camilleri who
                 is based in Winchester, UK. Charlie is running a Mystic BBS 
                 under Debian. You can find his system by heading to 
                 www.charliecamilleri.xyz:6666 or port 6622 for SSH
Added Node 4/143 Eggy BBS (USA) a warm welcome also goes to Matt 'Eggy'
                 Richards who is based in Chicago. Eggy is running a Mystic 
                 BBS under Debian also. Head to eggy.fsxnet.nz:2300 to 
fsxNet Nodelist Housekeeping - NET 4
Removed Node 4/137 Vanishing Point BBS must have reached the point and 
                   well...er.. vanished :) Due to inactivity and no 
                   response from the sysop the node has been delisted.
Removed Node 4/135 Test Unit Ready BBS delisted due to no connections to Hub
                   since late Sept 2018 and no response from the sysop.
Removed Node 4/122 RetroDigital BBS delisted due to inactivity and no
                   response from the sysop.
Removed Node 4/110 Retro64XYZ BBS delisted due to no connections since late
                   Aug 2018 and no response from the sysop.
Removed Node 4/107 BGDCAG BBS delisted due to inactivity and no response 
                   from the sysop.         
Added Node 4/142 mysticbbs.dynu.com (USA) Running Mystic BBS under Windows 10
                 welcome to sysop Phillip Taylor based in Vienna, VA
                 You can connect to the BBS at mysticbbs.dynu.net:2300
Added Node 1/172 The Bottomless Abyss BBS (CAN) Bolstering the ranks of the
                 Canadian fsxNet team please welcome from Quebec City sysop
                 Dave Cloutier. Dave's running a Mystic BBS under Debian
                 and offers telnet and ssh connections at on port 23 and 2222
                 when you visit bbs.bottomlessabyss.net
Added Node 4/141 Retro Underground BBS (USA) also a warm welcome goes to
                 sysop John Rumpelein based out of Edmonds, WA, USA.
                 John is running a Mystic BBS under CentOS and you can 
                 visit his system at retrounderground.org:1337
Added Node 2/114 Freeside BBS (USA) Based in Monroe, Ohio please look out
                 for sysop Marty Taylor who is getting started with a Mystic
                 BBS under Raspbian OS. You can reach his BBS via telnet at
Updated  Node 1/182 The Colossus BBS (USA) is no longer marked as 'Down' 
Removed Node 4/130 PsYcHoTiC Industris BBS (USA) is no longer operating and
                 sysop requests delisting.
Removed Node 4/123 Meowcat BBS (USA) Logan advises his system is down due to
                 techncial difficulties and has asked to be delisted. 
Added Node 2/148 Osmimum BBS (USA) Owen Salter has moved to a new node and
                 telnet address remote.devosmium.xyz
Removed Node 2/114 Osmimum BBS (USA) system has been retired.
fsxNet Nodelist Housekeeping - NET 4
The following NET 4 systems have been flagged for potential deletion due to
inactivity for some time. This will happen in the coming days. Sysops have
attempted to have been contacted.
These systems have been marked as 'Down' in the nodelist:
21:4/ 110, 111, 122, 135, 137
Updated Node 1/152 2nd Choice Core BBS (NZL) has a new domain name. The 
                 nodelist has been updated to 2ndchoicecore.nz
Added Node 1/165 3rd Choice Core BBS (NZL) Sneaky has set up a Raspberry Pi 
                 running Mystic the address is 3rdchoicecore.ddns.net:1022
Added Node 4/140 Redshift BBS (CAN) wow those Canadian BBS's are growing in
                 numbers and here's another one :) Please welcome to fsxNet
                 sysop Scott Carter who is running a Mystic BBS under Linux
                 you can reach the BBS via Telnet at 
Added Node 2/147 Bowlin's Alley BBS (USA) welcome aboard to sysop David
                 Bowlin who is based in Albany, KY, USA. Dave is setting up
                 a Mystic BBS running under Windows. His system address is
Added Node 1/164 Electronic Chicken BBS (CAN) It's a warm welcome to sysop
                 Derek Mullin who hails from Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
                 Running a Synchronet BBS under Linux you can reach
                 Electronic Chicken by heading to bbs.electronicchicken.com
                 via Telnet or SSH.
Added Node 4/130 DigiSoft BBS (SWE) running Mystic BBS under Ubuntu 16.04 
                 welcome aboard to sysop Peter Härje who hails from
                 Norrköping, Sweden. You can reach DigiSoft BBS by heading to
Added Node 1/104 Shenk's Express BBS (USA) welcome to Carol Shenkenberger
                 who joins us from Virginia Beach, Virginia USA. Carol is
                 running SBBS and can be reached at shenks.dyndns.org
Updated Node 2/140 Subcarrier BBS (CAN) has a new domain name
                 subcarrier.ignorelist.com and the nodelist has been updated.
Added Node 2/130 Delta City BBS (SWE) welcome back to Joacim Melin who 
                 returns to fsxNet after being away for around 17 months
                 Joacim is running NiKom BBS software under AmigaOS 3.1
                 You can reach his system at deltacity.fsxnet.nz
Added Node 4/138 CIA Amiga BBS (USA) it's a warm welcome to sysop Tim Grooms
                 who hails from Mayflower, AR. Tim is running Zeus v1.7 on 
                 his Amiga and also playing with Mystic BBS.
                 You can find his system at ciaamigabbs.dynu.net:6400
Added Node 2/146 Two Dudes BBS (USA) hailing from Grand Rapids, MI USA it's
                 welcome to sysop Peter Spalding who is running his Synchronet
                 BBS under Ubuntu OS. Head to twodudesbbs.fsxnet.nz to connect
                 to the BBS.
Added Node 4/137 Vanishing Point BBS (CAN) welcome to sysop Murray Smith who 
                 is based in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Murray is running a 
                 Mystic BBS under Windows 10. You can reach his system at
Updated Node 1/161 The Search BBS (USA) domain name has changed and the 
                 nodelist has been update to searchbbs.fsxnet.nz
Removed Node 2/130 Jon advises Curfew BBS is now offline. It has been removed
                 from the nodelist.
Updated Node 1/158 Quantum Wormhole BBS has updated it's domain to bbs.erb.pw                 
Updated Node 1/154 Jon advises his system is now running BinkP on port 24556
Added Node 2/137  Tsali's BBS (USA) It's welcome back to James Washington
                  who is based in Louisville, Kentucky, USA.
                  You can reach Jame's system at tsali.ddns.net:9023
Added Node 4/136 Total Lost BBS (SWE) welcome to sysop Dennis Eklund who is 
                 based in Harnosand. Dennis aka Total is running a Mystic 
                 BBS on his Raspberry Pi. The system can be reached at 
Added Node 1/158 The Quantum Wormhole (GBR) a warm welcome to sysop 
                 Christian Sacks who is based in Ramsgate, Kent, UK
                 The BBS is running Mystic on Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS
                 You can find the BBS at wormhole.sacks.org.uk
Added Node 4/135 Test Unit Ready BBS (GBR) welcome to sysop Carl Hopkins
                 who is setting up his BBS running Mystic BBS under 
                 Ubuntu 16.04 (HVM Amazon AWS/EC3). You can find Carl's 
                 system at testunitready.duckdns.org
Added Node 2/116 Chinwag BBS (AUS) it's hi and welcome to sysop Deon George 
                 who (like a few of us I think) has been reminiscing about
                 his younger days and BBSing. Deon is setting up a Mystic
                 system on his Raspberry Pi. You can find it by heading to
                 chinwag.leenooks.net:10023 Welcome to the community Deon :)
Added Node 1/123 Thiaramus_Den (USA) based out of Brooklyn in New York please
                 welcome sysop Roman Litvinenko who is rediscovering his 
                 BBS past. Roman is using a mixture of Binkd, HPT, HTICK, and
                 Golded+ to connect to fsxNet as is not running a BBS at this
                 stage. His Binkd mailer can be found at thiaramus.fsxnet.nz
Updated Node 1/193 Lunatic Fringe BBS (USA) has a new address 
                   lunatic.synchro.net the nodelist has been updated.                 
Added Node 1/125 The Fat Sandwich BBS (AUS) Apam is back with a new juicy
                 temptation that defies the calorific count and make those
                 on a weightwatchers plan want to chuck in the towel and 
                 eat hot fries all day long. Head to sandwich.hopto.org:2023
                 .. you know you want to :)
Updated Node 1/142 The Vista BBS (USA) is back up again and packets are 
                 flowing (thanks Ian :)) the nodelist has been updated and 
                 the system is no longer marked as 'Down' 
Removed Node 1/158 Starlight BBS (GER) Lars has confirmed he has closed his
                 BBS down. Thanks for being part of fsxNet and best wishes 
                 for the future :)
Added Node 2/133 8-Bit Classics' BBS (USA) it's a war, welcome to sysop
                 Cory Koltz based in Wisconsin and setting up a BBS running
                 Mystic under Linux. You can reach 8-Bit Classics' by heading
                 to bbs.8bitclassics.com or visit the website at 
                 www.8bitclassics.com :)
Housekeeping and several nodes face delisting unless we can contact them or
their sysops in the coming days...
Updated Node 1/142 The Vista BBS (USA) has been marked as 'Down' and sysop 
                 has attempted to be contacted. The node may be delisted in
                 the coming week if nothing is heard from it/sysop.
Updated Node 1/148 International LiveWire BBS (USA) has been marked as
                 'Down' and sysop has attempted to be contacted. The node may
                 be delisted in the coming week if nothing is heard from 
Updated Node 1/150 BadTaste BBS (GBR) has been marked as 'Down' and sysop 
                 has attempted to be contacted. The node may be delisted in
                 the coming week if nothing is heard from it/sysop.
Updated Node 1/158 Starlight BBS (GER) has been marked as 'Down' and sysop 
                 has attempted to be contacted. The node may be delisted in
                 the coming week if nothing is heard from it/sysop.
Updated Node 1/182 The Colossus (USA) has been marked as 'Down' and sysop 
                 has attempted to be contacted. The node may be delisted in
                 the coming week if nothing is heard from it/sysop.
Meanwhile in another part of cyberville...
Added Node 4/134 Possum Lodge South (USA) Mike "Blue White" Powell has set up
                 his MagickaBBS running under raspbian. You can reach it at
Added Node 4/123   Meowcat BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Logan 'Meowcat" Nelson
                   who is setting up his Mystic BBS running under Debian 9
                   on his Raspberry Pi. There is currently no telnet address
                   for this system and it's marked as private in the nodelist
Removed Node 1/172 The Facility BBS (USA). There has been no contact with 
                   this BBS for some time and attempts to contact the sysop
                   have also failed. The BBS has been delisted.
Added Node 4/114   PlaneT Afr0 BBS (USA) a warm welcome to sysop Jason Tefft
                   aka fC who is based in Virgina Beach and is running a
                   Enigma 1/2 BBS. You can reach his system at 
Updated Node 1/193 Lunatic Fringe BBS (USA) has a new address 
                   lunatic.zapto.org the nodelist has been updated.
Updated Node 1/153 Infoline BBS (CZE) is now called Fatal Echo BBS. The 
                   system remains private. Nodelist has been updated.
Updated Node 1/122 Necronomicon BBS (USA) has a new address
                   necrobbs.strangled.net the nodelist has been updated.
Updated Node 1/163 Dreamland BBS (USA) has a new address bbs.dreamlandbbs.org
                   the nodelist has been updated.
Added Node 2/135   Omicron Theta Mail System (USA)
Added Node 2/136   Omicron Theta BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Robert Wolfe who
                   is based in Southaven, MS. Robert is running Wildcat! 4.2
                   MP250 under Windows XP Pro and you can reach his system at
Updated Node 2/140 Subcarrier BBS (CAN) has a new address, you can find the
                 BBS at subcarrier.flashserv.net:2323
Added Node 2/132 Archaic Binary BBS (USA) it's a warm welcome to Wayne Smith
                 aka Zharvek who is running a Mystic system based out of 
                 Orlando, FL in the USA. There's plenty to explore at the
                 BBS and assorted ways to connect to it. 
                 Head to bbs.archaicbinary.net and check it out :)                 
Removed Node 1/104 Richard Menedetter aka Ricsi at fido.ricsi.priv.at has
                 opted to leave the network. We wish him well.
Created - NETMAIL.TXT - this is file that contains details about netmail,
what is it, how is it used in fsxNet, routing info etc. It's been added at a 
time that interzonal routing of netmail between fsxNet and Fidonet has been
added to the network.                 
Removed Node 1/125 Exotica BBS (AUS) Apam advises his system is offline for
                 now. The node has been removed from the nodelist.
Added Node 4/133 Fading Black BBS (CAN) Welcome to sysop Will Smith who joins
                 us from Hamilton, Ontario. Will is running a Mystic BBS 
                 running under Windows 32bit. You can find the BBS at
Added Node 1/176 Darkrealms BBS (CAN) Hi and welcome also to sysop Nick Andre
                 Darkrealms is a Bulletin Board System in Toronto Canada. 
                 It has been online since 1994 and is one of the oldest and
                 last remaining systems running the MS-DOS Renegade software.
                 Nick is also the current developer of the D'Bridge EMAIL
                 System originally written by Chris Irwin. You can find his
                 BBS at bbs.darkrealms.ca
Updated Node 4/126 Another F-ing BBS (USA) Gary advises his system is back
                 up and running again (yay!) the address is now
                 anotherbbs.ddns.net - the nodelist has been updated and 
                 4/126 is no longer marked as 'Down'
Added Node 2/128 The Dragon's Den (USA) welcome to new sysop Al Miller
                 setting up using Mystic BBS under Linux.
                 Al's BBS can be found at merlock.org                  
Added Node 2/125 PHATstar RetroBOX BBS (CAN) sysop WarmFuzzy is running a 
                 new BBS Fishingnet BBS. The system can be reached at 
                 fishingnet.phatstar.org:7777 or via SSH using 
Added Node 4/115 The Big Edge (CAN) returning to the BBS scene after some
                 time away please welcome Robin Ganderton who is based in
                 northern BC. Robin's system is running Mystic and is
                 using Windows 2008 R2. You can find him at
                 thebigedge.gandertonconsulting.ca:2323 or use port
                 2222 for SSH :)
Added Node 2/118 SmokyThing BBS (USA) welcome back to Shannon Kuchler aka
                 Gandor. The BBS is just setting up again and updating to 
                 a new version of Mystic. Once up you should be able to
                 connect at inflecto.org
Removed Node 4/114 The Cat's Meow BBS (USA) there's been no contact for some
                    time with the system so it has been delisted.
Updated Node 1/199 Clutch BBS (CAN) has a new domain name and can be 
                   reached at bbs.clutchbbs.com - nodelist etc. updated.
Updated Node 1/120 Cyberia BBS (USA) Gryphon has also updated his domain 
                   name and the bbs resides at cyberiabbs.zapto.org
                   The nodelist etc. has been updated.
Updated Node 1/134 Mystic Prison Board BBS (USA) has a new domain name
                   pbmystic.rdfig.net - nodelist etc. updated.
Updated Node 1/105 Fluph BBS (USA) Skuz advises a domain change to
                 fluph.zapto.org  - the nodelist etc. has been updated.
Updated Node 4/132 Fusion BBS (AUS) Michael advises his telnet address is
                   now telnet.fusionbbs.online the nodelist has been 
Removed Node 1/123 X-Factor BBS (USA) Mitch advises his system is down and
                  for now he will not be working on it. His node is delisted
                  at his request. Hope to see you soon Mitch :)
Updated 4/126    Another F-ing BBS (USA) Gary advises his system is down for
                 now due to internet connection issues. So his node is marked
                 'Down' for now.
Added Node 2/112 Drakefire BBS (USA) Hi and welcome to sysop Jake Parks
                 who hails from Kingwood, Texas. Jake is running a Mystic BBS
                 running under Debian and you can find his system at 
Removed Node 4/115 backYard BBS (CHE) has been delisted due to inactivty 
                 and no longer able to be contacted.
Removed Node 4/123 Mindfringe BBS (USA) has been delisted due to inactivty 
                 and no longer able to be contacted.
Added Node 4/132 Fusion BBS (AUS) making his return to the BBS scene it's
                 hello and welcome to sysop Michael Borthwick who is based in
                 Newcastle, Australia. Michael is setting up a Mystic BBS 
                 and will have his system running at bbs.fusionbbs.online
                 Welcome back to BBSing Michael and great to have you
                 as part of fsxNet.
Added Node 1/144 RVA Fido Support (USA) welcome to sysop Ozz Nixon who is 
                 based in Richmond Virginia. Ozz is running ExchangeBBS
                 and his system can be found at ExchangeBBS.com:6400
                 Nice to have you as a member of the online community Ozz :)
Added Node 2/107 Nephilim BBS (ISA) please make welcome sysop David Abutbul
                 who joins fsxNet from Israel based in Tel-Aviv. I think 
                 David is our first Israel node, so a warm welcome to you.
                 The BBS is running Synchronet under Centos 7 and you can
                 reach it at nephilim.synchro.net:23 or via SSH using
Updated Node 1/137 Nitemare Cafe BBS (USA) Rod has advised his system is now
                 back up again. 'Down' status has now be removed.
Added Node 2/116 Tsali's BBS (USA) has been reinstated and is actively 
                 working to reinstate the BBS again.
Updated Node 1/139 devNULL BBS (USA) Geezer advises for now his system is
                 private and will return as a public system in a few months
                 time :)
Added Node 2/102 Flynn's Arcade BBS (USA) Please welcome sysop Rich Webb who
                 hails from Cedar Springs and is setting up a system running
                 on Mystic BBS on a Raspberry Pi. Rich is just getting 
                 started but you can find his new system at bbs.webbhq.net
fsxNet Nodelist Housekeeping - NET 2
Time has passed and we're pruning nodes that have not responded to attempts 
to contact their respective sysops and are also uncontactable via FTN means.
Thanks to Solaris for his help in working through this segment of the 
nodelist. Better to have an up to date and accurate nodelist than not :)
If you're a sysop of a node listed below and want to reinstate your 
system please get in touch with Avon to grab a new node number. But for now
it's farewell to:
Removed Node 2/102 Cartel BBS has been delisted due to inactivty and no
                 longer able to be contacted.
Removed Node 2/107 Dales BBS has been delisted due to inactivty and no
                 longer able to be contacted.
Removed Node 2/112 The Hub BBS has been delisted due to inactivty and no
                 longer able to be contacted.
Removed Node 2/116 Tsali's BBS has been delisted due to inactivty and no
                 longer able to be contacted.
Removed Node 2/118 The Llama Lounge has been delisted due to inactivty
                 and no longer able to be contacted.
Removed Node 2/125 Fortknox BBS has been delisted due to inactivty and no
                 longer able to be contacted.
Removed Node 2/128 Hack-Tic BBS has been delisted due to inactivty and no
                 longer able to be contacted.
Removed Node 2/133 Ghost Opera BBS has been delisted due to inactivty
                 and no longer able to be contacted.
Removed Node 2/135 The Last Rainboard has been delisted due to inactivty
                 and no longer able to be contacted.
Removed Node 2/136 Deep Space'94 BBS has been delisted due to inactivty
                 and no longer able to be contacted.
Removed Node 2/137 Fire on the Bayou has been delisted due to inactivty
                 and no longer able to be contacted.
Removed Node 2/138 We6jbo BBS has been delisted due to inactivty and no
                 longer able to be contacted.
Removed Node 2/139 Goosenet BBS has been delisted due to inactivty and no
                 longer able to be contacted.                 
Updated Node 2/115 Mystic Rhythms BBS (USA) Rushfan advises his system is 
                 back up and running. Welcome back to the scene Rob :)
Updated Node 4/108 Psychosis BBS (USA) is no longer marked as 'Down' 
                 in the nodelist.
Added Node 2/145 Flux Capacitor BBS (USA) based in Portland, Oregon please
                 welcome sysop Michael Pierce who is running a Synchronet
                 BBS under Linux Mint 18. You can reach his system at 
                 fluxcap.synchro.net or fluxcap.dynv6.net
Updated Node 4/108 Psychosis BBS (USA)  has been marked as 'Down' 
                 in the nodelist.
fsxNet Nodelist Housekeeping - NET 2
There will be some pruning of nodes in the coming week or so and a number
have been marked as 'down' today while Solaris chases up the admins that
are MIA at present.
For now the following systems have been marked as 'Down' in the nodelist:
21:2/ 102, 107, 112, 116, 118, 125, 128, 133, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139
Removed Node 2/132 The Springville Mill BBS (USA) has been delisted due to 
                   inactivty and no longer able to be contacted.
Updated Node 1/174 The Zone BBS (USA) is no longer marked as 'Down' welcome
                   back to sysop Mike Warnock aka Zarnock.
Removed Node 1/144 Stat BBS (FRA) has remained inactive and not contactable
                    the system has been removed from the nodelist.
Removed Node 1/180 Logon BBS (GER) Farewell to Oliver Bachmann whose system
                   is down and no longer contactable. Node has been delisted.
Removed Node 1/165 Miskatonic BBS (ITA) also inactive and now delisted.
Added Node 1/139   devNULL BBS (USA) welcome to sysop Phillip Kimble aka
                   Geezer. Currenly setting up a Mystic system which at
                   present is still being set up. Welcome Phil :)                
fsxNet Nodelist Housekeeping - NET 4
The following NET 4 systems have been flagged for potential deletion due to
inactivity for some time (weeks / months!) 
For now the following systems have been marked as 'Down' in the nodelist:
21:4/ 115, 123
Added Node 4/131 The Wrong Number ][ BBS (USA) A warm welcome to sysop
                 Al DeRosa who joins us from Yorktown Heights, NY
                 Al is running a Mystic system running under Windows 10
                 his system can be reached at wn2.duckdns.org
Updated Node 1/140 Daves BBS (USA) is again polling the 1/100 HUB the 'Down'
                 status has been removed from the nodelist.
Removed Node 1/176 Radio Freqs and Geeks BBS (USA) MobbyG is full on with
                 the demands of life. For now his system is delisted but he
                 plans on returning in the future :)
Removed Node 1/139 Satellite of Madness BBS (USA) Matthew advises he is 
                 taking a break from BBS so his system is delisted for the
                 time being.
Removed Node 1/164 Tomasparks Test BBS (AUS) Tom advises his system can be
Added Node 4/130 PsYcHoTiC Industris BBS (USA) welcome back to the BBS 
                 scene sysop Mike Dunnington aka SubChaos. SubChaos is 
                 based in Fort Myers, Florida and is running a Mystic
                 system under Raspberry Pi 3
                 You can reach his system at psychotic.ddns.net
fsxNet Nodelist Housekeeping - NET 1
The following NET 1 systems have been flagged for potential deletion due to
inactivity for some time (weeks or in some cases months!) I will attempt
to contact each sysop and hope to hear back from them within the next seven
(7) days else they risk removal from the nodelist. 
For now the following systems have been marked as 'Down' in the nodelist:
21:1/ 137, 139, 140, 144, 164, 165, 174, 176, 180
A further review of the above nodes will occur in the coming week.
Added Node 3/104 Brain Storm BBS (BRA) Based in Recife, Brazil welcome to
                 sysop Ioram Sette who is running EleBBS and will be 
                 connecting to fsxNet via FrontDoor running at 21:3/100
                 The BBS does not support Telnet sessions but you can 
                 SSH in via bsbbs@bsbbs.com.br or visit the website at
Updated Node 1/123 The Void BBS is now called X-Factor BBS. Nodelist etc.
                 has been updated.
Added Node 4/129 Syrinx BBS (USA) Welcome to sysop Marc Carrano who joins
                 fsxNet from Norwich, CT. Marc is running a Mystic system
                 under Windows 10 and can be reached at bbs.syrinxbbx.com
                 Welcome to the community Marc!
Created - File Base - FSX_TEXT  - Text Files (Various)
Updated Node 1/112 Blackflag BBS (USA) is now running on port 28.
Added Node 4/128 DragonsWeb Labs BBS (USA) Also joining fsxNet today please
                 say hi and welcome to sysop James DiGriz who is based in
                 Pembroke, Georgia. James is running MBSE under
                 CentOS 6.9 x86_64 and can be reached at bbs.dragonsweb.org 
                 It's great to have you as a member of the network James.
                 Welcome aboard :)
Added Node 4/127 Greyman BBS (USA) Hi and welcome to Paul Ramos aka Greyman 
                 who is based in New Port Richey, Florida. Greyman is running
                 a Mystic BBS under Windows 7 (funny that.. so am I) and you
                 can reach his setup via telnet to greymanbbs.ddns.net
                 It's been 30 years since the Greyman played with this stuff
                 and it's nice ot have him back in the BBS scene again :)
Added Node 4/126 Another F-ing BBS (USA) A warm welcome back to fsxNet to 
                 sysop Gary Crunk who has restarted his BBS and can again
                 be reached at anotherbbs.bbsindex.com
Added Node 4/125 Veleno BBS (ITA) It's benvenuto to sysop Thomas Bampi who 
                 hails from Rovereto in Italy. Thomas is running a Synchronet
                 BBS under Windows XP and you can reach his system by heading
                 to velenobbs.ddns.net - This is the fourth BBS from Italy to
                 join fsxNet and it's great to see :)
Added Node 4/124 The Dungeon BBS (USA) hailing from Camberra, Australia 
                 please welcome Sysop Keith Matthews who is running a 
                 Synchronet BBS and sussing out how to add a second FTN
                 network to it :) You can reach his BBS at
Added Node 2/130 Curfew BBS (USA) this is a new system run by Jon Justvig
Updated fsxNet Wiki The goal of the fsxNet Wiki is to support the development
                    of Bulletin Board Systems (BBS). It does so by hosting
                    useful resources and information for both BBS developers
                    and users alike. The Wiki has moved to a new address
                    and can now be found at wiki.bbs.nz 
Added Node 4/103 The Coincidence BBS (USA) it's a warm welcome and hello to
                 Bruce Weitzman who's based in New Britain, CT. and is 
                 setting up a Mystic BBS running under Ubtuntu 16.
                 Visit the BBS by heading to thecoincidencebbs.com
Added Node 1/183 Vertrauen BBS (USA) Someone who is VERY familiar with the
                 Synchronet BBS is author Rob Swindell aka Digital Man.
                 It's fair to say Rob must enjoy BBSing and it's nice to see
                 him active in fsxNet. Welcome Rob!
                 You can reach Vertrauen BBS at vert.synchro.net
Added Node 2/124 The Time Machine BBS (CAN) It's hello and welcome to sysop
                 Darren Crawford aka The Viper. Based in Kamloops,BC
                 The Time Machine BBS is running Mystic BBS using Linux/32
                 OS. Go back (or is it forward?) in time by heading to
Added Node 4/107 BGDCAG BBS (USA) Welcome to sysop Barry Davis Jr who hails
                 from Hanover, PA. Barry is running a Synchronet BBS under
                 Ubuntu. You can reach him at bgdcag.synchro.net
                 Great to have you as a member of fsxNet Barry!
Updated Node 4/119 Abyss BBSing (USA) Greg advises a name change for the 
                 BBS which is now called After Hours BBS along with a new
                 telnet address - afterhours-bbs.com               
Updated Node 1/139 Satellite of Madness BBS (USA) is currently marked as
                   'Down' in the nodelist.
Added Node 4/123 Mindfringe BBS (USA) please welcome sysop Nicholas Kill
                 who is based in Jefferson, SC and is setting up a Mystic BBS
                 running under Windows 10. At this stage the system can be
                 reached at
Updated Node 4/102 Before the Web BBS (USA) domain name has been updated 
                   to just loybbs.net:23232 
Removed Node 2/130 BuckeyeAZ.NET BBS (USA) farewell to Dean Galloway who
                   has announced he's closing his system down for now.
Added Node 4/122 RetroDigital BBS (CAN) Rejoins fsxNet - welcome to sysop
                 Michael Buchholz aka Deepend.
Updated - HUB 4  Most nodes that connect to The Niba HUB in NET 4 (now hosted
                 by Dan Richter) have migrated to the new domain name address
                 and port - bbs.castlerockbbs.com:24560
                 That said we're now down to three nodes that so far have not
                 switched or responded to attempts to contact them. We will
                 try again to reach them but their time in the network is
                 looking limited if they don't cut over as the old HUB will
                 be shuttered in the next 7 days.
Added Node 2/105 The New Frontier 2 BBS (USA) hailing from Akron in Ohio 
                 please welcome sysop Charles Stephenson aka KrUpTiOn to
                 fsxNet. You can reach KrUpTiOn's system at
                 thenewfrontier2.hopto.org  - great to have you as a member
                 of the network :)                      
Updated Node 3/103 Titan's Orbit BBS (BRA) there was a typo in the nodelist
                   for this system and that has been fixed :)
Removed Node 4/103 TrixNet BBS (GBR) has been removed from the nodelist.
Removed Node 4/107 The Hub BBS (USA) has been removed from the nodelist.
Updated Node 4/103 TrixNet BBS (GBR) has been inactive for some time now and
                   attempts to contact the sysop have so far failed so the 
                   BBS is marked as 'Down' in the nodelist.
Updated Node 4/107 The Hub BBS (USA) has been marked as 'Down' in the
                   nodelist at this time.
Added Node 4/201 AlcaBBS (NLD) based in Apeldoorn, The Netherlands please
                 welcome sysop Michael Trip who is running a Synchronet BBS
                 under Windows 7. You can telnet in to the BBS by heading to
Removed Node 4/105 Another F-ing BBS (USA) Farewell to sysop Gary Crunk who
                   advises for now his system is shutting down. We hopoe you 
                   can return again soon Gary - you are missed!
Updated - HUB 4  The Niba HUB is now being hosted by Dan Richter - thanks
                 Black Panther :) NET 4 nodes should adjust their BinkP 
                 Hostname for 21:4/100 to bbs.castlerockbbs.com:24560
                 The old NET 4 HUB will be retired within the coming 14 days.                 
Added Node 1/153 Infoline BBS (CZE) based in Prague it's a return to fsxNet
                 for sysop Mikolas Pansky who is running a Mystic BBS on a
                 Linux system. The system is a private one at present.
Added Node 2/120 Files 4 Fun BBS (USA) Joining the fsxNet community please
                 welcome sysop Timothy Norris who is based in Omaha.
                 Timothy used to run a Spitfire single-node and Wildcat! 
                 16-node back in the early/late 1990s. He's now setting up
                 a Mystic BBS running under Windows 32 and you can find
                 the system at bbs.f4fbbs.com:2323
Added Node 4/120 Skylab System BBS #2 (USA) It looks like Florida is the 
                 place to be when it comes to BBSing right now :) Based in
                 Crystal River it's a warm welcome also to Sam Penwright who
                 is working on migrating his BBS setup from a Wildcat 6.4
                 system across to Mystic BBS.
                 The telnet address is skylab-systems.com
Added Node 4/119 Abyss BBSing (USA) Hailing from Lady Lake in Florida please 
                 say hello to (and welcome) Greg Youngblood who is setting up
                 a Mystic BBS running under Windows. You can find Greg's 
                 system at abyssbbs.com
Removed Node 1/153 Solar Pi BBS (USA). Farewell and best wishes to Corey 
                  Reichle who has decided to close his system down.
Created FSX_DAT  InterBBS Data. An echomail area used by software such as
                 InterBBS Oneliner or Double-Up (both by Darryl Perry) to
                 send inter-BBS data between nodes in fsxNet. In most cases
                 the data is not readable or of interest to human eyes.
                 Sysops may wish to hide this echo from BBS users.
                 Human generated posts should *not* be made in this echoarea.  
Added Node 4/118 Bit's Lair BBS (ESP) Hailing from Madrid, Spain please
                 welcome sysop Yeray Dorta who is running a private BBS 
                 powered by Mystic and running on a Raspberry Pi. Welcome
                 to the network you are our first node based in Spain!
Added Node 4/101 Back to the Future BBS (USA) Hi and welcome to Bill Simon 
                 aka Outatime who hails from Pennsylvania and is running a 
                 WWIV system under Linux. You can find Outatime's system at 
Updated Node 2/115 Mystic Rhythms BBS (USA) Rob advises his system will be 
                 offline for the next 4-5 months while he attends to other
                 work etc. commitments. Anticipating a return later this year
                 his node is marked as 'Down' for now.
Added Node 4/117 Brainsuxx.inc BBS (GER) Please welcome sysop Michael Braun
                 who is based in Beelitz and setting up a Mystic BBS
                 powered by a Raspberry Pi. You can telnet to his BBS at
                 brainsuxxinc.ddns.net  :)
Added Node 4/116 InterMail Support (USA) welcome to Dale Barnes! Dale is the
                 author of InterMail and has returned to the BBS scene after
                 some time away. I understand Dale is working on a new 
                 version of InterMail. He's not running a BBS at present but
                 has has a mailer up at im.ifidonet.com
Removed Node 4/101 RetroDigital BBS (CAN) Michael advises as of 19 Jan 2018
                 he is closing down his system to work on other projects.
                 Best wishes to you Michael, hope to see you active again
                 sometime in the future.
Updated Node 4/114 The Cat's Meow BBS (USA) Alex now has a domain name for
                 his system - catsmeow.duckdns.org - The nodelist etc. has
                 been updated and the BBS is no longer marked as a private
Updated Node 1/186 Castle Rock BBS (USA) the domain name has changed and the 
                 nodelist and SYSTEMS.TXT has been update to the new address
Added Node 4/115 backYard BBS (CHE) bumping up the numbers from one to now
                 two nodes based in Switzerland please welcome new sysop
                 Andreas Jeckin aka Tretel77 who is based in Basel. Tretel77 
                 is setting up a Mystic system running under Windows 32
                 you will find him at backyardbbs.ddns.net
                 Welcome to fsxNet :)
Updated Node 1/109 Freeway BBS (AUS) revised domain name to 
Updated Node 1/125 Exotica BBS (AUS) change of Telnet port from 8888 to 2023
Added Node 4/114 The Cat's Meow BBS (USA) Welcome to new sysop Alex Abraham
                 aka Catlord who is getting started in BBSing with his 
                 Mystic system running under Linux Raspbian 'Stretch'
                 Catlord is based in Fayetteville, NC  USA and his node is 
                 marked PVT for now as there is no supplied telnet address
                 at this stage. Meoww...
Added Node 4/113 Digital Wurmhole BBS (CAN) Welcome back to fsxNet returning
                 sysop Blair Lovell. Blair was a member of fsxNet a few years
                 ago but closed his system in Oct 2016. After some time away
                 he's back and it's great to see him active again :)
                 Blair is running a Mystic system using a Raspberry Pi you
                 can find his BBS at digitalwurmhole.ddns.net:2323
Added Node 4/112 Sloane BBS (USA) Please make welcome Steve Smith who hails 
                 from Atlanta, GA  USA. Steve is setting up a Mystic BBSing
                 running under Ubuntu Linux. His telnet address for his BBS
                 is sloanebbs.com  There is no website set up at this stage.
Added Node 4/111 USS Alliance BBS (CAN) Welcome to sysop Richard Szajkowski
                 who is based in Ennismore Ont Canada. Richard is setting up
                 a Mystic BBS running under Win 7 32bit. You can reach his
                 system at cmrk.net:2113 or visit the website cmrk.net/bbs
Updated Node 1/101 Agency BBS (NZL) The telnet domain name has changed from
                 agency.bbs.geek.nz to just agency.bbs.nz - the older domain
                 name will continue to work for now.
NETs 1,3,4       The domain addresses in the nodelist for 1/100 3/100 4/100
                 have also changed to agency.bbs.nz at this time. The older 
                 agency.bbs.geek.nz domain will also continue to work for now.
Updated Node 4/107 The Hub BBS (USA) Nodelist has been updated and node is 
                 no longer marked as PVT. INA flag set to thehubbbs.ddns.net                 
Added Node 4/110 Retro64XYZ BBS (USA) Welcome to sysop Aaron Jones who is
                 setting up a Mystic system running under Ubuntu Linux.
                 His telnet address is bbs.retro64.xyz:26000 and the website
                 can be found at retro64.xyz 
Added Node 4/109 9640 News BBS (USA) reporting live from Campbellsburg, KY
                 USA please welcome sysop Beery Miller who is setting up 
                 a Mystic BBS running under Windows 10, 64bit.
                 His systems telnet address is 9640news.ddns.net:9640
Added Node 4/108 Psychosis BBS (USA) Hailing from Cumming, GA. USA please 
                 welcome sysop Terry Rankin aka Schizo to fsxNet. Schizo is
                 running a Mystic BBS using a Raspberry Pi 3 and can be
                 reached at psychosisbbs.ddns.net:2323
Added Node 4/107 The Hub BBS (USA) Hi and welcome to sysop Derek Piazza who
                 is just in the process of getting a Mystic BBS set up.
                 He's based in New Brunswick, NJ USA and plans to run a 
                 system under CentOS 7.   For now this system is marked
                 as a PVT node until up and running.
Added Node 4/106 The Rusty Mailbox (CAN) for some of us old timers who are
                 old enough to remember (now I do feel old :)) please welcome
                 returning sysop Alan Ianson who is back with his Rusty
                 Mailbox BBS. Welcome back Alan it's nice to have you active
                 in fsxNet again. You were missed :)
Updated Node 1/158 Starlight BBS (GER) Lars advises his BBS has been taken
                   down for now but he is running a BinkD/Fmail combo for
                   handling his connections to echomail/netmail in networks
                   such as fsxNet. His nodelist entry has been updated and
                   telnet refs removed.
Updated Node 1/192 A 90's Manila BBS (SGP) is now using bbs.balcos.net as the
                   main domain name. The nodelist etc. has been updated.
Added Node 4/105 Phoenix BBS (USA) Hello and welcome to Andrew Leary based in 
                 Pawcatuck, CT  USA. Andrew is running a MBSE BBS under
                 Slackware Linux 14.2 x86_64 You can check the system out
                 by heading to phoenix.bnbbbs.net:2323 or visit the website
                 at http://phoenix.bnbbbs.net
Added Node 4/104 Herbies BBS II (GER) Just before 2017 ends please welcome
                 sysop Thorsten Herb who is based in Weil am Rhein, Germany.
                 Thorsten is running a Mystic BBS using a Raspberry Pi
                 and his system can be reached at herbies-bbs.ddns.net
                 Welcome to fsxNet Thorsten - it's great to have you as a
                 member of our online community. :)
Added Node 4/103 TrixNet BBS (GBR) Growing the UK contingent in fsxNet please
                 welcome returning sysop Brett Moore. Brett is just getting
                 back in to BBS after last being active in the mid 1990s
                 He's running a Mystic BBS under Ubuntu and you will be
                 able to find him at bbs.brettmoore.net when he's set up.
                 Welcome back to the BBS scene Brett :)
Created - NET 4  With the growth in NET 2 a new NET has been added. New 
                 nodes to fsxNet will be added to NET 4 which is now
                 served by a new HUB.
Created - HUB 4  The Niba HUB has been established at 21:4/100. For those 
                 of us old enough to remember https://youtu.be/gsYT8YHL-R0 
                 will explain where the name came from :) Khaaan!!!
Added Node 4/101 RetroDigital BBS (CAN) Welcome to sysop Michael Buchholz
                 aka Deepend who hails from Calgary,AB, Canada. Deepend is
                 running a Synchronet BBS under Centos Linux. You can visit
                 his system by telnet at rdnetbbs.com or point your web
                 browser to the same domain name. 
Added Node 4/102 Before the Web BBS (USA) Joining fsxNet from Huntsville, AL
                 is sysop Dallas Vinson. Dallas is running a Mystic BBS 
                 under Windows 7 and you can reach him via telnet at
                 b4w.loybbs.net:23232 - note the port number :)
Removed Node 2/124 Family Fun BBS (CAN) Adam advises he has shut down his 
Removed Node 2/120 The Positronium Repository RPi (USA). Cmech advises the
                   Rpi used to run this system has been donated to g00r00
                   for his Mystic BBS work. The BBS has now closed.
Mystic BBS turns 20 years young!
I just wanted to note the efforts of author James Coyle aka g00r00 who today
posted in fsx_mys his thanks for everyones interest and involvement in his
Mystic BBS project that has been running for the last 20 years. Think on 
that for a moment - 20 years!
It's no mean feat to sustain an interest in something for so long and 
continue to develop it with the same levels of passion and excitement that
first spurred the interest to do so all those years ago.
For me coming back in to the BBSing scene around 2013 and coming across Mystic
was a welcome sign to me that the scene was not dead and that there was much
fun to be had with the old hobby/interest that I had last dabbled in in
back in 1994.
In 2017 there are a number of BBS platforms under active development. We're
lucky to have a bunch of talented people active in fsxNet who continue to
contribute their skills and passions to the vibrancy of the BBS scene
by creating new BBS software, doors, utils, ANSI art etc. 
James is certainly one of those people. On behalf of all of the users,
sysops, tinkerers, wannabe coders, debuggers who love to test and find 
stuff that may be broken (or not :)) and everyone in between playing in the
BBS scene. Thank you James for you continued contribution to our collectively
enjoyed hobby, it's really appreciated.
Updates to HUBs 1/100 2/100 3/100
Today I have been working on updating the software on all fsxNet HUBS active
at present. They are now all in sync and use the same version of Mystic BBS.
Which at the time of writing this is 1.12 A37 pre-alpa version 2017/12/13
At the same time of doing these updates I have changed the way netmail is 
routed between the HUBs. In short the rules to deliver netmail between NETs
has been updated to prevent a circular loop occurring where undeliverable 
netmail could end up bouncing between various NETs. I have also established
direct links between NET 2 and NET 3 to speed up delivery of netmail where as
before this, all netmail between NET 2 and NET 3 was routed via NET 1
I am now also starting to look at establishing a NET 4 to accommodate ongoing
growth experienced with new nodes joining fsxNet. The thinking being not
wanting to have HUB with large numbers of nodes (70+) attached and instead 
add more HUBs serving smaller numbers (30-40) of nodes. If we do opt to fully 
mesh all the HUBs for echomail traffic, whilst it would generate a fair 
amount of DUPE traffic between the HUBs it would also help to build greater
redundancy and resilience across the wider fsxNet. Well that's what I think 
would happen - but you're feedback and thoughts are most welcome :)   
Welcome new nodes :)
Added Node 2/144 Retro Tyne BBS (USA) Hello to Chris Costanzo based in 
                 Old Bridge, NJ, USA. Chris is setting up his Mystic BBS 
                 running under Linux. You can find his setup at retrotyme.com
                 Welcome to fsxNet Chris it's really nice to see you active
                 in BBSing and part of the network :)
Added Node 2/143 The Bit Bucket (CAN) Say hi to Stephen Atkins who joins us
                 from Wainwright, AB, Canada. Stephen is running his Mystic
                 system also under Linux. His website is thebitbucket.ca
                 or telnet in via bbs.thebitbucket.ca  Great to have you
                 as a member of the community Stephen - welcome aboard!
Added Node 2/142 Lo Fidelity BBS (USA) Please say hello and welcome to sysop
                 Ryan Fantus who is based at Palo Alto in California, USA.
                 A long time daydream sysop (and software maintainer) he's
                 trying his hand at a Mystic system running under Linux.
                 The BBS is under construction and not accepting callers at
                 this stage but when it is, you'll find it at lo-fibbs.com 
                 via Telnet and on the WWW :)
Added Node 2/141 TequilaMockingbird Online BBS (USA) It's a warm welcome to
                 Bill McGarrity who is based at Toms River, New Jersey, USA.
                 Bill is running a Synchronet BBS running under Windows 
                 Server 2008 Enterprise. You can connect to his system at
Added Node 2/140 Subcarrier BBS (CAN) He's back :) After being out of the
                 BBS scene for 20 years please welcome John McCoy back to the
                 fold. John is setting up his Mystic BBS system running under
                 Linux 64 Bit. You will be able to reach his system via 
                 subcarrier.darktech.org:2323 (telnet) or :2322 (SSH)
                 Great to have you as a member of the fsxNet community John!
Updated Node 1/200 The Pharcyde BBS (USA) is now a private node while Nick
                   works on his Mystic BBS setup.
Added Node 3/103   Titan's Orbit BBS (BRA) has moved to NET 3 and will be
                   using FrontDoor as their front-end mailer.
Removed Node 1/197 Titan's Orbit BBS (BRA) has moved to NET 3 to connect to
                 Updated the infopack with additional files to explain how 
                 nodes can set up Zone 21 inter-bbs league games for Barren 
                 Realms Elite and Galactic Dynasty.
                 The instructions for obtaining a Usenet feed have also been
                 updated too. New files added to the infopack are:
                 fsx-use.txt  - Setup Usenet Newsgroups 
                 fsx-bre.txt     - Setup Barren Realms Elite
                 fsx-gd.txt      - Setup Galactic Dynasty
Added Node 1/200 The Pharcyde BBS (USA) It's a warm welcome to Nicholas Boel
                 aka Accession - Nick is a very experienced sysop who has 
                 been involved in the BBS scene for many years. He's 
                 currently running a Synchronet system and looking to
                 migrate over to a Mystic BBS. You can visit Pharcyde by
                 heading to bbs.pharcyde.org                 
Added Node 2/139 Goosenet BBS (GER) Hi and welcome to sysop Michael Geller
                 based in Nuremberg, Germany .. Michael is setting up a Mystic
                 BBS running under Windows/64Bit You can find his new system
                 by heading to goosenet.ddnss.org :)
Added Node 2/138 We6jbo BBS (USA) based in Sandiego please welcome to the 
                 network sysop Jeremiah O'Neal who is setting up his
                 Mystic BBS under Linux raspberrypi 4.4.21-v7
                 The address for the new BBS is www.plateauwebcam.net:23 
Added Node 2/137 Fire on the Bayou (USA) hailing from New Orleans, LA USA
                 please welcome sysop Joe Bruchis who is running his 
                 Synchronet BBS under Windows 10 and soon to look at setting
                 up a Mystic BBS also. You can reach Joe's system by heading
                 to bayouflames.ddns.net
Added Node 1/194 Phaseshift BBS (CAN) Welcome to Kevin Pausche based in 
                 Vancouver Canada. Kevin is running a Mystic BBS under Linux
                 and his address is phased.port0.org . Kevin is a past
                 member of fsxNet who became inactive and was delisted but
                 has reapplied to join again.. So welcome back Kevin :)
Added Node 2/108 National Incident Alerts BBS (USA) it's hello and welcome
                 to Ray King who joins us from Rehoboth, MA USA. Ray is
                 running a Mystic system under Windows XP and you can find
                 his BBS at niabbs.com or check the website at 
Added Node 2/122 Insane Asylum BBS (USA) Direct from a starring role in
                 Star Wars episode 8 ... just kidding, but wouldn't that be
                 kinda cool. heh... let's say hi and welcome to Jim Kulwicki
                 who hails from Racine, WI. Jim is running a Mystic system
                 using Windows 10/64bit and you can find his system at
Added Node 1/168 Col Unl BBS (SWE) There's something in the air .. you'll
                 understand why in a second... welcome to the first of two
                 new systems joining fsxNet from Sweden. It's a warm welcome
                 to Gustav Almstrom who is based in Lund, Sweden and is
                 setting up a Mystic BBS running under Debian. The address
                 of the BBS will be mystic.almstrom.org:63555 but it is yet
                 to open. Stand by caller :) Welcome Gustav!
Added Node 1/171 Modema Tider BBS (SWE) Welcome too to Andreas Selstam who 
                 is based in Gothenburg, Sweden. Andreas is setting up his
                 Mystic powered system using Ubuntu 16.04 and has not yet
                 opened his BBS to the public but when he does we'll let
                 you know. 
Added Node 1/167 Temple of Syrinx BBS (USA) welcome aboard Daniel Kidd who
                 is running a Mystic BBS powered by Linux. You can reach
                 Dan and his system by heading to templeofsyrinx.info
Updated Node 1/154 Jon advises his system is now called Raiders Inc BBS
Added Node 1/164  Tomasparks Test BBS (AUS) Welcome to Tom Sparks who has 
                  set up his Mystic BBS system running under Linux. At this
                  stage his BBS is a private system and there is no telnet
                  address associated with it.
Added Node 2/114  Osmimum BBS (USA) Welcome to Owen Salter who is based in 
                  Massachusetts. Owen is setting up a Mystic BBS running 
                  Raspian Jessie on his Raspberry Pi 2. His system is still
                  a work in progress but he's enjoying getting set up.
Added Node 2/116  Tsali's BBS (USA) It's hello to James Washington who joins
                  us from Louisville, Kentucky, USA and is setting up his
                  BBS running Mystic on a Raspberry Pi 3.
                  You can reach Jame's system at tsali.ddns.net:9023
Added Node 1/155  Haciend BBS (FIN) It's a warm welcome to Antti Kiuru aka 
                  h7 who has set up a Mystic BBS system running under Linux
                  in Helsinki, Finland. Welcome to fsxNet h7 :) You can 
                  reach the BBS haciend.com
Added Node 1/150   BadTaste BBS (GBR) welcome to Geoff Bradshaw who is based
                  in Northampton Northants UK. Geoff is returning to his BBS
                  roots and having fun with a Mystic BBS while also showing
                  a few of his students about our retro hobby :)
                  Welcome back to the scene Geoff and well done for flying
                  the UK flag. We just lost a UK based BBS recently and our
                  other UK member was feeling a bit lonely - problem solved!
Removed Node 2/108 UnderZaNet BBS (GBR) Jan advises due to time contraints 
                   and the fact his system had a meltdown, he's shutting 
                   down for now. Dotslash will return when he's able but for
                   now watch for his contributions via another fsxNet 
                   connected BBS near you :)
Update Node 1/135  Return to the lair of the Wolverine BBS (USA) the BBS is
                   polling 1/100 and is no longer marked as 'down' in the
                   nodelist :)
Updated Node 1/137 Nitemare Cafe BBS (USA) Rod has advised his system will be
                   down for a period of time. He's moving and has limited
                   internet access. Once he finds a viable solution he plans
                   to bring the BBS back up.
Updated Node 3/101 Future Hacker Central (SWE) Joaquim now has a contactable
                   FrontDoor mailer at fhc.d.defsol.com:2030
                   The system does not accept human callers.
Updated Node 1/175 Capitol City Online (USA) Mike advises his domain name has
                   been updated and is now capitolcityonline.net the nodelist
                   and BBS list has been updated :)
Added Node 1/142   The Vista BBS (USA) Welcome aboard to Ian Thurston who is
                   based in Vallejo, California. Ian is setting up a Mystic
                   BBS system and returning to his retro BBS roots (aren't we
                   all!). You can find his BBS at vistabbs.ianthurston.com
                   Ian is running his system using Ubuntu Linux 16.10
                   Welcome to fsxNet Ian, and welcome back to the BBS scene
Added Node 2/101   The End Of The Line BBS (USA) Hello and welcome to Nigel
                   Reed who is setting up Synchronet powered system running
                   on Linux. Nigel is based in Plano, TX and you can find his
                   system at endofthelinebbs.com
                   Great to have you as a member of fsxNet Nigel! I confess
                   I have a Travelling Wilburys song playing in my head
                   right now :)
Added Node 2/109   RPG Circus BBS (USA) hailing from Arizona we want to 
                   welcome Jeffrey Brissette to fsxNet :) Jeffrey is running
                   a Mystic BBS under Linux and is getting his system set up
                   at present. You will find him on port 2323 at
                   Welcome aboard Jeffey it's nice to have you as a member of
                   our online community.  ... and that darn Wilbury's song is
                   still playing on re-run in my head - sigh :)
Added Node 1/144   Stat BBS (FRA) is the first French based BBS to join fsxNet
                   and is being set up by SysOp Lucas Bidault who is based in
                   Saint Avertin. Lucas is using a Mystic BBS running under
                   Windows 7 and is slowly but surely working on getting his
                   system running. The address is statbbs.ddns.net:2323
                   Lucus, bonjour and welcome to fsxNet :)
Added Node   3/102 Micro Link Old School BBS (AUS). Lloyd has restarted his 
                   Remote Access BBS and paired it with FMail, Netserial and
                   FrontDoor as an experiment to get his original BBS up
                   and running. He's still running Micro Link BBS using the
                   latest Mystic BBS on 1/103 but having fun testing this new
                   (but old) setup with the retro system.               
Updated Node 1/139 - Satellite of Madness BBS (USA) has polled 1/100 so is 
                    no longer marked as 'Down' in the nodelist. Still having
                    issues polling the BBS but it is contactable via telnet.
Updated Node 1/126 Twinkle BBS (USA) Pequito has updated his domain name and
                   opened port 23. The revised addressed is twinklebbs.net 
Created - NET 3 -  This has been established as a means of providing
                   connectivity to fsxNet using EMSI/FTS6 and ZedZap
                   protocols such as those offered by the popular
                   front end mailer FrontDoor.
Created - HUB 3 -  The Mutura HUB is an interesting setup. It runs
                   FrontDoor over Telnet using port 24558 and interfaces
                   with the latest Mystic BBS that handles all of the
                   tossing and netmail/echomail duties. Mutura HUB in
                   turn is linked to fsxNet 1/100 HUB and other nodes
                   and NETs
Added Node   3/101 Future Hacker Central (SWE) welcome to Joaquim
                   Homrighausen aka JoHo. JoHo is a returning sysop and
                   developer of the popular FrontDoor front end mailer
                   and has plans to reboot his project over the coming
                   months etc. Welcome JoHo I hope you enjoy fsxNet and
                   engaging with the folks here :)
Updated Node 1/197 Titian's Orbit BBS (BRA) Flavio has been in contact and
                   polled 1/100 so his system is no longer marked as 'Down'
Added Node   1/116 sOUNDGARDEn (NLD) Welcome to Marco Reparon aka sPINOZa
                   who is running a private system for now. sPINOZa has been
                   using Mystic on/off since the early 2000s and is having
                   another look at the platform. Welcome :)
Updated Node 1/136 force9 BBS (GBR) Dave is now contactable via BinkP polling
                   I have removed the 'Down' status against his nodelist 
                   entry. Welcome back force9 :)
Removed Node 2/122 Avenger BBS (USA) Jason is shutting his system down for
                   now while he concentrates on setting up a new business.
                   We wish him all the best and look forward to his return
                   sometime in the future when life is not so busy! :)
fsxNet Nodelist Housekeeping (continued)
More twists and turns in this episode of 'know your ever changing
nodelist' :)
Added Node 1/136   force9 BBS (GBR) Dave has contacted me. He is away on 
                   holiday but plans to look in to any issues with his BBS 
                   when he gets back. He confirms he does not want to be 
                   deleted. So I have re-instated his node number.
                   Hopefully we can get packets flowing again in the coming
                   weeks. Look for his test posts :)
Added Node 1/180   Logon BBS (GER) Oliver has also been in touch and is 
                   working on getting his Raspberry Pi back up and running 
                   again. He has some Internet issues by the sounds of it but
                   is working on things over the coming weeks. Also look for
                   his test messages when he's back up :)
                   I have reinstated his node number.                   
Removed Node 1/168 The Egregore BBS (USA) Luke and I have been chatting via
                   email. He did get in touch amd planned to re-setup his 
                   VM of the BBS. I followed up a few days later and he's
                   advised he can't find his VM! So for now he's asked to be
                   removed. I have delisted his node number.
fsxNet Nodelist Housekeeping
I have begun to prune the nodelist after waiting a week to gauge replies and
responses to my attempts to contact nodes flagged for attention on Sept 2nd.
Some systems have contacted me and I am working with them to try and sorts
any issues. Others have been silent so they are being pruned from the 
nodelist for now. 
They are (as always) welcome to re-apply and rejoin but I am not going to
store traffic at 21:1/100 for a node that may reappear or may not.
Removed Node 1/167 SilentShard BBS (NZL) Nick has contacted me and confirmed 
                   his system is down for now. He may reapply again in the
                   future when he has more time to run a system.
Removed Node 1/136 force9 BBS (GBR) No reply from Dave to hailing freqs so
                   have removed his system from the nodelist. Attempts to
                   telnet to last known address have also failed. :(
Removed Node 1/155 Gerlach BBS (SVK) Dominik advises he's time poor and
                   unable to maintain his system and has asked to be 
                   removed from the nodelist.
Removed Node 1/142 SmokyThing BBS (USA) there has been no contact with 
                   Shannon despite best attempts to reach him. So his 
                   system is being removed from the nodelist.
Removed Node 1/144 Aloryn Avalon BBS (USA) there has been no contact with 
                   Joshua despite best attempts to reach him. His system
                   has been removed from the nodelist.
Removed Node 1/150 Southend BBS (Denmark) I have not heard from Lars in 
                   sometime. The last contact was months ago and at that 
                   stage there was talk of a hospital visit. I hope he is
                   well. I have tried to contact him and poll his system
                   but have struck out on both counts. His node has been
Removed Node 1/164 Beyond Systems BBS (SWE) there has been no reply from
                   attempts to contact Mattias and no connections via
                   telnet to the BBS's last known address. The node has 
                   been delisted.
Removed Node 1/171 Phaseshift BBS (CAN) there has been no reply from attempts
                   to contact Kevin and there is no reply from his BBS when
                   trying to connect to it. The node has been delisted.
Removed Node 1/180 Logon BBS (GER) Farewell to Oliver Bachmann whose system
                   is down and no longer contactable. Node has been delisted.
Removed Node 1/183 Night Owl BBS (USA) attempts to reach Jon have not proved
                   to be successful and there is no reply from his BBS at the
                   last known ddns.net domain name. Node has been delisted.
There are still some nodes I am chasing up to confirm if they are going to
reconnect to fsxNet or if the sysop is not going to do anything soon to do so.
Some may still be removed if a firm track of proposed activity is not
demonstrated in a timely fashion.
I am also working to identify a few nodes that I know are running and polling
1/100 correctly but for some reason(s) their known domain names are not 
resolving and allow the HUB to poll them. I'll write about that in a separate
update when this round of NET 1 nodelist admin concludes.
fsxNet Nodelist Housekeeping
The following NET 1 systems have been flagged for potential deletion due to
inactivity for some time (weeks or in some cases months!) I have attempted
to contact each sysop and hope to hear back from them within the next seven
(7) days else they risk removal from the nodelist. 
For now the following systems have been marked as 'Down' in the nodelist:
21:1/ 135, 136, 139, 140, 142, 144, 150, 155, 164, 167, 168, 171, 177, 180,
      183, 190, 197
A further review of the above nodes will occur one week from today.
Added Node 2/107   Dales BBS (GBR) Welcome to new sysop Dale Cousins who is 
                   based in Gorleston, Norfolk, UK and is setting up a 
                   Mystic BBS systen running under Raspbian on pi zero
                   You can reach Dale's system at dalesmail.co.uk:24
Removed Node 1/116 Redwood Shire BBS (USA) node has been inactive for some
                   time. Attempts to contact sysop have failed with bouncing
                   email address etc. 
Removed Node 1/194 Johnny Five BBS (NZL) node has been inactive for some
                   time. Attempts to contact sysop have failed with bouncing
                   email address etc. 
Updated Node 2/106 - Back To The Roots BBS (CHE) Fabian advises his telnet
                   port has now changed to 2345
Updated Node 1/126 Twinkle BBS (USA) Pequito has endured a VM crash and his
                   system is currently down and may be for some time :(
Added Node 1/172   The Facility BBS (USA). Welcome to new sysop Jason Pratt
                   who is based in Palmetto, FL USA. Jason is running a 
                   Mystic BBS system running under Windows 10.
                   His system can be reached at thefacilitybbs.darktech.org
Removed Node 1/172 Removed Pattycake Mafia BBS (USA). There has been no 
                   contact from Petar for some months and no connection
                   with his system :( Hope he returns to the scene one day.
Removed Node 2/107 AlsoToo BBS (USA) There was no reply from sysop after 
                   attempts to contact failed regarding down time and no
                   activity from the BBS on the network for an extended
                   period of time. The system has been removed from the
Removed Node 2/114 SciFi Hangout BBS (GBR) There was no reply from sysop
                   after attempts to contact failed along with no activity
                   from the BBS on the network for an extended period of time.
                   The system has been removed from the nodelist.
                   This concludes the current round of tidying up the fsxNet
                   nodelist in NET 2 ... next up will be a review of inactive
                   systems in NET 1
Added Node 1/199  Clutch BBS (CAN) hailing from Ontario welcome to Mark Stark
                  who is running his Mystic BBS under Linux.
                  The address for Clutch BBS is clutch.darktech.org
Added Node 2/136  Deep Space'94 BBS (USA) welcome to Tony Toon who joins us
                  from Evansville, IN. Tony is running a Mystic BBS under
                  Windows Server 2003 and has his system set up via
                  Telnet at deepspace94.com
Removed Node 2/116 Spookly Electric BBS (ITA) has closed down. 
                   Alec aka Osman advises he is time poor and working on
                   other projects at present.
Removed Node 2/109 ENCOM BBS (USA) has closed down.
                   Ron advises due to excessive cyber attacks in the USA the 
                   BBS ports have been deactivated for now.                   
Updated Node 1/178 Internal Dimension (CAN) updated nodelist and SYSTEMS.TXT
                   to refelect new Telnet port 59
Added Node 2/135   The Last Rainboard (USA) please welcome Jerry Adams aka
                   Piff Merkin to the BBSing scene as he sets up a BBSing
                   running Mystic under Raspberry Pi. Piff is based in
                   Knoxville, Tenessee and has his system up now via 
                   telnet at lastbbs.net
Added Node 2/134   Troy's Den BBS (USA) please say hello and welcome to
                   Scott Miller who is based in Phoenix and has set up his
                   system that you can reach via telnet at troybbs.com
Added Node 2/133   Ghost Opera BBS (USA) based in Ann Arbor it's a warm
                   welcome to Lori Holden who is running a Mystic powered BBS
                   that you can telnet to at bbs.ghostopera.org:10923
Updated Node 2/129 Risky Business BBS (CAN) Roger advises the BBS has shifted
                   telnet ports from 23 to 2323 - the nodelist etc. has been
Updated Node 1/155 Gerlach BBS (SVK) has changed telnet port to 6789 the node
                   list and systems.txt have been updated accordingly.
Removed Node 2/101 Ohm BBS (USA) Jon advises this system has closed so it'sadly
                   been removed from the nodelist.
Updated Node 1/167 Silent Shard BBS (NZL) Nick advises his Raspberry Pi has
                   died R.I.P ... and his system is down for now. He's 
                   working on a replacement set up and hopes to be back in
                   the near future. For now I have marked his system as 
                   'Down' in the nodelist.
Added Node 1/198   Tek42 BBS (USA) Joining fsxNet it's a welcome to Michael
                   Martin who is based in Charleston, WV, USA and is setting
                   up with a Mystic system running under Windows Server 2016
                   You can find Michael's BBS at bbs.tek42.net
Updated Node 1/126 Twinkle BBS (USA) Pequito returns to fsxNet :) The BBS is
                   not open as yet but the echomail is again flowing. Nice to
                   have you back with us good sir!
Added Node 2/132   The Springville Mill BBS (USA) based in Stafford Springs,
                   CT it's a warm welcome to Matthew Thibodeau who is 
                   setting up his Mystic BBS running under Windows Server
                   2012. You can reach the The Springville Mill BBS by
                   visiting bbs.springvillemill.com
Added Node 2/131   Orbit BBS (USA) welcome to Allen Scofield who is based in 
                   Opp, Alabama, USA and is running a Mystic BBS system
                   powered by Ubuntu. The Orbit BBS can be reached at
Added Node 2/130   BuckeyeAZ.NET BBS (USA) welcome sysop Dean Galloway who
                   joins fsxNet from Buckeye, Arizona, USA. Dean is running
                   a Mystic 32 bit system running on Windows 7.
                   His BBS can be reached at bbs.buckeyeaz.net:2323
Added Node 1/188   ACiD Underworld (USA) is a private system set up by
                   Hawk Hubbard aka Caphood. This node number almost
                   wins the award for the most recycled to date. I think!
Added Node 2/129   Risky Business BBS (CAN) sysop Roger Oiumette is runnning
                   his BBS under Mystic Windows 7 32bit and is setting up
                   at riskybusiness.hopto.org
                   Roger is based in Sudbury, ON, Canada and it's great to
                   have him as a member of fsxNet :)
Removed Node 1/188 Infolinka BBS (CZE) based in Prague has ceased operation.
                   So it's being delisted.
Updated Node 1/125 Cauldron BBS (AUS) running MagickaBBS is being retired 
                   for now and Andrew is playing with Nu's Enigma 1/2 BBSing
                   platform instead. The new BBS is called Exotica and has a
                   new address exoticabbs.com:8888
                   The nodelist has been updated accordingly.
Added Node 2/128   Hack-Tic BBS (NDL). Welcome to returning sysop Paul Muller
                   aka Dutchspace. For those of you old enought to remember
                   (that's most of us right? :)) Dutchspace says "
                   Hack-Tic BBS was run for a long time as a BBS in the
                   Netherlands that later grew in to one of Hollands largest
                   and best internet providers: xs4all" 
                   You can reach Hack-Tic BBS by telnet at hacktic.xs4all.nl
Added Node 2/127   Battlestar BBS (USA) Sysop Mark Iezzi is setting up a
                   Synchronet BBS running under Windows 7. The address is
Updated Node 1/117 Mystic Dreams (USA) updated records in nodelist to 
                   reflect the BBS now accepts calls on port 24 not 23.
Added Node 2/126   Mastodont BBS (CHL) a big hello and welcome to our first
                   node based in Chile. Say hi to sysop Patricio Rodriguez
                   who is based in Puerto Montt and setting up a Mystic BBS
                   running under Windows XP in a virtual box in Windows 10.
                   Patricio's system cam be found at mastodontbbs.hopto.org
                   Welcome to fsxNet :)
Added Node 2/125   FoRTKNoX BBS (NLD) hailing from the Netherlands please
                   welcome returning sysop George de Vries aka MaDDoG.
                   MaDDoG is setting up a Mystic system running under a 
                   Raspberry Pi. I'm told by MaDDoG the new system can be
                   reached at fortknox.bbs.io:56500 and is a work in progress
                   Great to have you back in the BBS scene George :-)
Added Node 1/197   Titian's Orbit BBS (BRA) this is a new system set up by
                   Flavio who is using the Guardian BBS code forked from an
                   earlier version of Mystic by Apam. The telnet address
                   is titansorbit.ddns.net
fsxNet Nodelist Housekeeping
Over the coming weeks I will be doing some work on the nodelist. I want to 
ensure it's still current and accurate. Whilst I believe this to be the case
(for the most part) I am fairly confident we have a few dead nodes that need
to be marked as 'Down' and the removed if no longer active or responding to
attempts to contact the sysop. I'll keep you posted on this housekeeping as
I progress it. Of course if your system is active and polling a HUB then you
really have nothing to worry about :)  
Added Node 1/116   Redwood Shire BBS (USA) hailing from Eureka please make 
                   welcome John Michko aka Halcyon who is getting back in to
                   BBS after some years away. Halcyon is still setting up
                   his BBS. It's running a Mystic system running under
                   Windows 10. You can reach Telnet to
Updated Node 2/122 Avenger BBS is now running on Telnet port 4444 using a new
                   domain name. avengerbbs.1337z.org:4444
Added Node 2/124   Family Fun BBS (CAN) please welcome Adam Clark to fsxNet
                   Adam is getting in to BBSing and is in the process of 
                   setting up a Mystic BBS running under Debian. You can
                   reach his system at familyfun.isurf.ca:2323
Updated Node 1/156 Oxford Mills Remote BBS is now called Central Ontario 
                   Remote BBS. The BBS is now back up and is no longer 
                   marked as 'down' in the nodelist.
Added Node 1/110   AmigaXess (GER) Welcome to returning sysop Ingo 
                   Juergensmann who is based in Georgsmarienhuette, Germany.
                   Ingo is working on getting re connected to Fidonet and has
                   also opted to join fsxNet to discover our online community
                   too :) He's running AmigaOS / Linux and using MailManager
                   as his tosser. Great to have you as a member of fsxNet
                   Ingo :)
Updated Node 1/128 The OuijaBoard BBS is now using bbs2.ouijabrd.net as it's
                   domain name.
Added Node 2/123   Flower BBS (GER) Hello to Kate Lily who is setting up her
                   Mystic BBS system running under Raspberry Pi. Flower BBS
                   is based in Munich, Germany and will focus on the classic
                   Psion range of pocket computers such as the Orgainzer I,
                   II, Series 3 and Series 5. Like all things the BBS is a 
                   work in progress. You can visit it at bbs.homeip.net
Added Node 1/111   Another Droid BBS (GRC) It's a warm welcome to Andreas
                   aka Xqtr who is getting his Mystic powered BBS up and 
                   running on his RPi Zero running under Raspbian Jessie.
                   The address for his system is andr01d.zapto.org:9999
Added Node 2/122   Avenger BBS (USA) he's back in the BBS scene after a few
                   years away. Please welcome Jason Pasalis aka Avenger
                   who is setting up his Mystic BBS system running under
                   Windows 7. Avenger is based in Santa Cruz, California
                   The BBS address to telnet to is avengerbbs.kicks-ass.net
Added Node 2/121   Basement Theory BBS (USA) welcome to Josh Ramsey who is
                   based in Sciotoville, Ohio USA. Josh is running a 
                   Synchronet system and his telnet address is
Updated Node 1/172 Pattycake Mafia BBS is currently Down. Petar advises he's
                   having issues with the firm he hosts his BBS on. 
                   Hopefully he will be up in the coming weeks.
Updated Node 1/107 The ByteXchange BBS (USA) is run by sysop Chad Adams who 
                   was running Cybernet BBS. Chad reports he is now using
                   this new BBS name and also using a new alais of Nugax
                   A new domain name has also been added to the nodelist
                   bbs.thebytexchange.com  Nugax is running Mystic under
                   Linux OS
Added Node 2/120   The Positronium Repository RPi (USA) added an additional
                   node for Cmech who is running a stand alone Raspberry Pi
                   system at cmech.dynip.com:2323 as well as his system
                   on 2/117. 
Added Node 1/188   Infolinka BBS (CZE) based in Prague it's a warm welcome to
                   Mikolas Pansky who is running a private BBS using Mystic
                   BBS on a Linux system. 
Added Node 2/107   AlsoToo BBS (USA) Welcome to Arron Barragan based in Yuma
                   AZ, USA. Who joins us running a Mystic BBS system powered
                   by Windows. You can find Arron's BBS at alsotoo.gleeze.com
                   Welcome aboard Arron :)
Added Node 2/119   Temple of Doom BBS (USA) Welcome to Kris Jones who hails
                   from Anderson, Indiana, USA. Kris is running a Synchronet
                   BBS on a Windows XP box. His BBS can be reached at
Removed Node 1/116 Delta City BBS (SWE). Joacim has advised his hardware has
                   failed and he no longer has the time or energy to fix it.
                   He's requested to be removed from the nodelist.
Removed Node 1/110 Rusty Mailbox (CAN). Alan Ianson has been MIA for many
                   months now after suddenly disappearing. I'd held his node
                   number open and maked him 'Down' for a long time in the
                   hope he may return. He hasn't. While I know he's alive
                   and well I'm not going to hold a node number open 
                   indefinitely so sadly 1/110 is no more. I hope Alan 
                   reappears one day :-|           
Added Node 2/118   The Llama Lounge (AUS) Welcome to sysop Tim Casey who is
                   setting up with a Mystic system running under Ubuntu
                   his telnet address is llama.getbbs.com 
Removed Node 1/188 Exotica BBS has been removed from the nodelist. Andrew
                   advises he wishes to concentrate on Cauldron BBS 1/125
                   and the development work he is doing on MagickaBBS :)
Updated Node 1/125 Name change - now Caludron BBS :)
Added Node 2/117 - The Positronium Repository (USA) is the home of 
                   Wildcat Dialup and Mystic Telnet and is run by sysop
                   Ben Ritchey. Ben is based in Lafayette, Louisiana USA and
                   is running his systems using Windows OS. You can connect
                   to Positronium Repository via cmech.dynip.com
Removed Node 2/107 Lostfiles Ideas BBS is no more. James advises his Rpi has
                   bit the dust and he has asked to be removed fom the
Update Node 1/126  Twinkle BBS (USA) has been marked 'Down' for now in the
                   nodelist. As you may have read Pequito is taking some time
                   out and has closed his system for now. We hope to see him
                   return again sooner than later if life circumstances 
                   permits. Take care of yourself Pequito!
Added Node 2/116 - Spooky Electric BBS (ITA). We're up to three nodes now 
                   based in Italy and it's welcome to Alec Scandy aka Osman
                   who hails from Lecce and is setting up his Mystic BBS
                   powered by Raspbian. It's early days for Osman but he's
                   learning a lot and having fun with the setup of his
                   system. You can reach him via spookyelectric.duckdns.org
Created FSX_BBS -  BBS software development and support. This echoarea also 
                   hosts fsxNet Wiki (wiki.bbs.geek.nz) discussions and
                   With the creation of the fsxNet Wiki it seems appropriate
                   to have a public space to discuss ideas for possible new 
                   Wiki content, edits to current content, editor requests, 
                   questions about what is on the Wiki etc. My hope is that
                   as the content on the Wiki grows, this echo area will
                   support that growth as a place for discussions about it.
                   A reminder that there was an orignal FSX_BBS created
                   as a file echo. It was changed to FSX_SOFT on 2016-09-10 
                   as part of a renaming convention to decern between message
                   base echoarea tags and file base tags file area tags are
                   always four characters long where as message tags are
                   three. e.g. FSX_BBS vs FSX_SOFT
                   Who said you didn't learn anything when you read these
                   updates :) .. and no lamas were harmed in the making of
                   this documentary.
Added Node 2/115 - Mystic Rhythms BBS (USA) From the home of SF Net in the
                   1990's and the Golden Gate Bridge I'd like welcome
                   Rob Cole aka Rushfan to the network. Rob is a talented
                   chap who's been hard at work at extending WWIV for some
                   time now. Mystic Rhythms is powered by WWIV and can be
                   found at mystic.wwivbbs.org - welcome Rushfan :)
Added Node 2/113 - PHATstar RetroBOX BBS (CAN) Welcome to new sysop Matthew
                   Smith aka WarmFuzzy who is based in Ontario, Canada.
                   WarmFuzzy is using a Mystic BBS. He's only running SSH
                   via TOR and I think it's a closed system.
                   His address is echo.phatstar.org and the website is
                   This was the first application for fsxNet that I have 
                   received via a Usenet Newsgroup (alt.bbs)
Added Node 2/114  - SciFi Hangout BBS (GBR) Welcome to Bruno Antunes aka
                    Sardaukar who is discovering BBS for the first time and
                    playing with Mystic BBS to do so. Sardaukar is a coder
                    interested in fido technology networks and keen to learning
                    more about such things. His BBS is just getting set up
                    the system address is rift.duckdns.org:2023 and it's
                    running on a RPi.
Updated Node 1/151 - Solar BBS (USA) has been marked 'Down' in the nodelist 
                     and is offline for now. SolarBaby advises this is 
                     intended to be a temporary thing.
Created fsxNet Wiki The goal of the fsxNet Wiki is to support the development
                    of Bulletin Board Systems (BBS). It does so by hosting
                    useful resources and information for both BBS developers
                    and users alike.
                    It's hoped the Wiki will become a useful resource for
                    all people interested in the BBS scene, and offer helpful
                    information and links that will assist them with any
                    questions they might have.                      
                    The Wiki can be found at wiki.bbs.geek.nz                    
Removed Node 2/102 - Phoenyx Rising BBS (USA) - Allen has had problems with
                    his system. We'll allocate a new node number for him if
                    he sorts things and out returns to the network.
Added Node 2/102 - Cartel BBS (USA) from the home of gigabit speed broadband
                   it's welcome to Wes Keene who's based in Chattanooga, TN,
                   USA. Wes aka Distorted is setting up a Mystic system 
                   running on Linux (Ubuntu 64-bit) You can catch his BBSing
                   via telnet at cartelbbs.keene.co
Added Node 1/188 - Exotica BBS (AUS) Apam has set up an Enigma 1/2 BBS 
                   he's testing stuff with Nu and requested a full node number
                   it's available on andrew.homeunix.org:2023
Added Node 2/112 - The Hub BBS (USA) Joining fsxNet and based in Watauga, TX 
                   USA it's a warm welcome to David DeWell aka Modchaos.
                   Modchaos is also running Mystic BBS under AMI Linux
                   as his OS of choice. Stop by and say hello at his new
                   system - bbs.bbshub.net
Added Node 2/111 - Leisure Time BBS (USA) Welcome to Robert Riddell who
                   joins fsxNet based in New Baden, IL, USA. Robert is
                   running a Mystic BBS system powered by Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
                   and can be reached via bbs.riddells.net:10023
Added Node 2/110 - iNK tWO BBS (USA) Welcome to Lawrence Manuel aka Smooth
                   who joins us from Covina, CA, USA. Ink Two BBS is running
                   Mystic BBS on a Windows 10 32bit system. You'll find 
                   the BBS online at bbs.inktwo.com or on the web at
Added Node 2/102 - Phoenyx Rising BBS (USA) Welcome to Allen Snodgrass who
                   joins us from Tallahassee in FL, USA. Allen is running a
                   64 bit Mystic system on Windows 10 x64. Welcome to the 
                   network Allen it's lovely to have you as part of our
                   community :)
Added Node 2/109  - ENCOM BBS (USA) - welcome to new sysop Ron Lackey aka
                    Flynn. Flynn is based in Hunstville, Alabama USA and is
                    using a windows Mystic system running on VMware hosting
                    Windows 7. Welcome to fsxNet Flynn. Watch out for 
                    Master Control!
Removed Node 2/102 - Laser BBS (GBR) - Tony has advised he is closing his
                     two BBS down. All the best Tony!
Removed Node 1/188 - Friends BBS (GBR) 
Updated Node 1/123 - The Void BBS (USA) was marked as 'Down' but Mitch aka
                     Terra-X is back - yay! So the node is now active
                     again. Welcome back to the BBS scene Terra-X :)
Updated Node 1/186 - Castle Rock BBS (USA) is now using castlerockbbs.com
                     as it's system address for telnet/binkp connects.
Added Node 2/108 - UnderZaNet BBS (GBR) A warm welcome to Jan Henkins aka
                   Dotslash. Dotslash is based in Warlingham, England and at
                   one stage used to run a BBS based on Citadel. Dotslash is
                   happy to repurpose an old PRi gathering dust in to a new
                   BBS powered by Mystic and is having fun discovering 
                   BBSing in 2017. Welcome back!
Added Node 2/107 - Lostfiles Ideas BBS (USA) Welcome to James Fish to fsxNet
                   James is based in Plymouth, MA, USA and is running a 
                   Mystic BBS powered by Debian. His BBS address is
                   lostfilesideas.ddns.net:6400  Great to have you as a 
                   member of the network James :)
Added Node 2/106 - Back To The Roots BBS (CHE) It's a warm welcome to our
                   first node that's checking in from Geneva, Switzerland.
                   Fabian Lucchi is going back to his BBS roots and setting
                   up a Mystic system running under MacOS. Welcome to the
                   network Fabian! I hope you have a lot of fun with your
                   BBS adventures :) To connect to Fabian's system head to
Added Node 2/105 - Another F-ing BBS (USA). Welcome to sysop Gary Crunk who
                   hails from Maricopa, Arizona USA. Gary is running a Mystic
                   BBS using Ubuntu MATE on a Raspberry Pi 3. The address to
                   reach his system is anotherbbs.bbsindex.com
Added Node 2/104 - Gryphus BBS (AUS). Welcome to returning sysop Stephen
                   Arnold. Many years ago he run a BBS using Maximus software
                   called Phoenix. Now he's back after an extended vacation 
                   running Mystic on a Raspberry Pi :)
                   Telnet to gryphus.homelinux.org:5632
Comment -          These lines contains no useful information at all but I 
                   figured I would just write something 'just because'. Still
                   feeling guttered they killed off Han Solo. My wife says
                   "move on Paul" :) Perhaps this is a way of working through
                   the grief! Ha! 
                   Kids keep saying to me "Dad, what's 9+10?" Then they say 
                   "21" ... and I say, "no it's 19" and they laugh :) I think
                   I will always correct them (insert OCD applause here :))
                   and they know I will always be be an easy target for them
                   when they trott out that maths question - sigh :)                   
Added Node 2/103 - Resistance Pride BBS (USA). Welcome to returning sysop
                   Kevin Sonney aka The Alchemist who is based in Pittsboro
                   NC, USA. Kevin is setting up a Linux powered Mystic BBSing
                   and is back on the BBSing scene after first being active 
                   in the 1990's. Welcome back Kevin and welcome to fsxNet :)
                   Telent to resistancepride.sytes.net
## Happy New Year - Best wishes for 2017 and your BBSing adventures ahead ##
Created - NET 2 -  The start of a creating new access points for fsxNet
                   traffic. New nodes to the network will be added to NET 2
                   which is now served by a new HUB at 21:2/100
Created - HUB 2 -  The Tholian HUB has been established at 21:2/100.
                   This new HUB will serve nodes in NET 2. Big thanks to 
                   Solaris at Error 404 for establishing this new Mystic
                   powered system :)  The HUB can be found at
Updated - fsxNet Nodelist 
I've made some changes to the nodelist that reflect the addition of the new
NET and HUB. Instead of creating new 'Regions' I have opted to stick with one
for now (Region 21 - was Region 1).
I have also revised things and now assigned 'Host' notation to the what are
now NET 1 and 2. They fly the 21:1/0 and 21:2/0 AKA's held by each net
coordinator. HUB addresseing remains as 21:xx/100 and HUBs send/recieve 
all traffic with CRASH priority between them as echomail etc. is generated
around fsxNet. So HUBs fly at /0 and /100 AKA's for their respective NETs.
Also changed is the flag notation used against each node in the nodelist.
I have tried to ensure flags used are current and comply with the Fidonet
Technical Standards Committee document FTSC-5001. Copies of this document
are available from http://www.ftsc.org/docs/ if you are interested :)
Further, the epiloge in the nodelist has been paired right back to remove the
unwanted and/or non-relevant nodelist flags. A brief nod to the URL mentioned
above remains for interested sysops etc. if they want more info.
Updated - HISTORY.TXT - notation tweaks.
I am working to keep this document as easy to read as I can and due to the
new NET (and more to come) I have made minor changes to layout and notation
of this file and will do so in the future. You'll see this in new nodes
being added, removed etc.
Added Node 2/102 - Laser BBS (UK). Tony Comandini has established a second
                   system. This one is runing BBBS under Debian 8. The address
                   is bbs.laserbbs.co.uk:2424
Added Node 2/101 - Ohm BBS (USA). Jon Justvig has opted to set up a Mystic
                   BBS using Linux on a Virtual Box. His system is the first
                   to use the new 2/100 HUB. Jon is operating his new system
                   using the same domain name but on Telnet port 2324.
Added - Node 196 - Dragon's Lair BBS (AUS) This is a Mystic BBS powered
                   system also run by Stephen. The BBS is based in 
                   Ballarat, Victoria. Dragon's Lair runs on Linux Centos
                   6.x  Welcome to fsxNet Stephen it's great to have you as
                   a member.
Added - Node 195 - Dragon's Claw HUB (AUS) Greetings to Stephen Walsh 
                   who joins fsxNet running a couple of systems. Node 195
                   is a HUB system he operates out of Melbourne, Victoria.
                   running MBSE it in turn feeds node 196 - his BBS.                 
Added - Node 194 - Johnny Five BBS (NZL). It's really nice to see another
                   New Zealand based BBS appear on the scene. Hello to 
                   sysop Jonathan Mundy who is based in Auckland and is 
                   running a Mystic system under windows.
                   His telnet address is catsbbs.hopto.org:2323 or you can
                   head to http://catsbbs.yolasite.com/ Welcome Jonathan :)
Added - Node 193 - Lunatic Fringe BBS (USA). Welcome to Chad Sharp aka
                   Dribble. Dribble is based in Vancouver, Wa, USA and is
                   running a Mystic BBS system under Windows 7 32bit.
                   Check out his system by visiting fringe.darktech.org
                   Welcome aboard Dribble!
Updated - Node 140 - Daves BBS (USA) is now using davesbbs.com as his telnet
Added - Node 140 - Daves BBS (USA). From Marbury, Alabama, USA we welcome 
                   returning sysop Dave Smith - Hi Dave :) Dave is setting up
                   a Raspberry Pi powered Mystic BBS and enjoying learning
                   about the joys of retro computing meets 2016 tech :)
                   His system can be reached at bbs.bamageekproductions.com
Updated - Node 190 - Amoeba BBS has moved to telnet port 24 the revised
                     address is amoeba.ohbah.com:24                   
Added - Node 138 - Electronic Warefare BBS (USA). It's a warm welcome to 
                   Nicholas Loch aka Fat Rastus who joins us from Vincennes,
                   IN, USA. Fat Rastus is running a Synchronet based system 
                   and is an avid (can I say that? :)) door game player.
                   Check out the BBS at bbs.ewbbs.net or visit the website
                   at http://ewbbs.net - Welcome to fsxNet Nicholas :)
Updated - Node 149 - Redmud Castle BBS (USA) is now running on Telnet port
Removed - Node 5 - Opted to delist this system as it will only ever talk with
                   /10 and does not need it's own node listing.
Updated - Node 10 - Now referred to as the Usenet Gateway. Allows fsxNet
                    nodes that want access to a bi-directional FTN<>NNTP
                    gateway for offering Usenet newsgroups on their BBS.
                    I know it's word semantics but I think it's better to
                    get the naming correct for the future. I want to avoid
                    confusion when using words like HUBs etc.
Added - Node 10  - fsxNet Usenet HUB has been established to service fsxNet
                   nodes that wish to access a bi-directional FTN<>NNTP
                   gateway for offering Usenet newsgroups. It's prede
Added - Node 5   - fsxNet Usenet Gateway. This is a private node with a sole
                   function of handling FTN<>NNTP between news.bbs.geek.nz
                   and 21:1/10                    
Removed - Node 140 Underland BBS (AUS) Apam has ceased using this system
                   and is opting to focus his efforts on his MagickaBBS
                   system at 21:1/125
Removed - Region 2 - Usenet
Removed - Node 100 - Usenet HUB
Removed - Node 101 - Agency BBS
I was experimenting with using region 2 as a means to distribute Usenet
newsgroups to nodes that want a bi-directional FTN<>NNTP gateway.
Using 21:2/xxx addresses have now been retired in favour of using 
21:1/xxx addresses. It makes it easier for all at present to run things
this way.
Added - Node 192 - A 90's Manila BBS (SGP) Welcome to sysop Michael Balcos
                   who joins us from Singapore! He's actually planning on
                   moving to Metro Manila, the Philippines next year and is
                   setting up a Mystic BBS running under Debian
                   8.0 Jessie for ARM (He's using an OLinuXino A10 Lime).
                   Welcome Michael - it's great to have you with us :) 
Added - Node 191 - Slasho.me BBS (USA) Welcome to Christopher Hall from
                   Pikeville, KY, USA. He's running a Mystic system under
                   Linux and is getting set up as I type. The telnet
                   address for Slasho.me BBS is simply slasho.me  :)
Added - Node 190 - Amoeba BBS (USA) it's a warm welcome to sysop Mike Dee
                   who hails from Phoneix, AZ, USA. Mike is new to BBSing
                   but is enjoying learning about our cool hobby and is in
                   the process of getting setup. He's running a Mystic BBS
                   under Windows XP. Head to amoeba.ohbah.com to say hi :)
Added - Node 111 - The ByteXchange BBS (USA). Sysop Chad Adams has setup
                   a Synchronet BBS running under Windows XP and node /111
                   has been reassigned to this system. The telnet address is
                   bbs.thebytexchange.com while you can check out the
                   web interface by heading to www.thebytexchange.com:81
Added - Node 189 - KernelError Networks BBS (USA) Welcome to Josepth Werle
                   who joins us from Belleville, IL, USA. Joseph is running
                   a Mystic BBS under Linux Centos 7.2 and is in the 
                   process of getting set up. His telnet address is
Updated - Node 125 - Changed BBS name to Serpent's Shrine BBS at the request
                   of Apam :)                  
Added - Node 188 - Friends BBS (UK). Hello to Tony Comandini who is our
                   second system based in London, England. He's setting up 
                   with a Linux powered Mystic BBS system running under 
                   Debian 8. Great to have you as part of fsxNet Tony :)
Updated - Node 122 - Necronomicon BBS has a new telnet address and port
                     nbbs.darktech.org:27 - the nodelist has been updated
                     along with the SYSTEMS.TXT file.
Updated - Node 125 - Voodoo_BBS has a new telnet address and port
                     andrew.homeunix.org:2024 also the BinkP mailer
                     for this BBS is on port 24556 - the nodelist has been
                     updated along with the SYSTEMS.TXT file.     
Added - Node 187 - Cosmik Debris BBS (USA) Joining fsxNet from Little Falls
                   NY, USA we're welcoming Andrew Pepper :) Andrew is a 
                   returning sysop from the early 90's (like a lot of us!)
                   and has fired up his Rasperry Pi with a Mystic BBS
                   You can find his system via at cosmikdebris.ddns.net:2323
Updated - FSXNET.TXT now contains a new section in the application form for
new members to provide their static ipv4 and/or ipv6 addresses (if they
have one) when signing up. This will allow their nodes to be whitelisted
at the fsxNet HUB and avoid any auto-banning that can take place from time
to time as frequent polling (4-5 times in 120 secs) of the HUB may cause.
Added - Node 186 - Castle Rock BBS (USA) Hello to Dan Richter (Black Panther)
                   who is based in Rio Rancho, NM, USA. Dan is running a
                   Synchronet system and reports he's also using a mix of
                   Internet Rex and BinkP daemon in his set-up. You can visit
                   Dan's set up at castlero.synchro.net  Great to have you
                   with us Dan :)
Added - Node 185 - Lightning BBS (USA) .. Kiora (that's Maori for hello) to 
                   Steve Helferich from Pleasant Grove, UT, USA. Steve is a
                   "a long time Sysop switching to Mystic" and he's run a 
                   number of systems including TriBBS, Wildcat 4, VBBS/VADV
                   and Wildcat 5 in the past. Welcome Steve. You can check
                   his system out at lightningbbs.com:2400
Added - Node 184 - Echo Base BBS (USA) He's back after three years lost in 
                   the digital wilderness - welcome to Jeff Jun. Jeff is 
                   using a Mystic system running under Windows 7 32 bit
                   and is in the process of getting set up. You can find his
                   system at telnet.echo-base-bbs.com
Added - Node 183 - Night Owl BBS (USA). Checking in from Capitola, California
                   we welcome to the NET Jon Bennett who is setting up his
                   Mystic system using a Win7 platform. It's a case of 
                   returning to BBS again afer a few years for Jon and we're
                   glad to see him back :) Look for his system at
Added - Node 182 - The Colossus (USA). Welcome to Jordan McGilvray based in
                   Provo, Utah who is running a Mystic system under Arch 
                   Linux. You can telnet to bbs.excalibursheath.com or check
                   his website at http://www.excalibursheath.com Great to 
                   have you with us Jordan :)
Added - Node 181 - Ninho do Abutre 2 BBS (BRA) It's a warm welcome to another
                   BBS based in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro). Welcome to sysop
                   Mauro Veiga who is running a Synchronet system under a 
                   Windows XP VM system. The address is abutre.no-ip.org:2323
                   or visit the website abutre.no-ip.org:8080
                   Nice to have you with us Mauro!
Added - Node 180 - Logon BBS (GER) Welcome to Oliver Bachmann who is in the
                   process of setting up his BBS. He's based in Karlsruhe,
                   Germany and is learning about BBS and how to set one up.
                   Look for some posts from him when he gets his system
                   configured. I think the plan is to try setting up Mystic
                   BBS. I've listed him as a private node for now until he
                   has a BinkP server up and running.
Removed - Node 111 - Mutiny BBS (NZL) Sadly James has had to pull the plug
                   on his BBS for now due to personal reasons. Perhaps 
                   sometime in the future he may return. Goodbye James
                   thanks for being part of the NET. :(
Added - Node 179 - Cryptogenic Radix BBS (NZL) - This is a Raspberry Pi
                   system Avon is using for Mystic BBS testing. 
Added - Node 178 - Internal Dimension BBS (CAN). From Ontario, Canada it's a
                   warm welcome to Dave Vandermeer aka Night Stalker. 
                   Dave has set up with a Mystic system running
                   on the ever so popular Raspberry Pi. Great to have you
                   part of the NET Night Stalker :) Nice to see another
                   system setting up in Canada.
Update - Node 110 - The Rusty Mailbox (CAN) has been marked 'Down' for now
                    in the nodellist. It's been some weeks since we have
                    heard from Al and to be honest I (Avon) worry if he's
                    OK / what has happened? He's also MIA on Othernets too.
Update - Node 102 - Error 404 BBS (USA) has moved to Telnet port 404
                    (was using port 23)
Update - Node 161 - The Search BBS (USA) has moved to Telnet port 34123
                    (was using port 23)
Added - Node 177 - Dali's Cat BBS (USA) Welcome to Ismar Hasanbegovic aka
                   Lobo. Based in Chicago Dali's Cat is running on a 
                   Windows 10 system using Synchronet BBS. You can telnet
                   in via daliscat.synchro.net or check the website at
                   spitoufs.com - welcome Lobo :)
Added - Node 998 - Reserved for a Raspberry Pi demo system Avon is creating.
Added - Node 176 - Radio Freqs and Geeks BBS (USA) is the BBS of returning
                   sysop Rich Lawerence aka MobbyG. Welcome back to the
                   BBS scene Rich and great to have you as part of fsxNet :)
                   Rich is setting up using Mystic BBS running under Ubuntu
                   He's based in East Greenbush, NY, USA.
Update - Node 162 - Razors Domain BBS (USA) updated telnet port to use
                    port 31415
Update - Node 123 - The Void BBS (USA) is down for a week or so due to 
                    hardware failure. Terra-X will return :)
Added - Node 175 - Capitol City Online (USA) It's a warm welcome to 
                   another Mike :) This time we're saying Hi to Mike Powell
                   based in Frankfort, KY, USA. Mike is running GT Power
                   as his BBS software of choice. Welcome to fsxNet Mike :)
Added - Node 174 - The Zone BBS (USA) Welcome to returning sysop Mike
                   Warnock aka Zarnock. Mike is based in Lorain, Ohio
                   and is setting up a Mystic BBS system running under
                   Windows 10 32bit. His system address is zonebbs.net
                   if you want to telnet in. There is currently no website.
                   Welcome back Mike, nice to have you as a member of
                   fsxNet :)
Added - Node 173 - Added Sinclair Retro BBS (ITA) to the Usenet HUB
                   as 21:2/173 and now feeding a variety of retro computing
                   newsgroups to Outsoft.
Removed - GOODIP.TXT - I can see how this is going to get out of date quite
                    quickly for systems that are using a dynamic IP address.
                    I think for now I am going to remove the list from the
                    infopack. I think it's a good idea but I need to think 
                    through how to best implement it in a way that ensures 
                    it's current. I just don't have the time to maintain it
Added - Node 173 -  Sinclair Retro BBS (ITA) Welcome to Simone_Voltolini
                    aka Outsoft to the NET. Great to see another BBS based
                    in Italy joining. Avon is helping to get him set up :)
Changed - Node 149 - Redmud Castle BBS (USA) Updated Binkp and Telnet ports
                     for this BBS.
Changed - Node 138 - The Cell Block BBS (CAN) Blair has advised his system is
                     down for now. I have marked him as Down in the nodelist.
Created - GOODIP.TXT - this is a file that contains a list of known IP
addresses built from a recent fsxNet nodelist. It was created by sysop
Brian Wallace (bcw142) of Mystic Pi BBS. This list is subject to change
as the nodelist is updated etc. Your milage may vary. The list may / may not
stay in the infopack forever but let's see how we go ;)
Changed - NEWS.TXT - this is a news file that carrys info about
changes to fsxNet. It is used by the fsxnet MPL script written by Xqtr.
The contents of this file are displayed to users who login to a member BBS
that run the script. The NEWS.TXT file is updated most weeks before the 
latest fsxNet infopack is hatched out.
Changed - Node 149 - Changed name of Redmud System BBS to Redmud Castle BBS
                     in the nodelist at the request of the sysop (David)
Added - Node 172 -  Pattycake Mafia BBS (USA). 20 years ago Petar Smilajkov
                    ran an Elle/Ra VVS but now in 2016 he's back with a 
                    Mystic system running under Ubuntu 14.04 64bit and 
                    having fun. Welcome Petar it's great to have you in 
                    the bbs scene again. You can reach his system via
Added - Node 171 -  Phaseshift BBS (CAN). Checking in to fsxNet from 
                    Vancouver in BC Canada it's a warm welcome to 
                    Kevin Pausche aka Grud :) Kevin is new to Mystic
                    and is setting up a system running under a Raspberry Pi.
Added - Node 170 -  Weather Station BBS (USA). This is an additional node 
                    for Mark Hofmann who is running a Mystic BBS as well
                    as his HUB and WWIV systems.
Added - Node 169 -  Sinners Haven BBS (USA). Weclome to Karl Kunc from
                    Dothan, Alabama in the USA. Karl is running a Mystic
                    BBS system under Windows. His BBS telnet address is
Changed - Node 129 - SpaceSST BBS (CAN) Luc has advised he is back up
                     His node is no longer marked as 'Down' and he'sadly
                     again connected to fsxNet. Welcome back :)
Renamed - FSX_ART to FSX_ARTS - ANSI Art - Groups, Individuals etc.
Renamed - FSX_BBS to FSX_SOFT - BBS Software (Current + Legacy)
Two of the file bases have been renamed to accomodate a new standardised 
naming convention I am applying to fsxNet.
All message echoareas will use a FSX_XXX convention while all file bases
carried by the NET will use a FSX_XXXX style of tag.
The thinking here is to make it simple to spot a file base tag from a
echoarea/ message base tags. I also wanted to pull some current FSX_XXX
tags off their currently assigned file bases should we end up using them
for echoareas in the future.
So - if you are carrying one (or both) of the following file areas can you
please ammend the EchoTag for each in your BBS setup as follows.
No files will be hatched to these areas until Saturday 17 September (NZST)
this gives folks a week (at minimum) to update their tags / settings. 
Created - FSX_CRY - Cryptographic discussion and experimentation.
                    Public key sharing, encoded messages, testing etc.
                    is welcome here. 
An area of interest for some members of the NET. This is a place to
further this type of discussion and experimentation. 
Created - NEWS.TXT - this is a news file that will carry info about
changes to fsxNet and is intended for future use as part of another
project that's underway. Details to come when there is more to share.                   
Updated - Node 159 - Change of DNS record to bbs.digitalgatehouse.com
Added - Node 168 - The Egregore BBS (USA). A big hello and welcome to another
                   sysop setting up with Mystic and using Ubuntu Linux.
                   Luke Galutia (Betzelel) is based in Oklhoma City in the
                   USA. He is just working out how to configure his system
                   and get hooked up to this NET. Please make him welcome and
                   dazzle him also with your BBS helpfulness :)
Added - Node 167 - SilentShard BBS (NZL) Welcome to returning New Zealand
                   SysOp Nick Trevena (ThatGuy). Nick is setting up a
                   Mystic BBS under Ubuntu Linux and is going to show his son
                   how cool this retro hobby can be :) Welcome back to the
                   BBS scene Nick :)
Two new echoarea have been added to fsxNet. All nodes have been connected to
them by default but feel free to delink if you don't want this traffic.
The infopack has been updated with new echoarea details.
Created - FSX_MYS - Mystic BBS discussions, support and development.
Created - FSX_BOT - The first choice for non-human roBOT output. 
              May contain BBS and NET ads, stats reports, telemetry reports,
              traces of nuts etc. Set your BOT free in this area :)
Removed - FSX_NETS - BBS Networks, Infopacks, Nodelists file base.
Renamed - FSX_NODE - Weekly Nodelists (fsxNet, etc.)
Renamed - FSX_INFO - Weekly Infopacks (fsxNet, etc.)
I am starting to cut down and rationalise some of the file areas on the NET.
Contents posted to this area will be migrated to FSX_INFO and FSX_NODE so that
both of those file bases carry not just fsxNet infopacks and nodelists but
also the equivalent files for other NETs. I figure this is a smarter way to
use the file bases. And I really want to support other NETs.
The added upside of this is that if you are using Mystic to import nodelists
for a [MergeNodelists] MUTIL activity then you can start to point all of your
nodefile=\path\to\nodelist statements to the same file base :)
Update - Usenet Newsgroups
I'm experimenting with using net 2 as a means to distribute Usenet
newsgroups to nodes that want a bi-directional FTN<>NNTP gateway.
Using 21:2/xxx addresses may be the way to do this. Have addded some new
nodes to help with testing that will start soon. Still a work in progress.
Added - Node 110 - Rusty Mailbox BBS
Added - Node 122 - Necronomicon BBS
Added - Node 165 - Miskatonic BBS
Added - Node - 166 - Datanet BBS (AUS) Welcome from Melbourne, Australia to
                     Steve Ellis aka rEApz :) rEApZ is running a Mystic BBS
                     under Debian Linux and is returning to the BBS scene.
                     He was last active in the 90's and is now mucking around
                     (his words) with echomail etc. and having fun.
                     Welcome rEApZ, nice to have you in the NET + bolstering
                     the Australian membership. I think the Aussies have 
                     caught up with the Kiwis now :)
Changed - Node 129 - SpaceSST BBS (CAN) Luc has advised he has major hardware
                     problems and has no time at present to rebuild his system
                     nor will not invest money in hardware to fix it.
                     So I have marked his system as DOWN for now and made his
                     node inactive. Let's see if he returns or not?
Revised - file_id.diz
I am having some issues processing infopack hatching when I include the
ASCII artwork kindly donated by RiPuk. Until I nail down the niggles I've 
reverted to the older file_id.diz for ASCII but have included the .ans
version also should systems choose to use it.
Added - Node 165 - Miskatonic BBS (ITA). As I write this Italy has just been
                   hit by a magnitude 6.2 earthquake. I was deeply worried for
                   our newest member - Antonio Capone who is the first from 
                   that amazing country to join the NET. I'm glad to report
                   he's OK. Phew. Antonio is based in Grosseto and using a 
                   Mystic BBS system on a Raspberry Pi. He's very keen on 
                   retro stuff and we're very happy to have him as part of the
                   community - welcome :)
Added - Node 164 - Beyond Systems BBS (SWE). Based in Gavle we welcome
                   Mattias Larsson to fsxNet :) Mattias is running a Mystic
                   BBS powered by Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and is the third node to
                   join that is based in Sweden.
Added - Node 163 - Dreamland BBS (USA) from North Hollywood it's a warm 
                   welcome to Tony Master aka Dream Master. DM runs DoreNet
                   and is a Mystic BBS user from way back. He's also a MPL
                   programmer who has created a number of cool mods etc.
                   Welcome DM, nice to have you with us - watch out for 
                   the mod requests coming your way :)
Changed - Node 140 - HappyLand BBS is no more, replaced by Underland BBS 
                     Andrew sadly had a HDD crash and lost his system so
                     this is a new replacement BBS using the same node
Updated - file_id.diz
The fsxnet.zip infopack has been updated to include new ANSI and ASCII
artwork for the file_id.diz description file that ships inside the pack.
The artwork has been kindly donated by RiPuk of force9 BBS in London and 
slightly modfifed by Avon since. Thanks RiPuk for the artwork :)           
Added - Node 162 - Razor's Domain BBS (USA) - He's back.. Hi and welcome to
                   Kevin Nunn who ran many versions of his BBS back in the 
                   90's. Now time poor (like us all ) he's giving Mystic a
                   crack to avoid messing with Allfix  + FastEcho + BinkD etc
                   Welcome back Kevin - feel free to ask lots of questions :)                   
Added - Node 161 - The Search BBS (USA) - Hello and welcome to Karl Harris
                   who joins the NET with a Mystic system set up and running
                   using a Raspberry Pi. Have fun Karl and thanks for taking
                   the time to join fsxNet :)
Added - Node 160 - SLiME CiTY BBS (SWE)- Welcome to David Jacoby aka m00p
                   who is running a Mystic system under Windows. David is
                   based in Ahus in Sweden. Great to have you with us
                   m00p :)
Added - Node 159 - The GateHouse BBS (CAN) - Welcome to John Riley who is 
                   setting up a Mystic system using a Raspberry Pi and is
                   based in Ontario, Canada. Great to have you as part of
                   the NET John - welcome :)
Added - Node 158 - Starlight BBS (NLD) - Welcome to Lars van Dijk who is
                   setting up a Mystic system running under Linux.
Added - Node 157 - Shadowscope BBS (USA) - Welcome to Richard Miles from
                   Temple, Georgia, USA. Running a Mystic system and just
                   getting set up in a move from Synchronet. 
Created - systems.txt
This is a BBS list that was the brainchild of Solaris of Error404 BBS. It's
curated by him and updated as time permits. It lists systems that carry fsxNet
and is based on recent nodelists. You will find this file in the infopack.
Thanks Solaris                    
Added - Node 156 - Oxford Mills Remote BBS (CAN) - A warm welcome to
                   Mike/Mick Manning who joins fsxNet from Campbellford
                   in Canada. That's six members based in Canada now.
Created - FSX_NETS - BBS Networks, Infopacks, Nodelists
                     This file base is to support other BBS Networks and
                     aims to carry their latest infomation packs etc.
                     I wonder who will spot this change first? :)
Removed - FSX_MYS - The Mystic BBS discussions and support echo area has been
                    retired for now as the author (g00r00) has announced he
                    is taking a break for several months. Rather than have an
                    echoarea with lower levels of traffic we have migrated
                    all posts back in to the FSX_GEN echoarea for now.
Added - Node 155 - Gerlach BBS (SVK) - Welcome to Dominik Madarasz who is
                   based in Zvolen, Slovakia. It's great to have you as as a
                   member of fsxNet :)
Added - Node 154 - Stepping Stone BBS (USA) - Greetings to Jon Justvig
                   of Wichita, KS. it's nice to have you with us Jon :)
Added - Node 153 - Solar Pi BBS (USA) - Welcome aboard to Corey Reichle 
                   who hails from Buffalo, NY USA. Running a Raspberry Pi
                   and just getting in to Mystic BBSing.
Added - Node 152 - 2nd Choice Core (NZ) - Mystic system run by Sysop Ian
Created - FSX_MYS - A new echoarea with a focus on Mystic BBS discussions
                    and support.
Added - Node 151 - Solar BBS (USA) - Welcome to Dave Holtzman :)
Added - Node 150 - Southend BBS (Denmark) - Welcome to returning sysop
                   Lars Wiberg who is based in the city of Frederikshavn :)
Created - history.txt
This is a new file that ships within the fsxNet infopack. This contains a 
full record of the changelog. Only the most recent 10 changelog records will
remain within the nodelist to help keep nodelist file size down.
Created - FSXNET1.ANS
Added to the infopack. This is ANSI art that can be used to promote fsxNet.
It's been kindly donated by David Stephens aka RiPuk - thanks 
Added - Node 149 - reDMud System BBS (USA) - Big hellow and welcome to 
                                            David Snyder :)
Added - Node 148 - International LiveWire BBS (USA) - Welcome to Allen Prunty
Added - Node 147 - MPrah BBS (USA) - Welcome to Michael Prah who joins the
                                     NET :)
Created - File Base - FSX_ART  - ANSI Art - Groups, Individuals etc.
Added - Node 126 - Twinke BBS (USA) - Christopher is back but as a private
                                      node. Good to see you return Pequito :)
Added - Node 146 - Saturn’s Orbit BBS (BRA) - Welcome to Flavio Bessa who 
                   is the first node to connect to fsxNet from South America
                   and is based in a city about to host the summer Olympics 
Added - Node 145 - Mystic Pi BBS (USA) - Welcome Brian Wallace it's great to
                                         have you with us :)
Created - File Base - FSX_DOOR  - BBS Doors, Games etc.
Added - Node 144 - Aloryn Avalon BBS (USA) - Welcome to Joshua Cain who is
                                      setting up his first Mystic system :) 
Added - Node 143 - Bridge BBS (AUS) - Tony Langdon has a new Mystic system
                                      now running fulltime.
Down  - Node 126 - Twinkle BBS - Christopher is offline for a time but will 
                                 hopefully return when he's able to.                                   
Added - Node 142 - SmokyThing BBS (USA) - Welcome to Shannon Kuchler :)
Added - Region 2 - Usenet
Added - Node 100 - Usenet HUB
Added - Node 101 - Agency BBS
I'm experimenting with using region 2 as a means to distribute Usenet
newsgroups to nodes that want a bi-directional FTN<>NNTP gateway.
Using 21:2/xxx addresses may be the way to do this. It's a WIP.
Removed - File Base - FSX_MGKA - Magicka BBS Software, Utils etc.  
Created - File Base - FSX_BBS  - BBS Software
MagickaBBS is not under active development, so have removed this file base
and merged files from FSX_MGKA in to FSX_BBS this base will carry BBS
software other than Mystic BBS
Added - Node 141 - Pie33 BBS (NLD) - Welcome to Moises Aranas our first node
                   that is based in the Netherlands :)       
Added - Node 140 - HappyLand BBS (AUS) - Gidday to Andrew Pamment setting up
                   an Enigma 1/2 BBS
Added - Node 139 - Satellite of Madness BBS (USA) - Hi to Matthew Blocker
Added - Node 138 - The Cell Block BBS (CAN) - Gidday to Blair Lovell
Added - Node 137 - Nitemare Cafe BBS (USA) - Welcome to Rod Barnhart
Added - Node 136 - force9 BBS (GBR) - Welcome to David Stephens our first
                   node that is based in the UK :)
Added - Node 134 - Mystic Prison Board (USA) - Welcome to Ruben Figueroa
Added - Node 135 - Return to The Lair of the Wolverine (USA) welcome to
                   Kevin 'Patch" Taylor
Added - Node 133 - Parity BBS (Canada) - Welcome to Ian McLaughlin
Removed - 'Advertisment' housekeeping entry as it's been a non-event
          thus far.
"* Please limit the frequency of advertising messages for BBS and Othernets
that you post to FSX_GEN to 2-3 times a month. Members are interested to 
hear about other BBS and/or Othernets - just not every second day :) "
>> Further history to be added as time permits <<
Updated - fsxNet now using Zone 21 due to a clash with another Othernet :)
Added - Node 102 - Error 404 BBS (USA) - Welcome Todd Zieman
Added - Node 101 - Agency BBS (NZ)
Added - Node 100 - fsxNet HUB (NZ) - fsxNet is born using Zone 18
fsxnet/history.txt · Last modified: 17/01/2025 10:50 by