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fsxNet Echomail Areas


This page contains a summary of the current fsxNet echomail areas along with changes made over time.

fsxNet contains a number of Echomail message areas that you can configure your BBS to take part in.

Think of Echomail as public message bases, often focused on a particular topic(s), shared between between fsxNet member BBS.

:!: 9 Feb 2025 - There will soon be changes to the active echomail areas listed below with some being retired / merged. Check discussions in FSX_NET admin echomail area for more… once changes are confirmed an update will be posted here as well.

Current Areas

Echoarea Description
FSX_TSTTest messages and other experimentation is welcome here! Messages using the subject of ‘Test’ should receive an automated response from a roBOT. Humans can also appear magically with reports too.
FSX_GENA general discussion echoarea covering many topics.
FSX_MYSMystic BBS discussions, support and development.
FSX_MAGTalisman BBS + Magicka BBS discussions, support and development.
FSX_BBSBBS software, development and support.
FSX_ENGENiGMA 1/2 BBS discussions, support and development.
FSX_HAMAmateur Radio discussions. Covers all aspects of HAM radio including DX, HF, VHF/UHF, various digital modes etc.
FSX_CRYCryptographic discussion and experimentation. Public key sharing, encoded messages, testing etc. is welcome here.
FSX_NETDiscussions about fsxNet. Administrative news and other network operations announcements (new nodes etc.) are posted here. This is also the best place to discuss ideas and plans for fsxNet and how to best implement them.
FSX_GAMINGAnything gaming related is on-topic here. From electronic to board games, action, adventure and role-playing, to simulations, strategy, sports and puzzles. This forum covers everything gaming related including MUDs, first-person shooters, real-time strategy, massively multiplayer online games, console wars, hints, tips and tricks and more.
FSX_SPACEIf it’s space or astronomy related you’ve come to the right place. Topics include space industry activities (SpaceX, NASA, Blue Origin, Rocket Labs etc.) discussions about satellites,interplanetary missions, SETI efforts, the science of space travel and more.
FSX_RETRORetro computing and any old tech discussions. From early computer hardware and software, calculators, watches and more. If you have collected it, use it, need it fixed tell us about it here.
FSX_VIDEOWatched a good movie? Seen an awesome TV show? Found a cool series on Disney+, Netflix etc? If it’s something you’ve seen or wish you could, or you just want to tell others to check it out - share your thoughts here. Reviews are welcome. Please preface posts containing spoilers with [spoilers] or [sp] in your subject heading.
FSX_MUSICThis forum covers anything to do with music. From the instruments performers play to the artists and bands they play in. All formats, genres and eras are welcome.
FSX_LFELifestyle - There's lots of ways to enjoy life! This echo covers many different lifestyle topics including (but not limited to) Gardening, DIY, Art, Reading, Food, Travel, Transport, Sports, Pets, Health & Fitness etc. Dive in, lets chat :)
FSX_ADSBBS and NETwork Ads. Run a BBS you want to tell the world about? Use a roBOT or manually post your BBS ASCII / ANSI ads here. Please don’t post the same thing more than once a week (7 days). Let’s keep it ‘minty fresh’ - too much of the same thing usually ends in a diet :)
FSX_BOTWe welcome non-human roBOT output here. Gated or original content (e.g. weather, telemetry, entertainment etc.) lives here. BBS ads (FSX_ADS) , echomail stats (FSX_STA) or file announcements (FSX_FIL) live elsewhere.
FSX_STAEchomail + Network Stats. The echoarea for roBOT posts about echomail area stats, BBS mailer traffic and gateway activity. FTN network stats / reports are also posted here. Some people read them cover to cover while others like horoscopes better :)
FSX_FILFile Announcements. I like files, you like files, we all like files! This echoarea contains roBOT posts covering files received by fsxNet member BBS or files hatched from fsxNet HUBS to the wider community.
FSX_DATInterBBS Data. An echomail area used by software such as InterBBS Oneliner or Double-Up (both by Darryl Perry) to send inter-BBS data between nodes in fsxNet. In most cases the data is not readable or of interest to human eyes. Sysops may wish to hide this echo from BBS users.


This section details the changes made to available echomail areas in fsxNet over time.

You can always look at updates posted in FSX_NET the fsxNet Network Ops/Planning echomail area for more details, it also pays to keep an eye on history.txt

May 10 2023

A number of fsxNet echomail areas were retired on 10 May 2023.

FSX_ESP              Espanol General Chat
FSX_DIY              D.I.Y Chat, Tips + Tricks
FSX_FOOD             Food + Cooking Chat
FSX_GARDENING        Gardening Chat
FSX_ARTS             Arts + Artistic Chat 
FSX_TRANSPORT        Transportation Chat (All Modes)
FSX_SPORTS           Sports Chat

Replacing them a single new Lifestyle echo FSX_LFE was created. Here are the details copied from fsxnet.txt

FSX_LFE   Lifestyle - There's lots of ways to enjoy life! This echo covers
          many different lifestyle topics including (but not limited to) 
          Gardening, DIY, Art, Food, Travel, Transport, Sports, Pets,
          Health & Fitness etc. Dive in, lets chat :)

25 May 2021

Added several new echomail areas to fsxNet today!

FSX_GAMING           Games/Gaming Chat
FSX_SPACE            Space/Astronomy Chat
FSX_SPORTS           Sports Chat
FSX_RETRO            Retro Computing/Tech Chat
FSX_TRANSPORT        Transportation Chat (All Modes)
FSX_VIDEO            Movies/TV/Streaming Chat
FSX_MUSIC            Music Chat (Artists,Songs Etc)
FSX_DIY              D.I.Y Chat, Tips + Tricks
FSX_FOOD             Food + Cooking Chat
FSX_GARDENING        Gardening Chat
FSX_ARTS             Arts + Artistic Chat 

13 Nov 2020

Changed description for FSX_MAG echomail area to:

FSX_MAG - Talisman BBS + Magicka BBS discussions, support and development.

26 Oct 2020

New echomail areas have been created:

Created FSX_TST  Test messages and other experimentation is welcome here! 
                 Messages using the subject of 'Test' *should* receive an
                 automated response from a roBOT. Humans can also appear 
                 magically with reports too. Your mileage may vary. Offer
                 is not available at Vanda Station.
Created FSX_ADS  BBS and NETwork Ads. Run a BBS you want to tell the world
                 about? Use a roBOT or manually post your BBS ASCII / ANSI
                 ads here. Please don't post the same thing more than once a
                 week (7 days). Let's keep it 'minty fresh' - too much of the
                 same thing usually ends in a diet :)                   

Created FSX_STA  Echomail + Network Stats. The echoarea for roBOT posts 
                 about echomail area stats, BBS mailer traffic and gateway
                 activity. FTN network stats / reports are also posted here.
                 Some people read them cover to cover while others like
                 horoscopes better :)
Created FSX_FIL  File Announcements. I like files, you like files, we all
                 like files! This echoarea contains roBOT posts covering files
                 received by fsxNet member BBS or files hatched from fsxNet
                 HUBS to the wider community.

With the creation of the new echoareas there have been some tweaks to the descriptions and usage of existing echomail areas. Please note the following updated info for these echos:

FSX_BOT - We welcome non-human roBOT output here. Gated or original content
          (e.g. weather, telemetry, entertainment etc.) lives here. BBS ads
          (FSX_ADS) , echomail stats (FSX_STA) or file announcements (FSX_FIL)
          live elsewhere.

FSX_GEN - A general discussion echoarea covering many topics. 

16 Oct 2020

Re-created a new echomail area:

FSX_ESP - Español General Chat. This echoarea offers a place for Spanish
          language conversations. Like FSX_GEN it is a general discussion
          echoarea covering many topics. Test messages and other
          experimentation is welcome.
          Este echoarea ofrece un lugar para conversaciones en español.
          Al igual que FSX_GEN, es una discusión general que abarca muchos
          temas. Mensajes de prueba y otros experimentos son bienvenidos.

3 Dec 2019

Created a new echomail area:

Created FSX_NET - fsxNet is now just over 4 years old. This echoarea has been
                  created as a space for discussions about the network, its 
                  current operations, plans for the future and how best to 
                  implement them. Suggested topics include decentralization,
                  collaboration, promotion, membership, encrypted connectivity
                  mesh networking, new protocol development + implementation

5 Oct 2019

The following echomail areas have been retired and any BBS linked to these echos have been delinked at their respective fsxNet HUBs. You may wish to remove these message bases from your BBS.

FSX_PKT - Packet Radio (AX.25 Gateway). This was a read-only echo fed by a 
          gateway operated by LU9DCE. His system has closed down and the 
          echo has been shuttered.
FSX_ESP - Español General Chat. This echoarea was for Spanish language
          conversations. It was largely spun up to help nodes setting up
          in NET 5 (ARG) but did not come to much. Now NET 5 has closed
          with LU9DCE closing down this echo has been shuttered for now.

24 June 2019

Created three new echomail areas:

FSX_HAM - Amateur Radio discussions. Covers all aspects of HAM radio
          including DX, HF, VHF/UHF, various digital modes etc.
FSX_PKT - Packet Radio (AX.25 Gateway). This is a *read-only* echoarea that
          carries gated international AX.25 packet radio bulletins from
          the amateur radio scene. These messages may be of interest to 
          both amateur radio operator and the general public.
          The gateway is operated by LU9DCE
FSX_ESP - Español General Chat. This echoarea offers a place for Spanish
          language conversations. Like FSX_GEN it is a general discussion
          echoarea covering many topics. Test messages and other
          experimentation is welcome.
          Este echoarea ofrece un lugar para conversaciones en español.
          Al igual que FSX_GEN, es una discusión general que abarca muchos
          temas. Mensajes de prueba y otros experimentos son bienvenidos.

2 Mar 2019

Created a new echomail area:

Created FSX_ENG - ENiGMA 1/2 BBS is a modern BBS package with a nostalgic
                  flair. It runs anywhere Node.js runs (Linux, FreeBSD,
                  OpenBSD, OS X and Windows). This echoarea has been 
                  established as a space for ENiGMA 1/2 BBS discussions,
                  support and development.

18 Nov 2018

Created a new echomail area:

Created FSX_MAG - MagickaBBS is a Bulletin Board System (BBS) for Linux,
                  macOS, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenIndiana, DragonFlyBSD and
                  OpenBSD. This echoarea is a space for MagickaBBS support
                  and is experimentally gated to HappyNetX MNET network 
                  via 21:1/50

1 Feb 2018

Created a new echomail area:

Created FSX_DAT  InterBBS Data. An echomail area used by software such as
                 InterBBS Oneliner or Double-Up (both by Darryl Perry) to
                 send inter-BBS data between nodes in fsxNet. In most cases
                 the data is not readable or of interest to human eyes.
                 Sysops may wish to hide this echo from BBS users.
                 Human generated posts should *not* be made in this echoarea.  

13 Mar 2017

Created a new echomail area:

Created FSX_BBS -  BBS software development and support. This echoarea also 
                   hosts fsxNet Wiki (wiki.bbs.geek.nz) discussions and

10 Sep 2016

Create a new echomail area:

Created - FSX_CRY - Cryptographic discussion and experimentation.
                    Public key sharing, encoded messages, testing etc.
                    is welcome here. 

4 Sep 2016

Created new echomail areas:

Created - FSX_MYS - Mystic BBS discussions, support and development.
Created - FSX_BOT - The first choice for non-human roBOT output. 
              May contain BBS and NET ads, stats reports, telemetry reports,
              traces of nuts etc. Set your BOT free in this area :)

9 Aug 2016

Removed an echomail area:

Removed - FSX_MYS - The Mystic BBS discussions and support echo area has been
                    retired for now as the author (g00r00) has announced he
                    is taking a break for several months. Rather than have an
                    echoarea with lower levels of traffic we have migrated
                    all posts back in to the FSX_GEN echoarea for now.

30 Jul 2016

Created an echomail area:

Created - FSX_MYS - A new echoarea with a focus on Mystic BBS discussions
                    and support.

18 Nov 2015

Created an echomail area ( got to start somewhere ;-) )

 Created - FSX_GEN - General Chat + More..

Further updates and information about changes can be found in FSX_NET … the fsxNet Network Ops/Planning echomail area. It also pays to keep an eye on history.txt

fsxnet/echomail.txt · Last modified: 09/02/2025 03:27 by avon